
  • 网络One-Off Service
  1. 不仅要达到客户期望,而且要超出客户期望;不仅要一次性服务,而且要开展持续性的服务。

    Not only to achieve customer expectation , but also to exceed customer expectation . Not only service for one time but also develop persistent service .

  2. 马来西亚吉隆坡一家洗车行近日因被查出为洗车九次的老主顾免费提供一次性服务而遭关闭。

    A car cleaning company in Kuala Lumpur has been shut down after it was found offering regular customers free sex after every ninth car wash .

  3. Snapchat是提供即时/一次性沟通服务的,它不会长期保存聊天记录。

    Snapchat is about immediate / disposable communication , not permanent record-keeping .

  4. ESB提供了第三种选择,承诺在支持使用者动态地一次性绑定到服务代理的同时,仍然能够通过代理使用多个提供者和选择新的提供者。

    An ESB offers a third choice , a compromise enabling a consumer to dynamically bind to a service proxy just once and yet still be able to use multiple and future providers using the proxy .

  5. 如果用于客户端一次性访问的服务,由于客户端和STS之间消息交换的原因,实际是增加了开销。

    If you use it for a service that clients access on a one-off basis , you 'll actually be adding a lot of overhead that 's due to message exchanges between the client and the STS .

  6. 使用者应该一次性地发现服务的提供者还是重复地发现服务的提供者?

    Should a consumer perform discovery of providers of a service once or repeatedly ?

  7. 这允许您一次性创建内容和服务,并将其呈现在不同设备上而无需进行任何其他改编。

    This enables you to create content or services once , and present them on many different devices without any additional rework .