
  • 网络Medical Insurance Law
  1. 以医疗责任保险为基础探索建立新型医疗保险法的思考

    Thinking of based on medical liability insurance to establish a new medical insurance law

  2. 由于有了《平价医疗保险法》,仅仅去年1年就有大约1000万人获得医疗保险保障。

    Thanks to the Affordable Care Act , about 10 million Americans have gained health insurance in the past year alone .

  3. 近年来,我国医疗保险法制度取得了长足的发展,基本解决了城镇人口的看病问题。

    In recent years , our country medical insurance method system has obtained the considerable development , basically solved the urban population to see a doctor the question .

  4. 除了能为美国人民带来实实在在的利益外,新医疗保险法也将终结保险公司的恶劣行径。

    Aside from providing real , tangible benefits to the American people , the new health care law has also begun to end the worst practices of insurance companies .

  5. 事实上,与我交谈过的所有人都说,他们找不到任何理由,他们的同事会反对去掉一个手指,条件是政府要按医疗保险法支付手术费用。

    In fact , everyone I talked to said they couldn 't see any reason for their constituents to object to having one finger removed , provided the government paid for it under Medicare .

  6. 毫无疑问,共和党的预算还希望废除《平价医疗保险法》,这将剥夺700多万负责人做事,已经签约购买医疗保险的人享受医保的权利。

    Unsurprisingly , the Republican budget also tries to repeal the Affordable Care Act-even though that would take away health coverage from the more than seven million Americans who 've done the responsible thing and signed up to buy health insurance .

  7. 我们的医疗保障能给予我们必要的食物,我们没有医疗保险就没法活啊。

    What we pay for health insurance would provide the food we need , but we can not survive without the health insurance .