
  • 网络resources assets
  1. 海洋空间资源性资产流失的测度与治理

    Measurement and Governance of the Loss of Marine Space Resources Assets

  2. 国有资源性资产流失严重;

    Severe loss of state-owned resources assets ;

  3. 财政与资源性资产管理的关系问题研究

    Research on the Relationship between Public Finance and Resource Assets Management

  4. 国有企业改革中的资源性资产评估

    Appraisal of Resource Assets in the Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  5. 中国海洋资源性资产流失成因与治理对策

    The Causes and Strategies of Loss of China 's Ocean Resource Assets

  6. 资源性资产所有权在经济上的实现形式

    The economic way to realize the resource assets property

  7. 浅谈西部资源性资产大开发

    Discussion on great development of capital of western resources

  8. 本文认为,地勘成果是一种资源性资产,它不仅是劳动成果,而且还包含着矿权。

    The author holds geological investigation results are a kind of property of a resources character .

  9. 适应资源性资产改革形势维护国家矿业权资产权益

    Fit in with Resource-based Assets Management and Safeguard the Assets Rights and Interests of National Mining Rights

  10. 因此,开展海洋资源性资产流失研究意义重大。

    So , it is of great significance to study the losses of assets of the ocean resource .

  11. 海洋资源性资产是发展海洋事业的物质基础,国有海洋资源性资产流失直接威胁到海洋事业发展的根基。

    Ocean resource assets are material base and the losses will threaten the foundation of oceanic economic development directly .

  12. 在论述海洋渔业资源性资产流失理论的基础上,系统地构建了海洋渔业资源性资产流失测度的方法与估价模型。

    It systematically constructs the methods and models of the loss of fishery resources assets assessment based on the analysis of its theory .

  13. 因此,建立健全资源性资产的市场定价机制及产权交易市场,要求引入社会公众监督机制。

    So , establishing and improving resource assets market pricing mechanism and property rights trading market , requires to introduce public oversight mechanisms .

  14. 本文通过对财政与资源性资产管理的关系的分析,提出了对我国目前国有资产管理进行改革的政策建议。

    This paper through analysis on the relationship between public finance and resource assets , put forwards suggestions to reform present stated-owned assets management system .

  15. 资源性资产家底不清,综合利用率偏低,现有储量消耗过快。

    The quantity of resource assets is not clear , and the comprehensive utilization rate is excessively low . Resource assets are consumed too fast .

  16. 海域与土地同属国土资源性资产,实行海域有偿使用是沿海发达国家有效用海和加强海岸带管理的重要制度。

    The sea area , as well as the land , is the assets of territory resources , and the paid use for sea area is an important system that enhances the coastal management .

  17. 本文的研究内容不仅可以为海洋渔业资源性资产流失问题研究提供技术支持,还可作为其他海洋资源性资产的价值评价与流失测评的借鉴。

    However , the research has important realistic significance , which can not only offer the support of the loss problems of marine fishery resources assets research but also the reference of other ocean resources assets assessment .

  18. 在这一转方式、调结构的战略实施中,工业用地作为一项重要的资源性资产和生产要素,不仅是作用对象而且是调控手段。

    As the important resource assets and essential factors of production , industrial land serves not only as the object but also regulation approach in the implement of the strategy on " transferring mode and adjusting structure " .

  19. 首先对属性指标、标的资产、案例资产及案例相似度等关键概念进行了界定,提出了剔除非资源性资产对矿物资源资产价格影响的公式;

    Firstly , some key conceptions are defined such as attribute indexes , subject asset , case asset and case similarity , and a formula that can eliminate effects of other assets on the price of mineral resource assets is put forward .

  20. 该文以产权理论、价值理论为基础,阐述了资源性资产市场化运作的条件、方式和必要性、现实性,提出了建设和完善贵州资源性资产市场的相关政策建议。

    In reference to the property right theory and the value theory , the marketization-operation of the resource assets is expounded in conditions , patterns , necessity and reality , and associated policy suggestions to proceed and perfect the market of resource assets are presented .

  21. 但当今国际上对资源性资产的管理呈现出四大趋势,即由分散管理趋向综合管理、与资源产业管理相结合、与生态环境管理相协同以及管理观念和手段的创新。

    But in general , there are four international trends on state-owned resource assets management . They are integrated management instead of decentralized management , combination with resource industries management , collaboration with ecology and environmental management , as well as innovative of management concepts and tools .

  22. 因此,运用定性与定量相结合、系统分析等方法进行海洋空间资源性资产流失综合研究,探索海洋空间资源性资产的流失测度方法,并相应的提出海洋空间资源性资产流失治理对策具有重要意义。

    Therefore , a comprehensive study of the loss of marine space resources assets by using qualitative and quantitative combination , system analysis approaches , exploring the measure methods of the loss of marine space resources assets and putting forward the corresponding countermeasures are of great significance .

  23. 海洋资源性资产的保值增值不但能有效遏制国有资源性资产的流失,而且能促进海洋经济持续稳定地发展,对我国实现海洋强国具有重大意义。

    The maintenance and increment of the value of marine resources assets not only can effectively contain loss of state-owned resource assets , and can promote marine economy to develop continually and steadily . It is of important significance for building our country into a powerful marine nation .

  24. 资源性国有资产保护的法的价值取向

    On The Legal Value Pursuit Of State Assets ' Protection

  25. 一般而言,国有资产可以分为经营性国有资产、资源性国有资产和行政事业单位国有资产(非经营性国有资产)。

    In general , State-owned assets can be classified into the following categories : the profit , administrative ( non-profits ) and natural resource State-owned assets .

  26. 要遏制国有资产犯罪的发生,首先应完善国有资产监管制度,包括对经营性国有资产、行政事业性国有资产以及资源性国有资产管理制度的完善;

    To hold back crimes of infringing national property , first , perfect supervisory systems including improvement operating , administration and cause and natural resources national property of administrative systems ;

  27. 我国国有资产被划分为经营性国有资产、非经营性国有资产和资源性国有资产三大类,其中行政事业性国有资产一般被认为是非经营性国有资产。

    State-owned assets fall into three classes : enterprise-operating assets , administrative assets and assets of natural resources , among which the administrative assets are generally regarded as non-operative assets .

  28. 水资源资产是一种特殊的资源性资产。

    The water assets is a special resource asset .

  29. 四荒地作为一种特殊的土地资源,它是农村集体所有的土地中,非耕地以外的资源性资产。

    As a special kind of land resources , " four kind of wasteland " is resources asset which is outside the unusable land resource in the rural collective owner land .

  30. 然而由于存在制度上的不健全,使得资源类企业将这部分超额收益独自占有,并且还没有完全承担补偿资源性资产的责任。

    However , due to the presence system is not perfect , making resource companies alone occupy this part of the excess profits , and have not fully bear the compensation responsibility of resource assets .