
  • 网络Joint mediation;joint conciliation
  1. 然而血管再生又是一个复杂的过程,需要多种促血管再生因子和抗血管再生因子的共同参与和调解。

    However , angiogenesis is a complex process , including a complicated mechanism which is modulated by many pro-angiogenic factors and anti-angiogenic factors .

  2. 《行政复议法实施条例》和一些地方政府规章共同规范行政复议调解制度,规定了调解的适用范围、遵循原则、合法性审查、调解书的法律效力和执行等,这些规定仍有不足。

    The mediation system on administrative review is stipulated in the regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and some local government rules . The regulations provide the range of application , the principles , legality and legal force of mediation document , which are still inadequate .