
  • Asset Management;AMC;EAM
  1. 其指标包括盈利比率、偿债能力比率、资产管理比率。

    Their targets , including profitability ratios , solvency ratios , asset management ratios .

  2. 高盛资产管理公司(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)也以一种积极态度管理着自己旗下的两只金砖四国基金。

    Goldman Sachs Asset Management also takes an active approach with its two Bric funds .

  3. XML数据查询技术在软件资产管理系统中的研究及应用

    Research and Application on Software Asset Management System Based on XML Query Technique

  4. AssetManager是一个协作软件开发的资产管理解决方案。

    Asset Manager is an asset management solution for collaborative software development .

  5. 当利用RationalAssetManager开始受治理的资产管理时,要考虑三个初始的步骤

    There are three initial steps to consider when getting started with governed asset management using Rational Asset Manager

  6. 本轮融资金沙江创业投资基金(GSRVentures)出了大头,而风投公司橡树投资(OakInvestmentPartners)和邦德资产管理公司(FoundationAssetManagement)也有份参与。

    GSR ventures led the round , and was joined by return backers oak investment partners and foundation asset management .

  7. 就近期而言,政府看上去对安全问题非常关切,CNC资产管理公司(CNCAssetManagement)创始人刘纳表示。

    In the near term the government looks very concerned about the safety issue , said Na Liu , founder of CNC Asset Management .

  8. 当用户打开Eclipse中的资产管理透视图时,这些视图在缺省情况下是可视的。

    These views are visible by default when the user is in the Asset Management Perspective in Eclipse .

  9. 在大型基金公司中,表现最好的是纽约投资管理公司FirstEagle,其资产管理规模为560亿美元。

    Among major fund companies , the top performer was first eagle , a New York City money-management firm with $ 56 billion in assets .

  10. 根据未来资产管理(MiraeAssetManagement)的数据,2011年,商业银行购买了约35%的企业债。

    Commercial banks bought about 35 per cent of corporate bonds in 2011 , according to data from Mirae Asset Management .

  11. 高盛资产管理(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)董事长吉姆·奥尼尔表示,美国总统奥巴马和共和党人士还有三周时间可以达成预算协议。

    Jim O'Neill , the chairman of Goldman Sachs asset management , says President Obama and Republicans have another three weeks to make a budget deal .

  12. 今年早些时候,SAC资产管理规模曾达150亿美元,如今面临外部投资者的巨额赎回。

    SAC , which managed $ 15bn earlier this year , has faced significant redemptions from outside investors .

  13. 企业信息化和企业资产管理(EAM)

    Enterprise Informatization and Enterprise Assets Management ( EAM )

  14. 电力企业资产管理系统(EAM)设计及开发

    Design and Development of Enterprise Asset Management System

  15. 德克夏在6月曾表示,该行正就出售德克夏资产管理(DexiaAssetManagement)事宜,与三家国际投资者举行谈判,预期在未来几周将达成协议。

    Dexia said in June it was in negotiations with three international investors for the sale of Dexia Asset Management , and expected a deal in the coming weeks .

  16. 美国还单方面出台了沃尔克规则(VolckerRule),迫使银行剥离自营交易,同时欧洲正在出台针对资产管理公司的规则。

    The US is also unilaterally introducing the Volcker rule , forcing banks to shed proprietary trading , while Europe is introducing rules for asset managers .

  17. IBMMaximoAssetManagement是一个资产管理解决方案,它带来了企业内所有资产类型的全面视图&生产、设备、运输和IT。

    IBM Maximo Asset Management is an asset management solution that delivers a comprehensive view of all asset types production , facilities , transportation , and IT across your enterprise .

  18. 香港大亨李泽楷(RichardLi)已同意以5亿美元左右的价格,收购美国国际集团(AIG)旗下的资产管理业务,标志着他从传媒和电信等主营业务有所转向。

    Richard Li , the Hong Kong tycoon , has agreed to buy AIG 's asset management operation for about $ 500m in a departure from his media-to-telecoms businesses .

