
  • 网络transfer by agreement
  1. 产权交易可以采取协议转让、拍卖、招标、竞价和国家法律、法规规定的其他方式。

    Transactions of property rights may adopt transfer by agreement , auction , invitation for bids , bidding for price and other modes as may be provided by state laws and regulations .

  2. 产权交易信息挂牌发布后,只有一个受让意向人的,可以采取协议转让的方式;

    After release of listed information on property rights transactions , where there is only one person with the intention to be the transferee , the mode of transfer by agreement may be adopted ;

  3. 国有股协议转让的定价是否公平等问题成为MBO在中国发展的主要障碍。

    The fairness of the pricing of state-owned shares when transferring has become the major problem in the development of MBO in China .

  4. 制度环境、交易规则与控制权协议转让的效率

    Institutional Environment , Transaction Rule and Efficiency of Corporate Control Transfer

  5. 上市公司非流通股协议转让定价问题研究

    Research on the Pricing Problem of Non-tradable Stock Transfer of Listed Company

  6. 非流通股协议转让的市场效率研究

    The Market Efficiency Research on Noncirculating Stock Negotiated Transition

  7. 企业投资者之间协议转让股权。

    Equity Interest is assigned through an agreement between the investors in the Enterprise ;

  8. 国有股协议转让溢价影响因素研究

    Research on Influential Factors of the Premiums of Negotiating Transfer in the State-owned Shares

  9. 国有股协议转让的市场定价机制探索房地产品牌之路探索

    An Exploration of the Market Pricing Mechanism for the Transfer of State-owned Shares by Agreement

  10. 上市公司国有股协议转让价格影响因素研究

    An Empirical Research on the Negotiating Transfer Price of the State-owned Stocks in Chinese Listed Companies

  11. 基于股权协议转让的第一大股东变更披露的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Information Disclosure of Changing the Largest Shareholder Based on Agreement of Share Transaction

  12. 交易制度改革语境下协议转让功能及其构造

    Research on the Structure and Function of the Transfer under Agreement against Context of Trading System Reform

  13. 中国上市公司利益输送行为研究&基于非流通股协议转让与限售股转让的证据

    The Study of Tunneling in China 's Listed Companies & Evidence from the Non-Tradable Shares Transfer and Restricted Shares Transfer

  14. 基于其与我国经济特色和现实条件的契合性,协议转让在减持实践中有着旺盛的生命力。

    Agreeing on our economic characteristic and realistic condition of our country , negotiating transfer has vigorous vitality hi stocks ' reducing practice .

  15. 有偿协议转让是目前国有股流通的主要途径。由于两种方式均包含过多的行政干预,并非真正的市场化流动,使相关企业缺乏资本运作的动力,方案选择难以实现利益的公允。

    Involving too much government interference , both modes are not real market circulation , causing related enterprises to lack motives of capital operations .

  16. 此外,以此为背景,本文将对中国仲裁协议转让立法和实践进行评述,并提出些许改进建议,以期对中国相关仲裁立法和实践的发展有所帮助。

    Further , the paper gives a brief comment on the legislation and practice of China in this regard and proposes certain amendments thereof .

  17. 现有的法人股流动主要有以下几种方式:协议转让、拍卖、质押和回购。

    Flow of existing legal person share basically has the following kinds of kind : The agreement is made over , auction , impawn and counter-purchase .

  18. 实践中已有配售、回购、协议转让、存量发行等多种模式。

    In practice , there are already many kinds of modes , such as allotment sales , a return purchase , contractual convey , existing stock distribution .

  19. 摘要目前实施的国有股协议转让价格形成机制违背了“市场定价”原则。

    The price formation mechanism currently in operation for the transfer of state-owned shares by agreement is in violation of the principle of " pricing B market " .

  20. 本文的主要是通过实证分析来揭示大股东的私人收益行为,所用的数据是2003-2008年间发生协议转让的公司的截面数据,如果能将每年的数据进行统计检验,结论可以更具说服力。

    This article reveals the behavior of large shareholders private benefits mainly through the empirical analysis . The data is transfer-agreement of cross-section data between 2003 an 2008 .

  21. 并说明了协议转让和按每股净资产加成法成为目前我国上市公司国有股权转让的主要特点。

    Have proved negotiating transfer and net asset per share method is the main characteristic of state-run stock right transfer of listed company in our country at present .

  22. 本文以我国上市公司非流通股协议转让为研究对象,探讨非流通股的定价问题,全文共分为五个部分。

    This paper is the research on non-tradable shares of listed companies of china to explore the pricing of non-tradable shares . the text is divided into five parts .

  23. 拍卖、招投标、协议转让是目前产权交易机构在企业国有产权交易中采用的主要方式。

    Auction , bidding and tendering , the transfer protocol is the main way uesd in the transaction of property rights institutions of the enterprise state-owned property rights transactions .

  24. 第二章对股权转让的基本方式&协议转让的有关规定进行分析。

    Chapter Two deals with the basic way of the transfer of share rights , namely transfer by agreement , and its related rules that are set out in the laws .

  25. 以协议转让、上市公司定向发行新股方式以及国家法律法规规定的其他方式取得上市公司A股股份;

    To acquire A-shares of listed company by means of contract transfer , regular , issuing of new shares by listed company or otherwise prescribed by national laws and rules ; 'g ;

  26. 对股权转让的概念、分类作简要介绍,在此基础上提出股权非协议转让的概念及可行性。

    This part briefly introduces the concept and classification of equity shares ' transference , on the basis of which produces the feasibility of equity shares ' transference without agreement in advance .

  27. 1999年7月1日实施的《证券法》,明确规定了我国上市公司股权转让的两种方式,即:协议转让和二级市场收购。

    The Securities Act enforced in Jul.1 , 1999 stipulates definitely there are 2 ways of stock right transfer of our listed companies , i.e. agreement transfer and acquiring in the secondary market .

  28. 其次,协议转让的控股溢价原则上应当归控股股东所享有,只有在少数情况下才由全体股东分享。

    Secondly , the controlling shareholders should enjoy the " controlling premium " of the shares transfers by agreements in principle and only in a few cases all shareholders share the " controlling premium " .

  29. 通过股权协议转让或二级市场并购来实现买壳上市是我国证券市场上一种普遍的现象。

    It is a universal phenomenon in China 's securities market to get listed on stock market by purchasing Shell through the conference transfer of stock equity and the merger and acquisition of secondary market .

  30. 协议转让方式的产权交易实质上是一个多轮讨价还价的过程,国有产权买卖双方根据自己的出价策略,在协商谈判的情况下确定成交价格。

    The negotiation transfer mode is essentially a bargaining process of several rounds . In the case of negotiation , the state-owned property rights buyers and sellers determine the transaction price according to their bidding strategies .