
tuī xiāo
  • promote;sell;market;pitch;merchandising;sales promotion;peddle;promote sales;tout;hawk;plug
推销 [tuī xiāo]
  • (1) [promote sales;hawk;market;pedde]∶推广销路

  • 推销陈货

  • 搞一次有奖销售活动来推销罐头食品

  • (2) [sell]∶贬称宣传某种理论、观念

  • 到处推销他的宿命论

推销[tuī xiāo]
  1. 为推销这个楼盘,蒂克奈尔最近巡访亚洲多座城市。

    Recently Mr. Ticknell has been touring various cities in Asia to promote sales of the development .

  2. 他们的一切言行旨在推销商品。

    Everything they do and say is intended to promote sales .

  3. 每个公司有十分钟时间进行推销宣传。

    Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch .

  4. 他们利用人们的不安全感向他们推销保险。

    They trade on people 's insecurity to sell them insurance .

  5. 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。

    He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes .

  6. 应聘面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。

    You really have to sell yourself at a job interview .

  7. 他在伦敦推销他新出版的肯尼迪传。

    He was in London publicizing his new biography of Kennedy .

  8. 销售代表前往日本推销本公司的最新产品。

    Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company 's newest products .

  9. 橙汁将作为运动员饮料进行推销。

    Orange juice is to be pitched as an athlete 's drink .

  10. 他们在设法把那张普通桌子当真正的古董推销出去。

    They were trying to palm the table off as a genuine antique .

  11. 通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?

    Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising ?

  12. 这项产品的推销一直很讲究专业技巧。

    The product has been marketed very professionally .

  13. 她在全国巡回推销自己的书。

    She toured the country promoting her book .

  14. 不要到萧条的市场去推销。

    Don 't sell into a dull market .

  15. 他有好的构想,但推销技巧却嫌生嫩。

    He has good ideas but he isn 't practised in the art of marketing .

  16. 校餐也要以其他食品的推销方法推销给孩子。

    School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food .

  17. 化妆品行业常找一些性感美女来推销护肤产品。

    The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare products

  18. 我们想推销各种肤色的人都喜欢的化妆品。

    We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier .

  19. 玩具制造商开始在电视上推销他们的一些产品。

    Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television

  20. 我认为更多的顾客也许更喜欢软性推销。

    I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell .

  21. 他们天生就是能说会道的推销能手。

    They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab .

  22. 普吕邀请该杂志的编辑共进午餐,推销自己的点子。

    Prue invited the magazine 's editor to lunch and made her pitch .

  23. 开发商会竭力推销减价的公寓和房子。

    Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses .

  24. 我被他高明的推销技巧给征服了。

    I was captured by his brilliant salesmanship .

  25. 他的推销词流畅又有说服力。

    His sales pitch was smooth and convincing .

  26. 她曾经在话务中心当过话务员,负责打电话推销分时度假。

    She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays .

  27. 关于出版业她非常了解,很清楚他们能够向书店推销10万本书。

    She knew enough about publishing to know that they could push a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops .

  28. 这次会议讨论了如何开展这种新产品的推销工作。

    The meeting discussed how to promote this latest product .

  29. 如果你要想销路好,你必须强行推销你的商品。

    You must push your wares if you want better sales .

  30. 公司借势服装节推销产品。

    The company took advantage of the garment festival to market its products .