
  • 网络asset risk
  1. 面对加入WTO后国内外激烈的竞争态势,如何健全商业银行信贷资产风险管理体系已是摆在我们面前迫切需要解决的一个重大课题,文章对此作了初步的探讨。

    When facing with the fierce competitin at home and abroad after joining the WTO , we are pressed to solve the big problem of improving the credit asset risk management system for commercial bank This article thus makes a discussion this question .

  2. 非系统风险主要包括支付风险、资产风险和资产负债不匹配风险。

    Non-systematic risk mainly includes payment risk , asset risk and asset-liability non-compatible risk .

  3. 对金融资产风险的度量与经济资本的分配应该体现分散化效应,传统的VaR方式不能保证分散化效应的次可加性。

    Diversification of portfolios should be reflected in risk measurement and allocation , but the traditional VaR cann 't satisfy subadditivity .

  4. 随着我国加入WTO和改革开放的不断深化,商业银行之间的竞争越来越剧烈,因此,信贷资产风险管理的问题便成为商业银行业务是否能够健康发展的一个关键性问题。

    With the entrance to WTO and the deepening of our reform , the competition among commercial banks becomes more and more severe . Loans risks management becomes the key of the healthy development of commercial banks business .

  5. 通过构建最优的多银行中小企业贷款池,运用合成CDO等结构化融资方式为化解中小企业信贷资产风险、缓解中小企业融资困境提供了新思路。

    Synthetic CDOs based on Multi-bank Loan Pool are designed and employed to diversify the credit risk of SME loans , and relieve the dilemma of SME financing .

  6. 商业银行的信贷资产风险又是诱发金融危机的重要原因。

    Commercial bank credit assets risk is evoked financial crisis important reasons .

  7. 政府资产风险:地方财政风险分析的一个新视角

    Government Assets Risks : A New View on the Local Financial Risk

  8. 信贷资产风险损失分类与评估

    The Classification and Evaluation of the Loss of the Credit Assets Risk

  9. 论当前银行信贷资产风险的成因及对策

    Talk About The Cause and Countermeasure of The Bank Assets risk Today

  10. 银行会计信息与信贷资产风险的关系

    Relation between bank accounting information and credit assets risk

  11. 国外银行化解不良资产风险的经验与借鉴

    Experiences and References of Dissolving the Risks of Bad Assets in Foreign Banks

  12. 中央企业品牌资产风险管理体系研究

    China Group Companies in the Brand Equity of the Risk Management System Control Research

  13. 新兴市场的资产风险太大。

    And , emerging market assets are risky .

  14. 通过案例分析,我们发现子公司的财务风险可谓林林总总,包括是资产风险、或有负债风险、表外风险。

    There are many kinds of the subsidiaries financial risk as the case showed .

  15. 担保对防范银行信贷资产风险有着很重要的作用。

    Guarantee plays a very important role in preventing risks in bank credit funds .

  16. 切实防范和化解境外资产风险。

    We will effectively guard against and reduce risks to the country 's overseas capital .

  17. 我国寿险业运用风险资本法的资产风险系数研究

    Research on Asset RBC Ratio of Life Insurance Companies Implementing Risk-Based Capital Method in China

  18. 我国农业发展银行信贷资产风险的成因与对策

    Reasons of Credit Capital Risks of the Agricultural Development Bank , China and Its Counter Measures

  19. 钢铁产品经营中存在资产风险和市场风险两类风险因素。

    There are two kinds of risks for managing steel products , that is financing risk and marketing risk .

  20. 与此同时,其金融部门相对强劲,不良资产风险很小。

    The financial sector , meanwhile , is relatively robust , he said , with little exposure to toxic assets .

  21. 认为,在市场经济条件下,可以用市场化的方法来解决市场经济体制下的问题,因而有必要进行电力债权资产风险管理的制度创新。

    So it is necessary that make the institutional innovation in the risks management of Assets of Electrical Creditor 's rights .

  22. 本文基于得出的研究结论,提出降低信贷集中程度的改善措施,以期能有效地降低信贷扩张背景下商业银行信贷资产风险。

    On the conclusion of research , the paper suggested to reduce credit concentrating to lower credit risk of credit spread .

  23. 三是标准只评价单个资产风险,没有考虑到资产间的相互影响作用及系统整体风险等。

    Third , the national criterion just evaluate the risk of a single asset , and neglect the influential action among different assets .

  24. 二是风险预警以全面风险管理为理念,综合地考虑了银行经营过程中可能出现的资产风险、流动性风险、资本风险和盈利风险等。

    Secondly , having the idea of overall risk management , it considers the aspects of asset , mobility , capital and profitability .

  25. 有关其他各类资产风险控制与管理的具体要求,由中国银行业监督管理委员会另行规定。

    Other requirements on risk control and management relating to various kinds of assets shall be issued separately by the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  26. 如何准确预测波动率,对投资者管理资产风险及监管者控制市场风险、保证市场稳定均具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Forecasting the volatility accurately has a great theoretical and practical significance on managing asset risk for investors and monitoring market risk for regulators .

  27. 文中对无风险利率的选取、国家风险补偿及资产风险溢价的计算提出了见解。

    Also , we discuss the methods to calculate thenon - risk interest rate , the sovereign risk premium and the equity risk premium .

  28. 这些资产风险给物流运输企业带来了很大的损失,特别是挂靠经营中风险更为严重,甚至导致物流运输企业破产。

    These assets risk brings great loss , especially in the affiliated business . What is worse , it can cause logistics enterprise bankruptcy .

  29. 文章试图对我国商业银行风险中最重要的方面&信贷资产风险进行研究,研究的重点是当前我国商业银行信贷风险形成的各方面原因及如何针对这些原因形成有效的信贷资产风险管理机制。

    This paper attaches importance to the various reason of the accumulation of credit risks and how to form an efficient credit risks management system .

  30. 债权转让机制创新则是降低资产风险、改造银企关系的契机。

    And the innovation of the debt assignation system is the moment of reducing assets risks and improving the relationship between banks and enterpris - es .