
  1. 二是竞争性产品供给弹性大,一般消费品价格普遍而又持续上涨的可能性较小,而由金融投机引发的初级产品价格暴涨成为推动CPI和PPI上升的丰要原因。

    Secondly , the competitive products have so great supply elasticity that the universal and sustained rise for general consumer prices has a small possibility . The primary commodity prices inflation caused by financial speculation is the main reason for rising in CPI and PPI .

  2. 国际食品和一般消费品经销协会

    International Association for the Distribution of Food Products and General Consumer Goods

  3. 从基本理论和企业实践来看,高科技消费品的市场表现、消费者的购买行为和企业市场营销既不同于一般消费品,也不同于高科技工业品。

    From basic theory and business practice , we can see high-tech consumer products have own market feature , consumers have own purchase behavior and companies have own marketing strategy .

  4. 以前实证研究的行业多为一般消费品生产行业,而较少涉及轿车这种大额实物产品的品牌资产研究,现在将以前的研究结论应用于轿车行业时,并不一定完全适用,还需要做许多的调整。

    Previously , the empirical of brand equity researches involve manufactures of general consumables , not sedan of such high quantum value . Right now , it leads to the result that the former findings of research maybe not practicable for the sedan industry , needing a lot of adjusting .

  5. 市场供大于求的一些纺织产品、一般耐用消费品、部分机电产品生产增长有所减慢。

    The production of textile products , ordinary consumer goods and some electric products , which had an excessive supply , grew slowly .

  6. 一直以来,品牌理论研究和实践的重点主要是一般的消费品品牌,而对工业品品牌关注度较低。

    Since always , theoretical research and practice for brand focused mainly is the general consumer . Brands of industrial products get lower attention .

  7. 除了一般的大众消费品之外,专为特殊族群所设计的产品在人机工程学上也有更多的考虑。

    Besides the goods for general consumers , specifically design for the special group of people need more consideration about the ergonomics .

  8. 相比之下,成立在拥有较成熟行业(一般专注于消费品、互联网技术或新能源领域)的沿海地区的基金却一直能给投资者带来丰厚的回报。

    By contrast , funds in coastal areas with more mature industries typically focused on consumer goods , Internet technology or new energy have been providing good returns for investors .

  9. 由于战争期间一般来说难以买到消费品,所以许多工人攒下一大笔工资,准备现在大肆花费。

    Consumer goods had been generally unavailable during the war ; so many workers had saved a substantial portion of their wages and were now ready to spend .

  10. 他补充称,劳动力成本一般仅占电子消费品美国零售价的5%左右,因此,即使中国工人加薪30%,产生的影响也可以忽略不计。

    He adds that labour generally represents only around 5 per cent of the retail price of consumer electronics in the US and so even a 30 per cent rise in wages in China would have a negligible impact .