
  • 网络numerus clausus;numerus clauses
  1. 物权法定原则是大陆法系国家物权法的基本原则之一,在物权法领域居于重要的地位。

    Numerus clauses is a fundamental principle of property right laws of mainland law system .

  2. 因此,在坚持物权法定原则的基础上,需要通过相对化的方法其进行完善,使其更好地适应社会经济发展。

    Thus , on the basis of committing to numerus clauses principle , we need to perfect the principle by relativization to meet social and economic development .

  3. 物权法定原则的出路何在?

    Real right legalization principle is originated from Roman law .

  4. 论物权法定原则

    On Principle of Legal Prescription of Real Right

  5. 物权法定原则&兼评物权法定原则之否定

    Legal principle of property right & Commenting on the legal principle of property right in the negative

  6. 物权法定原则之所以能沿用至今,足以说明其存在的合理性。

    The principle of statutory real right has been used by now , and it sufficiently explains the rationality of its existence .

  7. 知识产权作为抵押权的标的,符合现代物权法定原则的发展趋势。

    It 's well in the trend of statutory principle of modern property law to treat intellectual property rights as subject matters of hypothec .

  8. 物权法定原则是物权法制度中的一项重要原则,主要是指物权的种类和内容由法律直接规定,当事人不能自由创设,也不能变更。

    The doctrine of numerus is the most important doctrine of the traditional rights over things , it mainly means the kind and content of the real right are stipulated directly by the law .

  9. 私法自治赋予人们形成私权利义务关系的行为自由,而物权法定原则是对权限的法定,并不限制行为人的自由。

    Giving people autonomy of private law rights and obligations of the formation of the behavior of private freedom , the legal principle of property rights is a statutory authority , does not restrict the behavior of human freedom .

  10. 物权法定原则是一项源自古罗马的法律原则,它作为物权法的基本原则之一,对立法、执法、司法和守法在内的整个法制活动都具有指导意义。

    The principle of statutory real right comes from the ancient Rome . As one of the basic principles of law of rights over things , it has guiding significance for the whole action of legislation , enforcement , judicature and obeying of the law .

  11. 物权法定原则,是指物权的种类和内容只能由法律规定,而不允许由法律之外的其他规范性文件规定,也不得由民事权利主体通过合同的方式自由的创设或者变更物权。

    Real right legalization principle are the types and content of rights can only be prescribed by law . They shall not be invented by the other regulatory documents . The civil rights is not created or changed by the way of agreements from freedom rights .

  12. 物权法定原则是物权法的基本原则,但物权法也存在一定程度的任意性,国际私法涉外物权的法律适用也应体现这一特征,在物权法任意性的范围内适用当事人的意思自治原则。

    Real right being stipulated by law is the basic principle of the real right law . But arbitrariness also exists in the real right law to some extent . The application of international private law which concerns foreign real right should also embody the characteristic .

  13. 物权法定原则作为物权法的基本原则之一,其含义应该是指物权的种类由法律规定,不允许当事人自由创设新种类的物权。

    The legalization of real right is one of the basic principles of the real right law , and it means the category of the real right is rule by the law , disallowing the party concerned to establish the real right of the new category freely .

  14. 物权法定原则,又称物权法定主义,它是物权法的一项基本原则,也是物权法区别于合同法的重要标志。

    The principle of legal prescription of real right , which can be called principle of legality of real right , is a basic principle of Law Relating to Rights over Things , and the important sign of distinguishing Law Relating to Rights over Things from Contract Law .

  15. 物权法定主义原则的反思

    The Principle of Real Right Legal Doctrine

  16. 物权法定主义原则被普遍认为是物权法的一项基本原则,它具有一定的历史必然性,发挥了积极的作用。

    The principle of real right legal doctrine a basic law principle , and it has the certain history necessity and the positive function .

  17. 地役权以其意思自治性和相容性,在物权法定主义原则相对凝固的状态下,对调节不动产之间的利用关系起到润滑和活跃的作用。

    Compared with the fixing of real right legalization principle , autonomy of the will and compatibility of easement plays a smooth and active role in adjusting the utilization relationship of real estates .

  18. 再次,文章对法定物权与物权法定原则进行比较,得出两者的性质不同、法定对像不同以及两者在物权变动中的地位不同。

    Third , the article on the legal property rights and legal principles of property rights comparison , the two are different in nature , like the different statutory and their property at a different position changes .

  19. 物权法定及物权公示原则要求物权的变动必须经过公示。

    The principles of statutory and Publication of Property request changes be through the publicity .

  20. 随着物权公示、物权法定原则的确立,动产确立了占有为其公示的方式。

    With the Publication of Property and the legal principle of property rights established , movable property makes possession its approach of publication .

  21. 我国物权立法应当坚持物权法定原则、一物一权原则、公示公信原则以及效率原则。

    The legislation concerning real right in China should stick to the doctrine of legally prescribed real right , doctrine of one thing , one right , principle of public summons and public reliability , and criterion of efficiency .

  22. 我国《物权法》确立的物权法定原则虽然具有其存在的必要性,但是其在实践中体现的局限性已然明显。

    The property rights ` statutory principle , established by the Property Law , whose limitations in practice have already embodied evidently , has the necessity of existence .

  23. 人役权作为一种古老的役权制度,在现代大陆法系民法典中是一种上位的用益物权,其功能在于克服物权法定原则的局限性。

    Personal servitude is a superior concept in civil code , it can be derived many specific usufructuary rights .

  24. 由于物权法与债权法的区别和对立,决定了物权法宜采用物权法定原则,债权法宜采用私法自治原则。

    Furthermore , it is a close relationship between the autonomy of private law and the principle of statutory real right .

  25. 物权法定主义价值演进与合理性分析&我国物权法的制定是否应当坚持物权法定原则

    The Reasonable Analysis and Value Gradual Progress of Principle of statutory real right

  26. 我国物权立法中应在建立科学适当的物权公示制度的前提下,放弃物权法定主义原则。

    The author suggest that we should abandon real right legal doctrine principle under establishing the science and appropriate principle of real right public summons in making law .

  27. 时至今日,这种局限性已经逐渐显示出其对物权体系的完整性的破坏,并有损于法律的权威性,阻碍交易的顺畅性,同时这种局限性又是物权法定原则自身所无法解决的。

    Even to this day , this kind of limitation has already destroyed the integrality of the real right system seriously , authoritativeness to damage law , hinder trade getting smooth , and the limitation real right legal principle what oneself can 't solve .