
  • 网络Asset losses;Capital Losses;asset impairment;superficial loss
  1. 我国真实国民储蓄与自然资产损失(1970&1998)

    China 's Genuine Domestic Savings and Natural Capital Losses ( 1970-1998 )

  2. VaR模型度量的是在某一置信水平下,资产损失的最高期望值,但是它没有指明一旦超过了这个期望值,资产的损失究竟是多少。

    The scale of VaR model is under certain confidence level , to compute the capital ′ s , but it isn ′ t pointed out that once the expected value of maximum loss is exceeded , how much the loss of capital will be .

  3. 会计学就是将资产损失险最小化的科学;

    Accountancy is about minimizing the risk of loss of assets ;

  4. 浅谈国有资产损失的认定和处理

    An Analysis of Identifying and Processing Loss of Assets of State-owned Enterprises

  5. 电流极化抗腐蚀处理待处理流动资产损失

    Corrosion prevention by galvanic polarization Current asset losses in suspense

  6. 待处理固定资产损失

    Loss on disposal fixed assets losses in suspense

  7. 花旗的净资产损失也下降了37%。

    Net credit losses fell by 37 % .

  8. 第三种是或有负债类的,包括各种对外担保和法律诉讼所可能发生的资产损失;

    The third is debt , including potential asset loss caused by sponsion and lawsuit .

  9. 一种可能是扩大对某些不良金融资产损失的联邦担保。

    One possibility is to expand federal guarantees against losses on some troubled financial assets .

  10. 代理和波罗尼亚银行分担地星银行资产损失$45.8百万美元。

    The agency and Polonia Bank are sharing losses on $ 45.8 million of Earthstar Bank 's assets .

  11. 通过不同的人员进行权力分解与制衡,以达到防范、控制国有资产损失风险之目的。

    Different staffs disintegrate and counterbalance rights in order to defend and control the loss risk of state-owned property .

  12. 联邦存款保险公司和威德贝艾兰银行同意分担北州银行221.9百万美元的资产损失。

    The FDIC and Whidbey Island Bank agreed to share losses on $ 221.9 million of North County Bank 's assets .

  13. 基于投影寻踪网络算法的资产损失率预报模型研究

    Study on the Forecast Model of Loss Rate for Flood Disaster Affected Bodies Based on the Projection Pursuit Neural Network Algorithm

  14. 作者利用世界银行数据库分析了1970-2001年我国真实国民储蓄与自然资产损失之间的定量关系。

    The author analyzes the quantitative relation between China s genuine national saving and natural capital depletion by using the World Bank database .

  15. 通过使用经济学的概念来管理不确定性以及可能产生的资产损失这一方法正在软件开发行业逐渐起步。

    Finance concepts for managing uncertainty and its resulting risk to the value of an asset are finding root again in software development .

  16. 此外,联邦存款保险公司和第一级银行同意分担派拉蒙银行资产损失$233.1百万美元。

    In addition , the FDIC and Level One Bank agreed to share losses on $ 233.1 million of Paramount Bank 's assets .

  17. 银行挤兑的客观原因在于银行经营中的不良资产损失,主观原因在于储户对银行信心的动摇。

    The objective cause of the runs on banks lies in the bad asset loss , and the subjective cause exists in the depositors'uncertainty about banks .

  18. 财务信息网络化必然带来安全隐患:信息失真或泄露,系统失控或崩溃,数据或资产损失。

    Financial information network will inevitably bring about security risks : distortion or leaking of information , collapse of system , loss of data or assets .

  19. 这些修改使得银行在使用模型评估非流动资方面用有更大的自由,同时使得它们确认收益表中长期资产损失时更为灵活。

    These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statements .

  20. 最近听说一位亿万富翁声称,在过去12个月,他的净资产损失了60%。

    I had the small consolation recently of hearing a billionaire say his net worth had fallen by 60 per cent in the past 12 months .

  21. 借款人违约将直接导致商业银行产生不良贷款,造成信用资产损失,并侵蚀银行的资本金。

    Once the debit side break the loan contract that the commercial will bring bad assets , lead to loss and erode the capital of bank .

  22. 因此,只有在充足计提资产损失准备的前提下,资本充足率计算才真实可信,各行的相应指标之间才具有可比性。

    So only on the premise of adequate allocation of assets impairment can the capital adequacy rate be reliable and the index is comparable among different banks .

  23. 此外,随着每年移动资产损失或更换的增加,为确保满足需要,医院不得不投资购买过剩的资产。

    In addition , with increasing losses or misplacement of mobile assets annually , hospitals compensate by spending capital on excess capacity assets to ensure they meet demand .

  24. 已经投入运行的信贷资产损失准备金系统实现了对商业银行信贷资产风险模型的数据分析、数据挖掘和数据展现,构建了可扩展的稳定而灵活的系统,具有良好的商业应用前景。

    The system have implemented data analysis , data mining and data exhibitor of commercial bank credit assets risk model , and it has good commercial application future .

  25. 金融机构内部管理与控制制度长期不健全或执行监督不力,造成重大资产损失,或导致发生重大金融犯罪案件;

    Internal management and internal control of financial institution being unhealthy for long period or with weak enforcement that result in severe loss of assets , or severe financial criminal cases ;

  26. 结合担保机构的实际运作,建立科学有效的风险内部控制制度,最大限度的预防可能的经营风险和资产损失,是保证担保机构持续稳定发展的关键问题。

    Combined with the actual operation of the guarantee institutions , the establishment of a scientific and effective internal risk control system , the maximum possible operational risks and prevent loss of assets .

  27. 在这种情况下,巨灾发生后所造成的资产损失将会是越来越大,并且从最近的三十年来看,巨灾有呈现出破坏性增强的趋势。

    In this case , disaster caused by catastrophe led to the loss of assets will be more and more . From the view of the last three decades , the catastrophe showing destructive enhanced trend .

  28. 当我们确定进入不确定的长时期(一连串的失业、资产损失、家庭赎回和长达两年的夫妻之战)时,这个事情值得好好研究下。

    As we enter what is sure to be a long period of uncertainty a gantlet of lost jobs , dwindling assets , home foreclosures and two continuing wars the downside of stress is certainly worth exploring .

  29. 金融危机中暴露出了公允价值计量方式在加剧金融机构资产损失等方面的缺陷,引起了各界对是否坚持这一计量方式的广泛争论。

    Financial crisis exposed the way in increasing the fair value measurement of financial institutions , asset losses and other deficiencies have drawn as to whether to adhere to this way of measuring and caused the broad debate .

  30. 第三,瑞郎的走强将令瑞士央行面临巨大的资产损失,其资产约有一半以欧元计价&尽管这些损失可能只是刚好抵消了它2014年从干预汇市中获得的收益。

    Third , the rise of the franc will expose the central bank to sizeable losses on its assets , about half of which are denominated in euros & though these might simply offset comparable gains made from currency interventions in 2014 .