
  • 网络informational capitalism;information capitalism
  1. 信息社会主义在技术形态、经济形态和政治管理方式上都有不同于工业社会主义的新特点,同时也和信息资本主义具有本质区别,尤其是展示了克服信息资本主义固有矛盾的社会前景。

    Informational socialism has new features different from industrial socialism in terms of technological form , economic form and political management . Meanwhile , it has fundamental differentiation from informational capitalism , presenting the social prospect that may overcome the contradictions existing in informational capitalism .

  2. 信息时代资本主义的社会秩序问题&读福山的《大分裂》

    On the Social Order under Capitalism in the Information era & A Review of The Great Disruption : Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order by Fukuyama ;

  3. 信息革命与资本主义世界经济第五次长周期

    Information Revolution and the Fifth Long Wave of Capitalist Economy