
  • 网络asset structure;capital structure;structure of asset;FinanCIAl structure
  1. 调整资产结构,增加资产流动性;

    Adjust the capital structure , enhance the capital liquidity ;

  2. 区域金融资产结构与经济增长的关系研究

    A Study on Relationship between Regional Financial Capital Structure and Economic Growth

  3. 这一点印证了企业的资产结构和经营绩效间存在着某种线性或非线性的联系,可以通过建立BP神经网络模型来将企业的资产结构和经营绩效对应起来。

    This confirms the asset structure and business performance of the enterprise there is some kind of linear or non-linear contact , through the establishment of the BP neural network model to corresponding assets of the corporate structure and business performance .

  4. 分析了银行风险分析的一般理论和银行风险转移机制,并着重对我国现有金融体制下信贷风险的形成机理和银行不良资产结构变化的Markov过程进行了研究。

    The general theory about risk analysis and risk shift mechanism is also introduced . Especially , the formation mechanism of excess credit risk and the Markov process of structure transform of bad assets are discussed in detail .

  5. MBO在西方发起的动因主要是解决经理人代理成本等问题,意在解决公司的所有者结构、控制权结构及企业的资产结构。

    The direct motivation of MBO is to solve the cost of agent in western countries . Through MBO , the structure of ownership , control power , and assets can be reasonable .

  6. DQL公司控制权转移后发生了可喜的变化,公司治理结构明显改善,资产结构进一步优化,经济效益有所改善,市场竞争能力大幅提升。

    Significant improvement has happened in corporate governance structure , asset structure was further optimized and cost-effective improvements in competitiveness in the market .

  7. 三是结合居民的金融资产结构,分析居民储蓄与金融投资的关系,主要通过建立储蓄与股市交易额之间的VAR模型,分析证券市场与居民储蓄的相互影响;

    In combination with resident 's financial assets structure , to analyse the relationship between Chinese household savings and investment , mainly through setting up the VAR mode between savings and stock trading volume , to analyse the interact between the stock market and household savings ;

  8. 之后用协整检验、单位根检验、建立广义差分模型、VAR模型及脉冲响应函数、Granger因果检验等实证分析的方法对河南省金融资产结构与经济发展的相互作用进行了深入研究。

    Using cointegration test , after with inspection , established general unit of difference model , VAR model and impulse response function , Granger causality test , etc in henan province , the empirical analysis method of financial assets structure and economic development interactions were studied .

  9. 事实上,企业的资产结构对企业至关重要。

    Actually , the asset structure is very important to enterprises .

  10. 企业资产结构优化的微观分析及对策研究

    Micro - Research on Optimizing Enterprise Assets Structure and Strategy

  11. 国拨地勘经费运行与地勘资产结构调整

    The state-funded geological prospecting fund operation and geological prospecting asset structure adjustment

  12. 高校资产结构现状及优化分析

    Analysis of Circumstance and Optimization Structure of Universities ' Assets

  13. 企业资产结构由有形化向无形化方向发展。

    The assets structure of enterprises transforms from visible to invisible nowadays .

  14. 分析资产结构合理运用资金

    Analysis of Assets distribution and Proper Utilization of Capital

  15. 优化产业结构、资产结构;

    Optimization of the structure of industry and property ;

  16. 接着,对贵州省金融资产结构的变化情况进行全面系统分析。

    Second , this paper analyzes the changes of Guizhou financial assets structure .

  17. 企业资产结构的影响因素及模式研究

    A Research on the Influence Factors and Models of Enterprises ' Asset Structure

  18. 资产结构一般具有整体性、封闭性、动态性等特征;

    Asset structure has some characteristics such as integrity ;

  19. 金融资产结构变化与经济增长之间的因果关系分析

    Analysis of Casualty between the Change of Financial Capital Structure and the Economic Growth

  20. 资产结构不合理。

    The structure of the assets is unreasonable .

  21. 居民金融资产结构变化与国债认购空间分析

    Analysis on Changing of Residents ' Financial-asset Structure and Their Investing-potential of Treasury Bond

  22. 提出了龙江森工集团的资本结构和资产结构优化组合的对策。

    It puts forward the countermeasure about the capital structure and assets structure of optimization .

  23. 企业资产结构比重分析探究

    An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Capital Structure Ratio

  24. 本文是以金融资产结构与金融体系效率的关系为研究对象。

    The research subject of this article is financial capital structure and financial system efficiency .

  25. 农村信用社资本、资产结构状况:安徽案例研究

    Situation of Rural Credit Capital and Assets Structure : A Study of Cases in Anhui

  26. 企业并购对于优化资产结构、加速企业的发展有重要意义。

    M & A is important to optimize the assets structure and accelerate enterprise 's development .

  27. 企业负债的期限构成与企业资产结构的适应性;企业财务杠杆与企业增长机会的适应性;

    The forth is the adaptation of the financial lever to the company 's growth opportunity ;

  28. 随着知识经济的到来,高校资产结构由有形化向无形化方向发展。

    With the approach of knowledge economy , college assets structure develops from tangibility to-wards in tangibility .

  29. 因此,对我国居民金融资产结构进行研究具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the study on the structure of our residents ' financial assets has great significance .

  30. 财富渠道、资产结构渠道、股票渠道传导将发挥越来越重要的作用的观点。

    Fortune channel ; capital structure channel and market channel conduction will bring to play important role .