
  • Medical Service;NHS;Health Care Provider
  1. 马里兰州的精神病患者个人权限与管制枪支专项研究小组表示,必须由合法的医疗服务机构、教育机构或执法机构提供威胁说明。

    The Task Force to Study Access of Mentally Ill Individual to Regulated Firearms in the state of Maryland says the threat must be established by a licensed health care provider , educator or law enforcement officer .

  2. 在新公共管理理论的指导下,英国政府对卫生管理机构和公立医院进行了改革,实现了医疗服务购买者和提供者身份的分离。

    Under the guidance of the new public management theories , the British government had the health administrative organizations and public hospitals reformed and realized the separation between health care purchasers the identity of them as health care provider .

  3. 政府负责提供医疗服务。

    The government is responsible for the provision of health care .

  4. 我做这次手术是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I had the operation done on the NHS .

  5. 我配眼镜是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I got my glasses on the National Health .

  6. 这家医院承诺要提供最好的医疗服务。

    The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care .

  7. 委员会将在几周内发表他们对公共医疗服务的调查报告。

    The committee will publish their report on the health service in a few weeks .

  8. 俄罗斯的公共医疗服务已经激起了公众对家庭治疗的兴趣。

    The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures .

  9. 这家医院一直是政府的旗舰机构,引领着医疗服务的改革。

    The hospital has been the government 's flagship , leading the health service reforms

  10. 负责国民医疗服务制度改革并未使得所有人都喜欢他。

    Being in charge of the National Health Service reforms did not endear him to one and all .

  11. 村民请愿要求地方政府提供更便利的医疗服务。

    Villagers petitioned the local government to provide more convenient medical services .

  12. 一队医生被派往非洲提供医疗服务。

    A group of doctors were dispatched to Africa to provide medical service .

  13. 对于医疗服务的传统高需求提升了医学和健康相关专业的热度。

    The traditional high demand for medical services has helped to spur the popularity of medical and health-related programs .

  14. 因此,英国国家医疗服务体系英格兰分部先开始采用一项由丹麦开发的体制,引入了十个专科快速诊断和评估中心。

    So NHS England is now adopting an approach first developed in Denmark by introducing ten specialist rapid diagnostic and assessment2 centres .

  15. 加快实施传染病医院、疾控中心标准化建设,提高城乡社区医疗服务能力。增加高品质公共服务供给。

    The central region should accelerate the standardization of hospitals for infectious diseases and centers for disease control and prevention , and improve the ability of urban and rural communities to provide medical services .

  16. 相当部分医务人员对HIV感染者不愿意提供医疗服务。

    Quite lot of the doctors reluctant to provide service to persons with HIV infection .

  17. 临床路径(ClinicalPathway)是一种诊疗过程标准化管理的先进医疗服务管理模式,在我国一些大型医院开始尝试使用。

    Clinical pathway ( CP ) is an advanced medical service management model , in China , some large hospitals are trying to apply it .

  18. 该文利用单元成本、生产率和数据包络分析(DEA)等方法全面地测量了山东省淄博市与江苏省南通市1990~1999年县及县以上医院的医疗服务效率。

    This article measures and analyzes the variation of hospital service efficiency of county and municipal hospitals in Zibo and Nantong 1990 ~ 1999 using Ratio , Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) .

  19. 我们要深入研究和分析其利弊得失,我国医疗服务业也将在WTO规定的服务贸易总协定框架体系下对外开放、参与国际竞争。

    We should research and analyze the advantage and disadvantage deeply , under the system as " service and trade agreement " that is made by WTO , our country 's medical service industry also may opening to the outside world and participate in international competition .

  20. 根据KHID的报告,整容手术增长率在所有医疗服务项目中遥遥领先。

    According to the KHID 's report , cosmetic surgery topped all other medical services in terms of growth rate .

  21. 加强设备质量管理提高医疗服务水平

    Strengthening the equipment quality management , Improving the medical service level

  22. 医疗服务是最有情感、最具理性的人性化服务。

    Medical service is the most sentimental and rational humanistic service .

  23. 医疗服务集团的特点、类型与政策规范

    Characteristic , pattern and policy criterion of the medical service corporation

  24. 满意医疗服务的基本原则

    Basic principles of satisfying medical care THE SERVICE IS THE HEAT

  25. 医疗服务流程再造的现状及发展趋势

    Status and Developing Trend of the Reform of Medical Service Flow

  26. 军人医疗服务需要与需求现状

    Actuality of Require and Demand on Medical Treatment Service of Serviceman

  27. 医疗服务提供者行为的经济激励方法及其作用分析

    The behavior of health service provider and its economical incentive methods

  28. 建立医疗服务诚信体系的思考

    The consideration on establishment of good faith system in medical care

  29. 成本指标采用直接医疗服务成本。

    The direct healthcare cost was adopted as the cost index .

  30. 保持重组前各医院的特色,拓展医院的医疗服务功能;

    The characteristic of each hospital before restructuring has been kept ;