
  • 网络interest relationship;Stake;Conflict of Interest;Benefit-based relationships
  1. 例如,我就没有苹果的股票,但却通过401(k)账户与苹果有间接的利益关系。

    I don 't own any Apple stock , for example , but I do have a stake indirectly through my 401 ( k ) account .

  2. 对任何在这些数据上有切实利益关系的人来说,宁可有大致正确的数据,也不愿有肯定错误的数据。

    For anyone with a real stake in these numbers , it is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong .

  3. 到了这个时候,我应该申明我的利益关系。

    I should , at this point , declare my interest .

  4. I的关系。L上的关系(?)知识管理系统中的利益关系分析

    An Analysis of the Relationship of Benefits in Knowledge-Based Management System

  5. 公司治理结构(Corporategovernance)是一套制度性安排,用以支配企业中有重大利益关系的团体&投资者(股东和债权人)、经理人员和职工之间的关系,并从这种联盟中实现经济利益。

    Corporate Governance is a set of institutional arrangement to control the relationship of investors ( including shareholders and creditors ), managers and workers , who are the group of vital interest importance to the enterprise , then also get economic interest form the union .

  6. 为了降低系统流量传输消耗,利用纳什议价博弈方法分析用户和ISP之间、ISP和其他ISP之间利益关系。

    In order to reduce the flow transmission consumption of the system , this strategy not only considers the benefit relationship among the ISPs but also the relationship between the ISP and users by using Nash bargaining game of Nash equilibrium .

  7. 以Williamson(1975)为代表的观点认为,内部资本市场仅存在于联合型大企业中(即M型组织结构),而近期的文献却把研究重心放在了母子公司的利益关系上。

    The representative viewpoints from Williamson , internal capital market only exists in the big business allying ( a M type framework of organization ), but the recent documents focus on the interest relationship between parent company and subsidiary company in internal capital market .

  8. 公司是一系列利益关系的连接体。

    Company is the connecting body of relationships among various entities .

  9. 会计准则国际发展的利益关系分析

    The International Development of Accounting Standards : the Interest Relationship Analysis

  10. 医患之间既有医疗关系又有了经济利益关系。

    Relationship between doctors and patients have both medical economic interests .

  11. 科学协调利益关系推动社会主义和谐社会建设

    Scientifically Coordinating Benefit Relations and Impelling Socialism Harmonious Society Construction

  12. 《资本论》与经济利益关系

    《 Das Kapital 》 and The Relationship of Economic Interests

  13. 随着社会发展,经济利益关系也不断演变,使得经济利益关系格局呈现出不同的状态。

    With the social development , economic interests are evolving .

  14. 贝索斯并不是唯一一个横跨多重利益关系的人。

    Mr Bezos is not the only one stretched across multiple interests .

  15. 经济利益关系的变革与结构调整实际上是一个一体化互动的过程。

    The interests relationship changes together with the structure transformation .

  16. 三是妥善处理各个有关方面的经济利益关系;

    Third , properly handle the relate parts ' economic interest relationship ;

  17. 市场经济条件下阶层分化和利益关系调节

    The Strata Differentiation and the Regulation of Interest Relations under Market Economy

  18. 组织结构、行政权力与利益关系

    Bureaucracy , Administrative Power and Relationship Based on Interests

  19. 论我国企业改革与经济利益关系

    The SOE Reform and the Sharing of Economic Interests

  20. 六是要处理好与企业员工的利益关系。

    Sixth , deals well with employees have interests .

  21. 道德问题,必然根源于人们生活中所体现出的利益关系之中。

    Moral issues originate from the interests relations among people in their life .

  22. 论边疆开发中的利益关系及其协调

    On the Relationships of Interests in Developing Border Areas

  23. 真实反映各种现实利益关系及其变化趋势;

    To truly reflect various kinds of realistic interests relations and its changing tendencies ;

  24. 物质利益关系是新时期社会矛盾产生的根本原因。

    Material interest in the new era of social contradictions is the root causes .

  25. 利益关系的调整与重塑

    Adjustment and Reinventing the Relationships of the Stakeholders

  26. 城乡结合部地区的制度安排、利益关系及调整

    On the institution arrangement and relationship of rights and interests of urban-rural fringe areas

  27. 结构调整与经济利益关系演变

    The Adjustment of the Economic Structure and the Change of the Economic Interests Relationship

  28. 但是,股东与公司的利益关系最为密切这一点毋庸置疑。

    But it is very sure that the closest relationship between shareholders and corporation .

  29. 社会转型期利益关系法律调整的实然性分析

    A Practical Analysis of Law Readjustment of Benefit Relationships in the Period of Social Transition

  30. 经济学的利益关系分析趋势;

    Interest relationship analysis trend of economics ;