
  • 网络pharmaceutical products;medical product
  1. 的上市,这是中国最大的医药产品分销企业,该公司通过在香港股市IPO成功地融资13亿美元。

    China 's largest distributer of pharmaceutical products , successfully raised US $ 1.3 billion in a Hong Kong IPO .

  2. 医药产品的开发、分销和品牌建立。

    Product development , distribution and brand building of pharmaceutical products .

  3. TRIPS协议将专利保护扩大到了医药产品,使许多发展中国家在防治传染病问题上困难重重,公共健康危机迫在眉睫。

    The TRIPS enlarge the protection of patent to pharmaceutical product . It makes developing countries difficult in the prevention and cure of communicable diseases . The problem of public health is very serious .

  4. 将新的4P(悟点、特点、爱点、恶点)分析方法用于对医药产品的分析等。

    Using the new 4P ( sense point , peculiarity point , fondness point , detesting point ) analysis method to analyze the medicine products .

  5. 如果有害的药物反应报告表明医药产品利益-风险平衡有变化,EMEA会采取合理的措施。

    The EMEA takes appropriate actions if adverse drug reaction reports suggest changes to the benefit-risk balance of a medicinal product .

  6. EMEA负责科学的评估医药产品欧洲市场上市授权的申请(集中程序)。

    The EMEA is responsible for the scientific evaluation of applications for European marketing authorisation for medicinal products ( centralised procedure ) .

  7. 对于医药产品,EMEA有责任建立动物来源的食品中医药残留的安全限度。

    For veterinary medicinal products , the Agency has the responsibility to establish safe limits for medicinal residues in food of animal origin .

  8. 由此关于中国医药产品GMP验证的研究与分析这篇论文旨在通过分析研究先进的、系统的和适应中国国情的高质量的GMP验证流程,提高中国医药产品的安全性和质量。

    This paper aims to this on the research and analysis of Chinese medical products GMP validation by advanced systems and high-quality GMP validation process , improve the safety and quality of medical products in China .

  9. 正在研发肿瘤疫苗的Immunicum收到了来自瑞典医药产品管理局的同意其开始其首个临床研究的批准。

    Immunicum , which is developing cancer vaccines , has received approval from the Swedish Medical Products Agency to start its first clinical trial .

  10. 欧洲医药产品管理局关于临床研究中多重性的考虑要点

    European Medical Agency 's points of consideration on clinical multiplicity issues

  11. 医药产品营销渠道创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Marketing Channels of the Medicine Products

  12. 相互承认医药产品评价报告计划

    Scheme for Mutual Recognition of Evaluation Reports on Pharmaceutical Products

  13. 试论医药产品的市场营销组合

    On the Marketing - mix Program of Pharmaceutical Products

  14. 六是医药产品的连锁经营模式;

    Sixth is the study on the mode of chain operation of medicine .

  15. 澳大利亚医药产品召回简介

    Brief introduction of recall for therapeutic goods in Australia

  16. 医药产品的品牌定位策略

    The Tactics of Brand Positioning of Pharmaceutical Products

  17. 四是医药产品营销渠道观念创新;

    Fourth is the concept innovation of MCMP .

  18. 医药产品链的不同阶段都会发生腐败,其表现形式多种多样

    Corruption occurs at different stages of the chain and may take on different forms

  19. 对医药产品的营销研究十分必要。

    It is of great necessity to conduct a study on the marketing of medical products .

  20. 光学活性氰醇的催化不对称合成对合成具有光学活性的新型农药、医药产品具有重要的意义。

    Optically active cyanohydrin is one of the very important intermediates in agrochemical and pharmacy industry .

  21. 注射液在各种医药产品中占有重要的地位,临床应用非常广泛。

    The injection plays an important role in various medicine products , which is also applied abroad in clinic .

  22. 本附件描述了确认和验证的原理,适用于医药产品的生产者。

    This Annex describes the principles of qualification and validation which are applicable to the manufacture of medicinal products .

  23. 在药品案件,客户的定义还包括医院和医药产品的消费者。

    In the case of pharmaceuticals , the definition of customer also includes hospitals and consumers of pharmaceutical products .

  24. 针对医药产品的特点把产品分析作为营销分析的重点之一;

    Taking products analysis as one of the main parts of marketing analysis according with the feature of medicine products ;

  25. 在东南亚是否有客户把海尔玛的产品用于医药产品中?

    Q10 : Do you have any customer used your products ( ESBO ) for medical grade in south east Asia ?

  26. 只要学和医药产品的全球化保持并扩大增加竞争市场份额及顾客忠诚度。

    Globalization of the pharmaceutical and medical products markets has increased competition to maintain and expand market share and customer loyalty .

  27. 世卫组织药品资格预审是世卫组织开展的一个服务项目,用以评估医药产品的质量、安全性和疗效。

    WHO prequalification of medicines is a service provided by WHO to assess the quality , safety and efficacy of medicinal products .

  28. 现今,它的防腐抗菌性能使它成为化妆品、肥皂、牙膏及天然医药产品的广受欢迎的配料。

    These days , its antiseptic properties make it a popular ingredient for cosmetics , soap , toothpaste and natural medicinal products .

  29. 其中包括集中在医院购买药品以防止医生从推荐和销售医药产品中收取回扣。

    These include preventing doctors from receiving kick-backs from the recommendation and sale of pharmaceutical products by centralizing drug procurement at hospitals .

  30. 氯-4-硝基吡啶是吡啶基苯脲类植物生长调节剂、除草剂和吡啶基医药产品的重要中间合成体。

    Chloro-4-Nitropyridine is a very important intermediate , which was used for synthesizing plant-growth regulators and herbicides of pyridyl-phenyl urea and pyridyl medicines .