
  • 网络Medical insurance management;hospitalization insurance
  1. IC卡读写器在医疗保险管理信息系统中的应用

    Application of IC Card Read-write Implement in Hospitalization Insurance Administration Information System

  2. 本文将对分布式医疗保险管理系统进行了深入的分析与研究,并用采用多层C/S结构与B/S结构相结合实现该分布式医疗保险管理系统。

    Distributed management system of hospitalization insurance is researched and realized by combination of multi-layer C / S structure and B / S structure .

  3. 领悟WTO规则,转变政府职能;医疗保险管理系统的文件传输

    Transferring the functions of government ; Transferring Files in the Medicare System

  4. UML在医疗保险管理信息系统领域模型设计中的应用

    Apply UML to Design Domain Model of Medical Insurance MIS

  5. 主要工作如下:①在分析国内外研究现状的基础上,研究了医疗保险管理系统设计和实现过程中的主要关键技术,包括MVC设计模式、模糊聚类算法、SQLMaps与DAO数据访问技术等。

    On the basis of studying domestic and foreign research current situation , we research the key technologies used in the process of medical insurance management system design and implementation , including the MVC design pattern , fuzzy clustering algorithm , SQL Maps and DAO data access technology .

  6. 浅谈电力医疗保险管理信息系统中结算模块的完善

    Settle accounts model realization of electric power medical treatment information system

  7. 军卫一号住院医疗保险管理系统的设计

    Design of Medical Insurance Management System in No.1 Military Medical Project

  8. 上海市农村合作医疗保险管理的立法研究

    Research of legislation on management of rural cooperative medical insurance in Shanghai

  9. 城镇居民医疗保险管理信息系统研发

    The Research and Development of Medical Insurance Management Information System for Urban Residents

  10. 我们对梧州医疗保险管理系统进行了软件测试。

    We tesed WUZHOU Medicare Management System .

  11. 这是我们医院医疗保险管理工作初步走出,并将继续走下去的路子。

    It is the way medical insurance manager developed and will be continuously implemented in future .

  12. 文章详细介绍了医疗保险管理系统数据库模型的设计、建立以及系统的实现。

    The paper introduces design , establishment and realization of database model of medical insurance management system .

  13. 文中介绍了地区级城镇职工基本医疗保险管理信息系统中数据同步模块的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of the data synchronization module in the medical insurance system .

  14. 通过对各国的医疗保险管理方式进行对比和分析,总结出各国医疗保险制度的优点。

    Next , comparison and analysis the national medical insurance management and summarize the benefits of national health insurance system .

  15. 本文运用多学科的知识,从多角度出发对我国当前的医疗保险管理制度进行了思考和设计。

    This paper uses the knowledge of many subjects to consider and design our current medical insurance management system from multiple angles .

  16. 文中介绍了医疗保险管理信息系统中通信子系统的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of the communication module in the management information system , which used in the medical insurance system .

  17. 第四部分,主要就城镇基本医疗保险管理和服务的法律问题进行了研究。

    Part 4 . The writer bases his study on law problems on service and management of BMI system in urban and rural areas in this part .

  18. 1.6家庭医生首诊制的利益相关者主要有四个:政府(包括卫生行政管理部门和医疗保险管理部门)、居民、家庭医生和上级医疗机构,既相互影响又相互制约。

    GPFCS has four interacting stakeholders : government ( including health administration departments and medical insurance management departments ), residents , GPs and superior medical institutions . 7 .

  19. 讨论了接触式IC卡读写器作为医疗保险管理信息系统中的一个重要部分的设计应用和基于PC/SC行业规范的读写器驱动程序设计。

    The report discusses the design application of IC card read-write implement as an important part in hospitalization insurance administration information system and the drive procedure design of the read-write implement .

  20. 从医疗保险管理业务分析出发,阐述了建立全市统一的医疗保险信息系统的重要性、信息系统建设的目标。

    From the analysis of medical insurance management business , it expounded the importance of medical insurance information system on the municipal level and set forth the goal of information system construction .

  21. 一些发达国家如英国、加拿大、瑞典将卫生技术评估结果与政府决策和医疗保险管理结合起来,使医疗费用得到控制同时卫生服务的质量得以提高。

    Some developed countries like UK , Canada and Sweden linked their health technology assessment results with decision making and health insurance management , and made prominent achievements in both expenditure control and quality improvement .

  22. 但在覆盖率、医疗保险管理体制、医疗保险金来源等方面与西方发达国家尤其是与我国一水之遥的日本相比存在着很大差距。

    But in medical insurance aspect and the western developed country and so on management system , medical insurance money origin remote Japan compares in particular with our country water has the very big disparity .

  23. 全面掌握了临颍县医疗保险管理系统的功能需求,以及各部门、各业务流程所需功能模块及各个功能模块之间的交互。

    We fully mastered function requirements of medical insurance management system of Lin Ying County , as well as all function modules of every department and every business processes and interaction among all function modules .

  24. 因此基于Spring框架开发一套新的居民医疗保险信息管理系统,以适应未来灵活多变的电子政务变革,是本文主要的研究内容和选题意义。

    Therefore , building a resident medical insurance information management system on the Spring Framework is the main content and significance of this thesis .

  25. 医疗保险计划管理方——医疗保险与医疗救助服务中心(CentersforMedicareandMedicaidServices)负责偿付与分析的代理主任塔玛拉·希赖克-詹森(TamaraSyrek-Jensen)说:“从全局来看,(扩大偿付范围)是个积极的进步。”

    When you look at the big picture , it was a positive step forward ' to extend coverage , said Tamara Syrek-Jensen , acting director for the coverage and analysis group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , which administers the Medicare program .

  26. 完善上海基本医疗保险给付管理的政策建议

    Policy suggestions on improving essential medical insurance payment management in Shanghai

  27. 关于完善医疗保险监督管理体系的思考

    Discussion about Improving the Supervision and Management System of Medical Insurance

  28. 城镇职工基本医疗保险信息管理系统的建设

    Establishment of MIS of Basic Medical Assurance System for Employees in City

  29. 社会医疗保险网络管理信息系统设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Management Information System for Social Medical Insurance Network

  30. 论医疗保险监督管理

    Discussion on the Supervision and Management of Medical Insurance