
tuī xiāo fú wù
  • sales service
  1. 常识告诉我们,在开始向海外推销服务之前,中国需要证明,它自己的企业高管、审计师和监管者能够在本国编制出可靠的会计账目。

    Common sense would dictate that before the country starts selling its services overseas , it needs to demonstrate that its own executives , auditors and regulators can produce reliable accounts at home .

  2. 宣传册是我们的销售人员推销饭店服务设施时强有力的工具。

    Brochure is a powerful tool for salesperson to sell hotel facility and service .

  3. 以下律师业务推广行为应在规则中加以规制:第一,为推销其服务或获得雇佣而向他人或组织偿付有价值的东西;

    Following acts in the extension of lawyer 's business should be regulated . Firstly , selling its service or getting employment by paying someone or some organizations valuable things .

  4. 许多商家微利打折销售基本的地毯产品,但随后在销售时推销附加服务,比如利润率极高的保养服务。

    After discounts , many traders sell basic floor coverings for a negligible contribution . But they then push add-ons at the point of sale , such as protection treatments at super-high margins .

  5. 中国移动则将计就计,用免费礼品卡推销其Wi-Fi服务,吴肖在报告中写道。

    And China Mobile is playing along , Wu reports , promoting its Wi-Fi service with free gift cards .

  6. Airbnb就埋怨说那些克隆网站会派人去租他们的公寓,这样他们就能向房屋所有者推销他们的服务了。

    Airbnb claims that clones have sent people to rent its properties so they can give owners a sales pitch .

  7. 这是最具成本效益的方式推销产品或服务。

    This is the most cost effective way of marketing products or services .

  8. 当然,我们部并不总是客户推销我们的服务。

    But of course , we 're not all the time selling a service .

  9. 不过它会让你学会怎样去推销产品和服务。

    However , it helps you learn how to promote certain products and services .

  10. 现在有的商家胡乱拨打别人私人电话推销商品和服务,干扰他人私生活。

    Some businessmen dial others'private phones at random to promote products or service , affect others'private life .

  11. 赌城很成功地推销了性服务的形象,往往是女性性服务的形象。

    Vegas has become very successful at selling an image of sex and often an image of female sexuality .

  12. 修辞手段的利用,有助于广告语言推销产品或服务,推广某一思想观念。

    The utility of figures of speech is helpful for promoting products or service , even certain idea by Ad language .

  13. 传统银行一般是单方面开发业务品种,向客户推销产品和服务,客户只能在规定的业务范围内选择自己需要的银行服务,而因特网向银行服务提供了交互式的沟通渠道。

    Traditional banks ' scope of business is quite limited . Only a few products and services are provided for customers .

  14. 美洲殖民地时期,诸如报纸、宣传单等的广告及通信媒体成为了推销商品和服务的重要途径。

    In the American colonies , advertising and communications media like newspapers and pamphlets became a major factor in marketing goods and services .

  15. 广告已成为宣传和推销产品与服务的重要手段和现代生活的重要信息来源。

    Advertisement has become an important source of information in daily life as well as an essential means to publicize and market products and services .

  16. 领峰制作通过品牌形象、平面广告及网页设计,直接助您推销产品及服务,以最有效方式把讯息宣传出去。

    Azonic Studio helps you to promote your products and services effectively by establishing a Brand Identity , creating Print Advertising and developing Web Design .

  17. 亚马逊在2012年9月高调宣布与纳斯达克合作。当时该公司试图向金融服务企业和其他企业推销云计算服务。

    Amazon unveiled the Nasdaq partnership with much fanfare in September 2012 as it sought to market cloud computing services to financial services companies and other businesses .

  18. 诈欺短信、推销商品或服务的电话,种种方式各异的对个人信息的滥用已经令我们不胜其烦。

    Fraudulent text messages , soliciting calls for goods or services , and other ways of abusive misuse of personal information have brought us endless troubles and headaches .

  19. 但是越来越多的古巴人开始利用在该国社会主义教育体系获得的技能,以及在艰难岁月中学到的变通方法,在网上推销自己的服务。

    But more and more Cubans are marketing their services online , using skills obtained in the country 's socialist education system and workarounds learned from years of hardship .

  20. 雅虎在巴茨任内至少进行了两轮较大规模裁员,其间她试图重新确定雅虎的核心优势,并向广告客户推销高级套餐服务。

    Yahoo had at least two major rounds of job cuts under MS Bartz as she tried to refocus the company on core strengths and pitch advertisers on premium packages .

  21. 企业简介,作为对外宣的一张名片,有助于推销产品和服务,从而为企业树立良好的企业形象,提高企业的市场竞争力。

    Company profiles , one of the company publicizing ways , aim to establish a good company image , promote products and services , thereby improving its competitiveness in the world market .

  22. 但强硬地向消费者推销延保服务和硬件却不违反政策。我们在另外两次致电戴尔时,技术支持代表对赚钱更感兴趣,而不是解决我们的问题。

    However , aggressively pushing extended warranties and hardware purchases is not , as we experienced on two other calls where support reps seemed more interested in making a commission than solving our problems .

  23. 2英寸宽,1/3英寸高,智能手机上的这种广告展示并不能成为有创意的销售人员用来推销产品或服务的画布。

    AT two inches wide and one-third of an inch tall , a display ad shown on a smartphone isnt much of a canvas for a creative marketer seeking to promote a product or service .

  24. 通话期间,戴尔公司向我们推销保险担保服务,并称我们在每日抽奖活动中中奖,只需花317美元就可以购买价值500美元的4年延保服务。

    During the calls , Dell pushed premium warranties on us , saying we had won a daily drawing that would allow us to buy a $ 500 four-year extended warranty for just $ 317 .

  25. 销售人员必须非常了解他们所推销的产品或服务。

    Sales staff must know the product or service that they are selling very well .

  26. 然而,并非所有的广告都是为了赢利而推销商品和进行服务。

    However , not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit .

  27. 甚至替他们带小孩,就要尽力推销我们的理财服务

    even baby-sit for them , do whatever it takes to familiarize them with our packages .

  28. 广告中表明推销商品、提供服务附带赠送礼品的,应当标明赠送的品种和数量。

    Whereas a gift is attached to a commodity or services supplied , the advertisement concerned should clearly define the kind and quality of the attached gift .

  29. 广告主为了占据更高的市场份额,扩大所属的商业领地,常采用各种各样的广告策略来宣传、推销自己的产品服务。

    In order to occupy a higher market share and expand their business territory , advertisers often use a variety of advertising strategies to promote and sell their products and services .

  30. 借助于挖掘结果,网站运营者可以向用户提供个性化推销和站点导航服务,也可以在得到的频繁访问路径上合理放置广告,提高站点广告收入等。

    With mining results , web site operators can provide users with personalized recommendations and site navigation services . If the frequently access paths are obtained , the reasonable advertisement arrangement can be made to improve site advertising revenue .