
  1. 科学协调利益关系推动社会主义和谐社会建设

    Scientifically Coordinating Benefit Relations and Impelling Socialism Harmonious Society Construction

  2. 解决问题、协调利益关系,是政策执行的本质所在。

    Policy implementation aims at solving problems and coordinating social Interest relations .

  3. 因此,协调利益关系是构建和谐社会的基础,我们要在协调和整合各种利益关系中构建和谐社会。

    Therefore , to coordinate interests is the basis of constructing a harmonious society .

  4. 构建和谐农村水电重在协调利益关系

    To Establish the Harmonious Rural Hydropower , Harmonizing Interest Relationships is the Most Important Thing

  5. 第三部分分析在构建社会主义和谐社会中如何协调利益关系。

    It tries to analyze the specific conditions based on the coordination of interests to build a socialist harmonious society .

  6. 协调利益关系,正确化解矛盾,构建社会主义和谐社会。

    Finally , we should adjust the relationship based on interest , solve contradictions correctly and construct a socialist harmonious society .

  7. 它体现了法律对利益的调控功能,是一种协调利益关系的制度性妥协机制;

    It reflects a function of law to regulate the interests behind specific behaviors and embodies a sort of efficiency as well as a kind of social justice .

  8. 构建和谐社会的利益均衡机制就是要主动调节利益分配格局和协调利益关系。

    To set up the balanced interest mechanism of a harmonious society is to adjust the pattern of interest distribution and to coordinate the interest relationship of parties .

  9. 道德是调节个人与社会或个人与集体相互关系的基本手段,协调利益关系是其基本功能。

    Morality , as the basic means of regulating mutual relationship between individual and society , individual and collectivities , the basic function of it is to coordinate the relationship of interests .

  10. 必须通过利益整合,协调利益关系,化解利益矛盾,保持和促进经济社会和谐稳定发展。

    Therefore , the interest conformity is the better way to balance all-round interest groups , to resolve interest contradictions and to keep and improve the economic development and harmonious social order .

  11. 坚持以人为本,区别对待,创新工作机制,协调利益关系,推进第一要务,是正确处理当前各种利益关系和人民内部矛盾的基本原则和思路。

    The basic principles and way of thinking contain taking people as basis , making a difference between them , initiating working mechanism , harmonizing beneficial relationship , pushing the first important affair .

  12. 为了协调利益关系,对同属一个业主的梯级电厂,可以聚合为一个报价单元,而建立水批发市场共同调节不同业主的收入分配。

    In order to harmonize benefits , cascaded plants of same firm can be aggregated as a bidding unit while the revenue allocation among different firms can be regulated by wholesale water market .

  13. 为构筑一套新的有关社会基本制度完善的基本思路,特别是协调利益关系,化解社会矛盾、构建和谐社会等方面,无疑具有积极的有益启示。

    The " principle of minority " will undoubtedly has positive enlightenment to construct a new idea to improve the social basic system , especially to coordinate the interest relationship , dissolving the social contradiction , constructing the harmonious society and so on .

  14. 协调利益群体关系构建和谐社会

    Coordinating the Relationship between Interest Groups to Build a Harmonious Society

  15. 协调各方利益关系,采取一票制营销策略;

    Coordinating the interest relationship , adopting " one-ticket " operation sale strategy ;

  16. 正确协调各种利益关系是构建和谐社会的前提条件

    Presupposition to Construct the Harmonious Society is to Balance the All-round Interest Relations

  17. 运用集体谈判协调社会利益关系

    Coordinating Social Relation of Interests through Group Negotiation

  18. 要有效地发挥公共政策在协调社会利益关系中的作用,必须完善公共政策的利益协调机制。

    Bring its role into full play must improve the mechanism of benefit coordination of public policy .

  19. 如何协调各种利益关系,实现利益格局的平衡,是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键问题。

    How to coordinate the various interests is the key issue to build a socialist harmonious society .

  20. 而选择、创新、监管及协调各种利益关系问题仍是证券市场不可忽视的问题。

    But , choosing , being innovative , overseeing and harmonizing the various interest relation problem still is an assignable problem of bond market .

  21. 农地制度是在历史上形成的协调农民利益关系的重要枢纽,它在社会主义现代化建设中具有举足轻重的作用。

    Agricultural system is in the historically important hub for coordinating the interests of the peasants ' relations , and it is vital to socialist modernization .

  22. 而政治关系的确立,国家、政府和政治制度的建立,则是协调社会利益关系的权威性手段。

    But with the political relation forming and the establishment of the government and political institution , then the authority means of moderating social interests relation is coming .

  23. 社会利益失衡主要导源于竞争秩序的不完善,传统体制下的伦理规范也不能从根本上协调社会利益关系。

    The imperfection of the competition order leads to the imbalanced social interests ; even the ethic criterions in traditional mechanism can 't fully coordinate with the social benefits .

  24. 构建社会主义和谐社会,发展经济是前提,协调阶层利益关系是关键,而加强道德建设是保证。

    To set up the harmonious society in socialism , developing the economy is a premise , moderating the stratum benefits relation is a key , but enhancing moral development is to guarantee .

  25. 公共决策作为协调社会利益关系的重要手段,其目的是对社会资源和社会利益进行权威性分配,实现公共利益的最大化。

    Public decision-making is an important means to coordinate the interests of the community relations for the purpose of an authoritative distribution of social resources and social interests to achieve the maximization of public interest .

  26. 林产品流通是商品流通的重要组成部分,对连接林产品生产与消费、协调各方利益关系等方面起到重要作用。

    The circulation of forest product is an important part of commodity circulation , which plays an important role in connecting the production and consumption of forest product and coordinating the interests of all parties .

  27. 因此,通过深化经济体制改革,调整经济结构和经济运行机制,确立科学的经济发展观,从而协调经济利益关系问题,就是当前非常重要的工作。

    Thus , it is now very important to put the science concept on economic development into practice and solve such problems through a further reform of the economic system and structure as well as the mechanism of economic operation .

  28. 该模型就公共利益与反倾销税之间的数量关系加以分析,提出了运用公共利益原则协调各方利益关系的税率选择方法,为解决反倾销实践中的利益冲突提出了一个全新的思路。

    The module analyzes the quantitative relation between public interest and anti-dumping duties , tax rate selecting approach for coordinating interest relation of each party by means of utilizing public interest principle , which provides new thoughts for solution in interest conflict of anti-dumping practice .

  29. 概念法学派过于信赖法律体系的完善,将司法过程简单定位于法律的适用,不能有效协调现实利益关系,故难以适应社会生活的实际变化。

    The school of conceptualism jurisprudence overly trusts in the perfect of the legal system , regarding the judicial process as the legal application simply , not being able to effectively balance the realistic interest relationship so as to hardly adapt to the practical changes in social life .

  30. 协调社会经济利益关系是加强执政能力建设的中心环节

    Harmonizing the relation of social economical interest is the key to enhance the ruling ability