  19. 即使人们很谨慎地使用这些设备,存储在USB硬盘中的数据也没有被包含在公司的一些常规手续之内,比如备份,加密或者资产管理。

    Even when used with the best intentions , the data stored on USB drives is generally not covered by routine company procedures , such as backup , encryption , or asset management .

  20. 总部位于北京的联想控股,是在香港上市的电子产品制造商联想集团(Lenovo)的最大股东,并涉足房地产、农业和资产管理等许多行业。

    Beijing-based Legend is the largest shareholder of Hong Kong-listed electronics maker Lenovo , and has holdings across various industries including real estate , agribusiness and asset management .

  21. 骏利资产管理基金(janus)本周成为最新一家为其货币市场基金纾困的公司。

    Janus , the fund manager , this week became the latest to bail out its money market funds .

  22. 在大型资产管理公司中,先锋(Vanguard)的共同基金持有的债券规模目前已达4970亿美元,较2008年的1700亿美元增加了逾一倍。

    Of the big asset management groups , Vanguard has more than doubled its mutual fund bond holdings to $ 497bn today compared with $ 170bn in 2008 .

  23. 其它公司则合并了资产管理与投资顾问业务,与台湾本地银行联手建立银行保险业务(bancassurance),登记发行大量新的离岸产品。

    Others have combined their asset management and investment consulting businesses , established bancassurance alliances with local lenders and registered scores of new offshore products .

  24. 一项针对900多家基金发行商的调查显示,在此次金融危机中,瑞士银行瑞银(ubs)受损害的程度超过其它所有欧洲资产管理公司。

    UBS , the Swiss bank , has been damaged more than any other European asset manager by the financial crisis , according to a survey of more than 900 fund distributors .

  25. 匹泽学院投资委员会主席兼受托人、古尔德资产管理(GouldAssetManagement)总裁唐纳德·P·古尔德(DonaldP.Gould)表示,所有参与决策的人都知道,相关企业立即受到的直接影响是非常小的。

    Donald P. Gould , a trustee and chair of the Pitzer investment committee and president of Gould Asset Management , said that everyone involved in the decision knew that the direct and immediate effect on the companies would be minimal .

  26. IMF辩称,监管机构应将它们监管银行时采取的举措复制过来,在资产管理业引入定期压力测试&美国证交会(SEC)正在考虑这一举措。

    The IMF argues regulators should copy the approach taken when supervising banks and introduce regular stress tests for the industry & a step that is being considered by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US .

  27. 法国巴黎资产管理有限公司的EricBorremans也认为在提高收益和良性运作之中,鱼和熊掌可以兼得。

    Eric Borremans of BNP Paribas Asset Management says that making money and doing the right thing are not " mutually incompatible goals " .

  28. 赫莫斯焦点资产管理公司(hermesfocusassetmanagement)董事长戴维皮特-沃特森(davidpitt-watson)在会上表示,这种沟通并不容易,而且,应该由股东们来考虑未来几年要如何解决这一问题。

    David pitt-watson , chairman of Hermes focus asset management , told the gathering that engagement was difficult and it was up to shareholders to figure out how they were going to deal with this over the next couple of years .

  29. 对于evercore和perellaweinberg等一些精品银行而言,下一步是增加一个资产管理部门,来处理投资组合。

    To some , including evercore and perella Weinberg , the next step is adding an asset management arm to handle investment portfolios .

  30. 普华永道新加坡(PwCSingapore)的亚太资产管理负责人JustinOng表示,交易量一直不是很大,资产管理公司也没有改变它们在各个市场的券商关系。

    Trading volumes have not been great and asset managers have not switched from the original brokerage relationships they had in individual markets , says Justin Ong , Asia-Pacific asset management leader at PwC Singapore .