
  1. 高校物资管理服务体系变革初探

    Discussing the reform in college material and service system

  2. 物资和服务以维持这些组织生存的价格出售。

    Goods and servies are sold for a price to help these programs survive .

  3. 另一后遗症则是私人关系在获取短缺物资及服务时变得特别重要。

    Another was the importance of personal connections in obtaining scarce goods and services .

  4. 它是一种能量,一种为了经济报酬置换物资和服务的工具。

    It is an energy ; a means of exchange whereby you trade goods or services for financial reward .

  5. 朱巴开始建设道路,供水系统和其他基础设施的时候,基础物资和服务立即出现短缺。

    As Juba builds up its roads , water system and other infrastructure , there are shortages of basic goods and services .

  6. 航天局的乔治·迪勒说得对,国家航空和宇宙航行局正转向借助于私有公司来提供诸如向太空站运送物资等服务。

    The space agency 's George Diller was right . The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is turning to private companies to provide services like bringing supplies to the space station .

  7. 对原始工业产品的生产,日军通过中日合办、委托经营等方式变相地控制这些企业的管理权,为其实施物资统制服务。

    For the production of the original industry , the Japan 's Imperial Army adopted the methods of joint investment and entrusting to conduct indirectly control the management power of these business enterprises to serve for its supplies control .

  8. 费率卡是一份由奥林匹克运动会组织委员会(简称奥组委)按照《主办城市合同》规定必须免费提供的物资和服务以外的物资和服务,以及物资和服务各自租赁费率的清单。

    Rate card is issued by the Olympic Organizing Committee ( BOCOG for short ) in accordance with " the host city contract " required goods and services provided free of charge outside the goods and services , and goods and services list their rental rates .

  9. 费率卡物资和服务主要供奥运会期间使用,典型的包括,电信、办公技术设备、声像设备、汽车、家具、设备装置、白色家电、医疗设备和杂物。

    Rate card for the goods and services are mainly used during the Olympic Games , the typical , including , telecommunications , office technology and equipment , audio-visual equipment , automobiles , furniture , equipment , devices , white goods , medical equipment and debris .

  10. 建立技术物资供应工作服务质量评价体系的几点设想

    A Study on Establishing Service Quality Evaluated System of Technical Materials Supplies in University

  11. 油田物资系统物流服务发展战略研究

    The Logistics Development Strategy of Oil Field

  12. 联邦政府每年在授予拨款、福利、采购物资和提供服务上用去大量经费。

    The federal government spends vast sums of money each year on grants , benefits , and the procurement of goods and services .

  13. 传统交易模式下的大宗物资的物流服务仅仅包含了运输和仓储等基本的物流服务,而电子交易模式下的大宗物资则需要一体化综合性的现代物流服务。

    There are transportation and inventory demands in the traditional trading mode of bulk materials , but the demand of logistics services in the electronic trading mode will be integrated and comprehensive .

  14. 提出综合物流中心的发展方向为建设适应电子商务发展的以多种运输方式为依托,为多品种物资提供多种服务的现代化综合物流中心。

    In the future , the synthetic logistics center will become a modern logistics center operating at the concept of e-commerce that served for many kinds of cargo based on different transportation modes .

  15. 向城市贫困人口提供廉价的生活物资和基本服务是发展中国家面临的一个主要问题,尤其是在工业化的早期。

    One of the main problems facing any developing nation , particularly those at early stage of industrialization , is that of providing cheap subsistence goods and basic services to its poor urban population .

  16. 他说,在接下来的任务中,神舟10号将为天宫一号提供人员和物资的运载服务,进一步考验宇航员在太空中的工作和生活的能力以及测试模拟实验室的功能。

    In the coming mission , Shenzhou-10 will offer ferrying services of personnel and supplies for Tiangong-1 , further testing the astronauts " abilities of working and living in space , as well as the functions of the lab module , he said .

  17. 走植保产业化的发展道路,建立植保连锁经营店,形成市、县(区)、乡镇、村的技术、信息、物资三级连锁服务模式。

    Developing industrialization , establishing chain shops to form chain service mode of technique , information and material in city , country , town and village .

  18. 石油物资企业是专门从事石油行业内物资流通和服务活动的经济实体。

    The petroleum material supply enterprise is a kind of business which focus on the field of petroleum .

  19. 本文通过对市场经济的一般规律,高校物资管理部门自身特性的研究,分析了实践中的问题,探讨了高校物资管理服务体系变革。

    This article studies the general disciplinarian in market economy and the characteristic of the department of college material management , analyzes the problems in practice and discusses the reform in college material and service system .