
  • 网络logistics network planning
  1. 循环物流网络规划及其绩效评价研究

    A Research on the Cycle Logistics Network Planning and Performance Evaluation

  2. 出版业逆向物流网络规划模型与算法

    The Model of Reverse Logistics Network Planning of Publishing Industry and Algorithm

  3. 整车物流网络规划集成优化模型研究

    Research on integrated optimization model for automobile logistics network design

  4. 物流网络规划中的决策问题

    Decision problems in logistics internet planning

  5. 把战时军事物流网络规划分为三个步骤:层次结构设计、设施选址布局和设施选址评价。

    Divided the network planning of WMLS into structure design , location layout and location evaluation .

  6. 结合多目标优化理论,建立烟草商业企业省级物流网络规划模型。

    Niversal location model was simplified and target function was revised to plan and design transportation and logistics network from provincial perspective .

  7. 一般意义上的物流网络规划主要包括设施选址和运送方式及路线选择两个方面。

    The logistics network planning contains two main aspects in general , one is facility location , the other is transportation mode and route selection .

  8. 因此本文从系统工程的角度出发,以物流网络规划、业务流程重组管理、绩效评价三个方面构建了中国传统企业发展鼠标加水泥模式的物流系统规划体系。

    This thesis set up a logistics system planning for Chinese traditional enterprises in terms of logistics network planning 、 business process reengineering and performance evaluate .

  9. 随着现代信息技术的进步以及竞争环境的不断加剧,在企业物流网络规划中,一些不可量化的因素也越来越重要。

    With the advancement of the modern technology and the competition situation , some factors which cannot be calculated come to be more and more important .

  10. 建立了废旧家电产品逆向物流网络规划模型。

    Based on the framework , key technologies of reverse logistics are presented . ( 2 ) Network planning model of reverse logistics on waste household appliances is built .

  11. 本论文在学习国内外相关文献并吸收他们的研究成果的基础之上,就基于约束理论的汽车制造企业逆向物流网络规划问题进行了相关讨论。

    This thesis related literature in learning and absorbing the results of their research based on , for car manufacturers based on constraint theory of reverse logistics network planning business related issues discussed .

  12. 在我国理论界,物流网络规划设计方面的探讨很多,也确实取得了一些研究成果,但是很多理论较为零散,不成系统,可应用性不强。

    In the theoretic field of our country , there many discussion on logistic network planning , design , and assuredly , some research achievements have been acquired , but most of theories are fragmentary , non-systematic , and weakly applicable .

  13. 高功率LED平面光源模组,可选购驱动模组。可依不同需求予以客制化。客户需求驱动的多层物流网络选址规划模型与算法

    High power LED lighting matrix . Driving module is available . Customer design is possible . A Location-allocation Model and Its Algorithm of Multi-echelon Logistics Systems Based on Customer Demand

  14. 区域物流网络系统规划研究

    The Planning Study on the Network System of the Regional Logistics

  15. 逆向物流的网络规划

    Studies on the Network Planning of Reverse Logistics

  16. 客户需求驱动的多层物流网络选址规划模型与算法

    A Location-allocation Model and Its Algorithm of Multi-echelon Logistics Systems Based on Customer Demand

  17. 本文的核心是对可再用逆向物流网络进行规划。

    The most important part of this dissertation is how to design re-use reverse logistics network .

  18. 然而目前国内外在进行物流网络的规划和设计时,很少考虑客户对系统可靠性的需求。

    However , the current planning and design of logistics network take little customers ' demand of system reliability .

  19. 研究结果表明在打破行政区划的情况下对交通物流网络进行规划是完全可行的。

    Results showed that it was feasible to break down administrative division in planning the whole province 's logistics network to structure the provincial logistics network programming model .

  20. 物流网络的规划设计的理论与方法主要包括四大部分:物流客户服务、物流设施的选址、配送运输网络的规划设计和库存管理与规划。

    Logistics network planning theory and method are made up of three main parts : Custom service mainly discusses custom service theory and how to confirm reasonable custom service method and model ;

  21. 从而确定了以核心制造商的角度对闭环供应链中若干规划问题进行了研究。第一,对分销/逆向物流集成网络规划方法进行了研究。

    Therefore , at the angle of core manufacturer in the supply chain , several planning problems of closed-loop supply chain are studied . Firstly , integral network planning method of distribution and reverse logistics is studied .

  22. 物流配送网络规划分为四步:配送网络结构规划、配送设施选址规划、配送线路规划以及运输优化。

    The logistics distribution network planning has four steps . The first step is optimizing the structure of distribution network . The second is siting facility locations . The third is to optimize distribution routes and the last is conveyance optimization .

  23. 最后是对美菱公司的销售物流网络的重新规划。

    Finally Meiling company 's sales logistics network re-planning is shown .

  24. 区域物流线路网络双层规划研究

    Two Level Programming Study on Regional Logistics Route Network

  25. 企业物流分销网络体系规划研究

    Study on Business Logistics Distribution Network

  26. 一个物流网络的双层规划模型

    Bilevel programming model for logistics network

  27. 因此,常需要对物流配送网络进行规划以提高物流的效率,降低物流的成本。

    Therefore , we need to plan and optimize a whole logistics distribution network to improve logistics efficiency and reduce logistics cost .

  28. 基于蚁群优化的物流网络多约束路径规划

    Multi-constrained Path Planning for Logistics Network Based on Ant Colony Optimization

  29. 再制造/制造系统集成物流网络模糊机会约束规划模型

    Fuzzy chance-constrained programming model for the integrated logistics network of remanufacturing / manufacturing system

  30. 第五章是文章的重点,建立了基于绿色物流思想的配送网络规划模型。最后介绍了绿色物流的宏观管理组织和政策。

    The thesis built two distribution network models based on the green logistics theory .