
yī liáo bǎo xiǎn
  • medical insurance;Medicare;insurance for medical care
  1. 医疗保险费用昂贵。

    Medical insurance is very pricey .

  2. 我们把医疗保险的好处与其开支加以权衡。

    We balance the benefits against the costs of medical insurance .

  3. 老年医疗保险也适用于肾病晚期患者。

    ' Medicare ' is available to victims of advanced kidney disease

  4. 医疗保险费用花掉了他大量的收入。

    Health insurance costs are eating up his income .

  5. 医生在决定用什么时应该考虑医疗保险的预算吗?

    Should doctors consider Medicare 's budget in deciding what to use ?

  6. 1)调查数据不包括税收、货币转移支付和补偿,例如雇主提供的医疗保险等。

    It excludes taxes , transfers , and compensation like employer-provided health insurance .

  7. 这项提议可以在未来十年里为医疗保险节省1000多亿美元。

    This proposal could save Medicare more than $ 100 billion over the next decade .

  8. 国会需要找到勇气去允许医疗保险优先支付被证明是优越的治疗。

    Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior .

  9. 众议院法案将授权卫生与公共服务部部长去协商医疗保险和医疗补助相关的药品价格。

    The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid .

  10. 众议院法案中的提议将不得不与供应方协调费率,而不是像改革派们期望的那样直接使用医疗保险率。

    The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers , rather than using Medicare rates , as many reformers wanted .

  11. 如果每个人都使用更便宜的药物安维汀,而不是更昂贵的诺适得,联邦医疗保险每年可以节省数亿美元。

    Medicare could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if everyone used the cheaper drug , Avastin , instead of the costlier one , Lucentis .

  12. 因此,这些法案并没有像他们应该要求的那样,要求将这些研究的结果用于确定医疗保险的支付率。

    As a result , the bills do not require , as they should , that the results of these studies be used to set payment rates in Medicare .

  13. 企业职工医疗保险、城市居民医疗保险和新农合已经覆盖13亿人口。

    The health care program has already covered 1.3 billion people .

  14. W:还有,我们公司还有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险。

    W : Yes , we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well .

  15. 自从她的公司开始减少职工工资,他们已经不得不停止了Alice的医疗保险。

    They had been forced to stop making the payments on Alice 's health insurance since her company had doubled employee responsibility .

  16. 基于TUXEDO中间件的医疗保险交易系统的设计

    The Design of the Medical Insurance Trade System Based on Medium Component Tuxedo

  17. 你或许可以继续享有由COBRA供给的医疗保险,可是在告退前要确认好。

    You may be able to continue coverage via COBRA , but be sure before you resign .

  18. 有关Medicare(即美国给老年人提供的联邦医疗保险)赤字燃眉问题的债务违约风险威胁着股市的走势。

    The risk of a debt default over the combustible issue of the Medicare deficit hangs over the course of the stock market .

  19. 医疗保险可携性和责任法案(HIPAA)

    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPAA )

  20. 上周六,奥巴马在科罗拉多州格兰美欣(GrandJunction)说,公共医疗保险并非改革的全部内容,尽管这仍是他压低保险成本的首选方式。

    Mr Obama said on Saturday in Grand Junction , Colorado , the public option was not the entirety of reform , even though it remained his preferred means to push down insurance costs .

  21. 鉴于瑞安是唯一一位提出大幅削减联邦预算中规模最大也最受欢迎的项目联邦医疗保险计划(medicare)的知名政治人士,罗姆尼的这一选择需要勇气。

    Given that Mr Ryan is the only politician of note to have proposed a drastic cutback to Medicare , the largest and most popular item on the federal budget , his selection took courage .

  22. 位于布鲁克林的自由职业者联盟(FreelancersUnion)是一家为自由职业者提供医疗保险和其他资源的非盈利性协会。联盟创始人和运营人萨拉•霍洛维兹指出:很多情况下,客户不是故意延迟付款。

    Delays in payment usually aren 't deliberate on the client 's part , notes Sara Horowitz , who founded and runs Freelancers Union , a Brooklyn-based nonprofit association that offers health insurance and other resources to the self-employed .

  23. 美国的国家债务已升至14万亿美元,社保和美国联邦医疗保险(medicare)的资金缺口目前合计超过100万亿美元。如何能在美元不进一步贬值的情况下为这些债务融资?

    US national debt has risen to $ 14000bn and the unfunded liabilities of social security and Medicare combined are now more than $ 1 00000 BN . How can this be financed without further devaluation ?

  24. LeeIn-sook的母亲和姐姐均死于癌症。她不得不投保昂贵的额外私人医疗保险。

    Lee In-sook , who lost both her mother and a sister to cancer , considers additional private health insurance a necessity , even though it is expensive .

  25. 美国参议院周四批准了一项大规模改革法案,将使医疗保险覆盖94%的美国人。对总统巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)而言,其全面改革美国效率低下且不公平医疗体系的希望向现实迈出了一大步。

    President Barack Obama 's hopes of overhauling the US 's inefficient and inequitable healthcare system moved a giant step closer to being realised on Thursday , when the Senate passed a sweeping reform bill that would see 94 per cent of Americans with health insurance .

  26. 相反,这些计划都旨在利用联邦医疗保险(medicare,老年人的公共医疗计划)的巨额储蓄来为医改买单,许多medicare的投保人不太相信对他们所享服务不会因此变差的保证。

    Instead , the plans all aim to cover costs with big savings on Medicare , the public programme for the elderly and many Medicare recipients doubt the assurance that their services will not worsen as a result .

  27. 通过面向老年人的医疗保险制度(medicare)和面向穷人的医疗补助制度(medicaid)等项目,医疗覆盖范围将会扩大,但已经占据了美国多数药品采购的公共部门的作用也会进一步加强。

    But increased medical cover , through programmes such as Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor , will further increase the role of the public sector , which already accounts for the majority of US drug purchases .

  28. 今天,美国儿科协会(aap)这一具有影响力的组织宣布,割礼这种手术确实有益,而且推荐纳入公私医疗保险计划之中,这一建议于八月二十七日登载在网上儿科版块。

    Today the influential group the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) declared that the procedure is , indeed , beneficial-and that it should be covered by public and private health insurance plans . The recommendation was published online August 27 in pediatrics .

  29. 她拥有医疗保险、养老金和失业保险。

    She had health insurance , a pension and job security .

  30. 福利多元主义视角下的医疗保险政策分析

    Analyzing Health Insurance Reform in China : A Welfare Pluralist Perspective