
  • 网络impairment of assets;Impairment;assets impairment;write-downs
  1. 坏账准备是一项资产减值。

    Bad debt reserves is a kind of impairment of assets .

  2. 真实性审计中的资产减值问题

    Problems on the Impairment of Assets in Authenticity Auditing

  3. 初始pH值;浅议电信企业资产减值处理

    Initial pH ; Initial Discussion on the Declined Value of Asset Dealing in Telecommunications Enterprises

  4. 油气田资产减值测试方法研究

    An approach on assets devaluing testing of oil & gas fields

  5. 资产减值会计规范是会计中最富争议的规范之一。

    Inquiry into some issues of accounting standard for assets impairment ;

  6. 试论资产减值内控制度的完善

    Tentative on improvement of the internal control system for asset impairment

  7. 刍议固定资产减值及影响

    Discussion on the Depreciation of the Fixed Asset and Its Influence

  8. 那么,创业板上市公司是否利用资产减值进行盈余管理?创业板上市公司在计提资产减值中存在哪些动机?这是本文要探讨的重点内容。

    So , GEM companies using asset impairment whether earnings management ?

  9. 固定资产减值引起新会计问题的思考

    Thoughts on New Accounting Problems Caused by Impairment of Fixed Assets

  10. 资产减值会计理论的几个核心问题&兼论资产减值会计信息的可靠性

    Study on Core Problems of Accounting Theory for Impairment of Assets

  11. 资产减值会计准则与公允价值

    The Accounting Standard of Asset Impairments and True and Fair Value

  12. 资产减值是企业在正常的生产经营中不可回避的一个问题。

    Asset impairment is inevitable in the ordinary operation of enterprises .

  13. 谈计提资产减值准备的利与弊

    On Advantages and Disadvantages of Summing and Drawing Asset Reducing Value Preparation

  14. 资产减值会计信息的可靠性研究

    A study on the dependability of assets depreciation accounting information

  15. 固定资产减值问题的探讨

    A Discussion on the Problems of Impairment of Fixed Assets

  16. 我国上市公司资产减值政策选择问题研究

    The Research on Accounting Policy of Allowance for Impairment Assets

  17. 企业资产减值准备之思考

    Studies on Declined Value of Asset of Company in China

  18. 资产减值准备问题研究

    On Problems of Preparations for the Declined Value of Asset

  19. 浅议资产减值准备和上市公司利润操纵

    Analysis of impaired assets and profit handling on listed company

  20. 论石油天然气资产减值的测试

    Discussion on testing for asset devaluation of oil and gas

  21. 计提的各项资产减值准备累计金额。

    The accumulative amount of provision for the impairment of each asset ;

  22. 固定资产减值损失转回的会计初探

    Initial Study on Impairment Loss of Fixed Assets Back to the Accounting

  23. 新会计准则下资产减值会计相关问题探讨

    Discussion on Enterprise Assets Impairment Based on New Accounting Rules

  24. 盈利企业利用长期资产减值进行收益平滑的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Income Smoothing of Profitable Companies by Assets Impairment

  25. 资产减值准则颁布过程中的市场反应

    The Market Reaction to Promulgation on Asset Impairment Accounting Standard

  26. 新准则下资产减值准备与会计稳健性的关系研究

    The Relationship of Asset Impairment and Accounting Conservatism under New Accounting Standards

  27. 对企业资产减值核算涉及的问题进行了深入探讨。

    Asset impairment of enterprise accounting of the issues involved was expounded .

  28. 新会计制度中资产减值准备的计提

    Preparation for Counting and Drawing from Property Devaluation in New Accounting System

  29. 企业固定资产减值准备影响所得税会计的分析

    On Influence of Depreciation Preparation of Fixed Assets on Income Tax Accounting

  30. 阐述计提资产减值准备应遵循的原则和程序;

    Illustrated principles and process to follow for the preparation ;