
ɡònɡ tónɡ lì yì
  • common interests;mutual interest
  1. 中欧共同利益远大于分歧。

    China and Europe have far more common interests than differences .

  2. 安全应当依靠相互之间的信任和共同利益的联系。

    Security should be based on mutual trust and common interests .

  3. 这是第三世界的共同利益。

    This is in the common interest of the third world .

  4. 生态旅游符合共同利益,因为它从根本上改变了商业的经济动态模式。

    Ecotourism is the " common ground " because it fundamentally changes the economic dynamics of business .

  5. 这就是它们对群体共同利益的奉献,不仅是兵蚁,工蚁也会牺牲自己的生命来帮助打败敌人。

    Such is their devotion to the common good of the colony that not only soldier ants but also worker ants will sacrifice their lives to help defeat an enemy .

  6. 除了都想要一个更为公平的经济秩序以外,它们几乎没有什么共同利益了。

    They have few coinciding interests , except their striving for a more just economic order .

  7. 共筑更加紧密的中非命运共同体,符合中非人民共同利益。海不辞水,故能成其大。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,中非早已结成休戚与共的命运共同体。

    To quote a Chinese saying , " The ocean is vast because it rejects no rivers . " China , the world 's largest developing country , and Africa , the continent with the largest number of developing countries , have long formed a community with a shared future .

  8. 从经济全球化、国际劳工组织的不足以及发达国家和发展中国家在劳工问题上存在着共同利益三方面分析,指出劳工标准纳入WTO有其合理性;

    From these three aspects , which are the economic globalization , the disadvantage of ILO and the same benefit of developed countries and developing countries , we can see the fact that labor standard go into the area of WTO is reasonable .

  9. 在上海汽车工业4S跨文化管理框架的指导下,提出了基于共同利益的跨文化管理模式;

    Fourthly , it puts forward the cross-culture management model based on common interest under the guide of 4S cross-culture management framework of Shanghai auto industry ;

  10. eba的治理也应该进行改革,推出类似欧洲央行(ecb)的新执行董事会,以便更合理地代表和捍卫欧洲的共同利益。

    The governance of the EBA should also be amended , with a new executive board as exists at the ECB to properly represent and defend the common European interest .

  11. 中印在气候变化领域有着广泛的共同利益。

    China and India share broad common interest in climate change .

  12. 这两家公司为了他们的共同利益而合股。

    The two companys have enter into partnership for their mutual protection .

  13. 中美在亚太地区拥有广泛的共同利益。

    China and the US share broad common interests in the Asia-Pacific .

  14. 社会环境因素包括共同利益、社会环境影响等。

    Social environmental factors include joint interest , social environmental effect , etc.

  15. 全人类共同利益与中国的和平发展

    Common Interests of Mankind as A Whole and China 's Peaceful Development

  16. 可靠的用户身份是发现专门技术和共同利益的基础。

    Reliable user identity is the basis for expertise and community-of-interest discovery .

  17. 一个主要的共同利益是减少核武器。

    One major common interest is reducing nuclear arsenals .

  18. 我们应鼓励寻求共同利益。

    We should encourage a search for mutual interests .

  19. 中欧之间的共同利益没有减少,而是在不断加强;

    The shared interests between China and Europe are expanding rather than diminishing .

  20. 但对于我们的共同利益而言,建立新型良好关系势在必行。

    But a new and engaging relationship is imperative for our common good .

  21. 但是,这些同我们的共同利益相比,毕竟处于次要地位。

    But these differences are of secondary importance compared with our common interests .

  22. 个人利益和社会共同利益的这种既对立又统一的关系决定了道德于人类生活是绝对必要的。

    The opposition and unification determines the necessity of morality for human life .

  23. 同盟的共同利益和相互依赖是同盟稳定状态的根本决定因素。

    Common interests and interdependence are the decisive factors of alliance stable state .

  24. 协同的增长战略将国家利益与共同利益结合了起来。

    Co-ordinated growth strategies merged national with mutual interests .

  25. 这符合两国的共同利益。

    This serves the common interests of both countries .

  26. 认识共同利益是中美关系发展的关键&中美建交30周年回顾

    Recognition of Common Interests is the Key for the Development of Sino-American Relations

  27. 合伙企业指的是两个或两个以上的人为了共同利益而组成了的联合体。

    A partnership is an association of two or more persons for profit .

  28. 这对我们的共同利益是必要的。

    This is essential for our mutual benefit .

  29. 大多数时候,共同利益会让紧张维持在可控范围内。

    Most of the time , mutual interest has kept the tensions in check .

  30. 为您和他的共同利益著想一起创造美好的未来。

    To create win-win situation for better tomorrow .