
  • 网络A basket of currencies
  1. 英镑对一篮子货币的比价创下76.9的新低。

    The pound 's value against a basket of currencies hit a new low of 76.9 .

  2. 周小川还表示,SDR应当基于包括人民币在内的一篮子货币。

    Zhou Xiaochuan also said SDRs should be based on a basket of currencies , including China 's renminbi .

  3. 一篮子货币、特别提款权(SDR)乃至人民币国际化,种种建议相继出笼,惟独不提明显可以取代美元的欧元。

    Currency baskets , SDRs , even internationalisation of the renminbi , have been mooted , but not the obvious alternative .

  4. 这个升值幅度可能不大,但是与此同时,美元自身对华尔街日报美元指数(theWallStreetJournalDollarindex)中七个发达国家的一篮子货币升值了1.6%,并且对日圆大幅升值近4%。

    The gain might not seem much , but it coincided with the dollar 's own 1.6 % increase versus the basket of seven advanced-country currencies that comprise the Wall Street Journal Dollar index and an almost-4 % surge versus the yen .

  5. 美元投资者能立刻实现储备货币多样化,因为SDR由一篮子货币组成,其中包括美元、欧元、日元和英镑。

    Dollar investors would obtain instant diversification because SDRs are made up of a basket of currencies the dollar , the euro , the yen and sterling .

  6. sdr的价值基础是一篮子货币(美元、欧元、日元和英镑),有朝一日可能会将人民币也纳入其中。

    The value of the SDR is based on a basket of currencies ( the dollar , euro , yen and pound ) that might expand one day to include the yuan .

  7. 在今年4月的20国集团(g20)峰会前夕,中国央行行长周小川提议,用国际货币基金组织(imf)管理下的一篮子货币代替美元作为全球储备货币。

    Ahead of the April group of 20 leading nations summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , central bank governor , proposed replacing the dollar as the global reserve currency with a basket of currencies managed by the International Monetary Fund .

  8. SDR是对构成其基础的一篮子货币的潜在主张,因此其价值将必然取决于利用这些货币进行国际交易的便利程度。

    The SDR is a potential claim on the currencies that underpin it , and so its value will inevitably be determined by the ease with which those currencies can be exchanged internationally .

  9. 这将带来令人满意的多样化,因为SDR以一篮子货币计值美元占44%,欧元占34%,日元和英镑各占11%。

    It would offer the desired diversification as the SDR is denominated in a basket of currencies 44 per cent dollars , 34 per cent euro and 11 per cent each of yen and sterling .

  10. 在FOMC会议后,美元收复大部分失地,昨日晚些时候对一篮子货币的汇率上涨0.8%。

    The dollar had retraced most of its losses in the wake of the FOMC meeting , and was up 0.8 per cent against a basket of rivals late yesterday .

  11. 目前,SDR的计值基于4种货币美元、日元、欧元和英镑组成的一篮子货币,同时,IMF及其它一些国际机构正广泛将其用作记账单位。

    Today , the value of SDRs is based on a basket of four currencies the US dollar , yen , euro and sterling and they are used largely as a unit of account by the IMF and some other international organisations .

  12. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)软化了其在人民币问题上的立场,称人民币相对于一篮子货币中度低估,这个重要的措辞变动,将使北京方面更易于反驳外国对人民币汇率形成机制的批评。

    The International Monetary Fund has softened its stance on the Chinese renminbi , calling the currency moderately undervalued against a basket of currencies , an important change in wording that will make it easier for Beijing to rebuff foreign criticism of its exchange rate regime .

  13. 在一篮子货币和大宗商品的基础上设立一种新的“超主权储备货币”并不是一个新想法,最初是经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)在二战后提出的。

    The idea of establishing a new " super-sovereign reserve currency " , based on a basket of currencies and commodities , is an old one , originally pushed by John Maynard Keynes , the economist , after the Second World War .

  14. 盯住一篮子货币浮动时期;

    Focusing on " a basket of currencies " float period ;

  15. 人民币汇率机制改革中参考一篮子货币的思考

    Reform of the RMB exchange rate mechanism a reference currency basket thinking

  16. 论人民币参考一篮子货币汇率制度

    On RMB Exchange Rate Regime in Reference to a Basket of Currencies

  17. 针对一篮子货币,美元仍处于守势。

    The dollar remained on the defensive against a basket of currencies .

  18. 参考一篮子货币与新汇率机制

    Reference to a Basket of Currencies and the New RMB Exchange Rate Regime

  19. 人民币参考一篮子货币的理论与实证分析

    A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of RMB Currency Basket

  20. 论钉住一篮子货币的汇率制度

    On the Peg to Currency Basket Exchange Rate Regime

  21. 钉住一篮子货币如何运转?

    Basket peg : how to make it work ?

  22. 人民币钉住一篮子货币研究

    MONEY HISTORICAL Research of RMB pinning basket currency

  23. 探析参考一篮子货币

    Analyzing on " Consulting a Basket Currency "

  24. 在过去的六个月里,一篮子货币获利18%。

    During the last 6 months the basket of currencies has gained 18 % .

  25. 更有可能的是,香港金管局可能会选择与包括人民币在内的一篮子货币挂钩。

    More probably the HKMA will repeg to a basket that includes the renminbi .

  26. 美元兑一篮子货币的汇率跌至去年10月份以来的最低点。

    The US currency fell to its lowest against a basket of currencies since October .

  27. 对我国参考一篮子货币管理浮动汇率机制的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Chinese Managed Floating Exchange Rate Mechanism Reference to a Basket of Currencies

  28. 中国恢复了2005年至2008年的人民币兑一篮子货币政策,以及同样的每日交易区间。

    The basket of 2005 to 2008 returns , along with the same daily trading band .

  29. 众所周知,一篮子货币很难发挥作用,特别是如果其中包含不可兑换的货币的话。

    Baskets are notoriously hard to make work , especially if they include an inconvertible currency .

  30. 首先回顾了国外对于一篮子货币的汇率制度的研究。

    Firstly it reviews the foreign research on exchange rate with reference to a basket of currencies .