
  • 网络One-stop service;a coordinated process service;one package service;Backend Turn-Key
  1. 中诚通俄罗斯总经理周立群介绍,园区为入园企业提供登记注册、财务托管、法律咨询、等一条龙服务。

    Zhou Liqun , general manager of Zhongchengtong in Russia , says the center offers a one-stop service for enterprises ranging from registration , financial trust and legal consultation .

  2. 改装各种上下水管,水电,以及PPR管等一条龙服务。

    Modification of various upper and lower water pipes , water and electricity , as well as PPR pipe one-stop service .

  3. 园区注重产业、教育和研发的整合,为引入企业提供一条龙服务。

    The Park provides a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterprises .

  4. 冷库库体、机组、安装调试一条龙服务;

    Refrigeratory library body , refrigeration units , installation and commissioning one-stop services ;

  5. 提供机械的咨询、调试、维修及故障处理一条龙服务。

    Provide advisory machinery , debugging , maintenance and fault handling package of services .

  6. 三次会议的一条龙服务花费1200英镑。

    The three - meeting package costs 1,200 .

  7. 公司可代办国内外货运业务,为您提供完善的古典家具出口一条龙服务。

    We also can help our oversea customer to provide with shipping and logistic service .

  8. 对客户的独特服务:售前、中、后一条龙服务。

    Unique services for our users : we provide pro-sale , on-sale and post-sale integrated services .

  9. 从规划设计、制造、安装、调试、维护一条龙服务。

    From planning and design , manufacture , installation , commissioning and maintenance of train services .

  10. 我司专门从事硅橡胶产品,包括模具的的设计制造,提供一条龙服务!

    We specializing in Silastic products , including the design and manufacture of components , providing one-stop services !

  11. 我们能及时准确为客户提供优质的咨询、设计、开发、生产一条龙服务。

    We can provide the customers with a continuous line of high-grade counsel , designing , exploitation and production .

  12. 公司提供从原材料进厂到产品设计、成型、组装焊接一条龙服务。

    We can provide a complete set of service from raw material to designing , forming , joining and assembly .

  13. 产品制造从原料抽粒、模具开发、烤漆车间、生产制造一条龙服务。

    Products made from raw materials pumping tablets , paint shop , mold development , manufacturing all in one service .

  14. 在学校的招生和就业指导机构,学生享受到了入学教育毕业继续教育的一条龙服务。

    Students can enjoy the streamline service of " enrollment-education-graduation-further education " in the enrollment and employment guidance institution in school .

  15. 具备从模具开发瓶型设计,丝印图案设计到吹瓶,印刷一条龙服务。

    Have the bottle from the mold development design , screen printing graphic design to the blowing , printing train service .

  16. 为您提供:海运,空运,拖车,报关,保险,一条龙服务!

    Provide a dragon service for you : Sea freight , Air freight , Trucking , Apply to customs , Insurance !

  17. 我们专业为客户提供衣架的设计、制造、印字、烫字,代客加工一条龙服务。

    We specially provide to customers with design , making , printing word , bronzing word and customization as one-station service .

  18. 公司集科研、开发、生产、销售、安装一条龙服务,并为客户提供交钥匙工程。

    AOTE is in a position to finish research , producing , sale , and installation , even turn-key project independently .

  19. 竭诚为广大客户提供从产品开发到生产的一条龙服务。

    For the extensive customer provides from product exploitation to giving birth to a child provide a service of coordinated process wholeheartedly .

  20. 本厂从产品的成本核算到开发设计制造一条龙服务,欢迎顾客来图来样定做生产。

    Our cost accounting to the development from product design and manufacture of train service , welcome customers to sample custom production .

  21. 它通过网络的数据共享和分布处理,提供养路征稽管理工作中的一条龙服务。

    Through Internet data common share and distribution disposal , it can provide a coordinated process service in road toll collecting and managing .

  22. 从模具设计到模具制造、产品生产、装配实现一条龙服务。

    From design for die and mould to mould , fabrication , the product produce , assemble realization to provide a service of coordinated process .

  23. 我司实行询价、订货、送货到船一条龙服务,亦能应船东的要求登轮进行设备安装、调试服务。

    Our company provide inquiry , order and delivery services , also should be able to on the owner 's request for equipment installation and commissioning .

  24. 然后,莫布雷才能提供个人形象方面的建议&肢体语言、系什么领带等等,这是另外的一条龙服务的内容。

    Only then will Ms Mowbray offer advice on image – body language , what tie to wear , and so on in a separate package .

  25. 北加州的戴维森学院为学生提供免费的洗衣、烘干、折叠等一条龙服务。

    Davidson College in North Carolina provides laundry services free-of-charge , where it gets washed , dried , folded , and ready for pick-up in no time .

  26. 承蒙社会各界的鼎立支持,本企业已成为陶瓷行业较具规模的集生产、销售和进出口一条龙服务的大型企业之一。

    Appreciating the support from all social circles , our company has been a large-scale enterprise with package service including production , sales , import and export .

  27. 本司主要自产自销礼品包装,提供各行业礼品包装设计、印刷及后工序一条龙服务。

    Ltd is a private company of product development , design and manufacture , sales management , after-sales service , commitment to cutting-edge , fashion packing industry .

  28. 开展外语教学一条龙服务,提高西部外语教学质量&大学与中学联合创办外语特色学校的探索

    Developing Streamline English Language Teaching To Promote ELT Of The Western Region & A Study On The Jointed Foreign Language School Established By Secondary School And University

  29. 婚庆公司提供各种婚礼模式,并备有喜宴预订,菜式安排及婚纱礼服租售等一条龙服务。

    The wedding company exclusively provides various wedding mode , and A-Z service including wedding feast reservation , dish selecting , and wedding dresses lending & selling .

  30. 可从原材料改制拉丝到电镀各种铆钉产品,由汽车、火车、飞机发运一条龙服务到客户指定的地点。

    From processing the material and drawing to electroplating all kinds of rivets , we can deliver the goods to the designated place by land or air .