
  • 网络advertising promotion;exploitation
  1. 通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?

    Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising ?

  2. 用广告推销商品,收效显著。

    Pushing the goods By advertisement will Bring notaBle results .

  3. 我们正在尽最大努力做广告推销贵方商品。

    We are doing our best to advertise the sale of your commodity .

  4. 毋庸讳言,广告推销产品。

    Needless to say , advertising sells products .

  5. 使顾客满意被通常描述为商品之广告推销&使一个产品非常有趣味,让顾客会买它。

    Pleasing the customers is usually described as merchandising – making a product interesting so that customers will buy it .

  6. “时代精神”似乎在为商业广告推销推波助澜,我们所读到和听到的东西,一多半都是如此。

    The Zeitgeist seems to be working for'Admass ' . So does most of what we read and what we hear .

  7. 他们之中有太多的人缺乏抵挡商业广告推销的个性,因为商业广告推销使他们可以加入更多更大的欢闹的群伙。

    Too many of them lack the individuality to stand up to'Admass ' , which can provide them with another and even larger herd to join .

  8. 因此,广告推销给消费者的有时候看起来不是商品,而是用钱买不到的东西:爱心、快乐和成功。

    Thus , instead of selling them the product , the ads sometimes seem to be selling them what money cannot buy : love , happiness and success .

  9. 不过,她表示,警方开始监控某些论坛和网店,因为它们上面有广告推销某些管型材料和其他能够用来组装枪支的零部件。

    However , she said , police units have begun monitoring forums and online stores advertising certain types of tubing and other parts that can be used in assembling firearms .

  10. 发展到现代,广告推销方式似乎形成了一种惯例&广告内容大多是关于本身产品的功能、外观、价格等信息。

    To the modern , the marketing approach seems to form a kind of practice - most of the content is advertising its products on the function , appearance , price and other information .

  11. 他表示,换言之,这是一种相当容易、甚至很有趣的挣钱和出名方式,对于没有广告推销能力的某些人来说更是如此。

    In other words , he implied , this was a fairly easy and even fun way to make a buck and get publicity , especially for someone with no advertising power to speak of .

  12. 溜达到附近的电子产品店,看到广告上推销一种名叫4K电视机的东西。

    Strolling down to your nearby electronics store , you see a promotion for something called 4K TV .

  13. 大量的钱花在包装,广告和推销上。

    The big money goes for packaging , advertising , sales .

  14. 广告是推销产品的最重要一个部分。

    Advertising is the most important part of the marketing of the product .

  15. 国际商会关于在因特网做广告和推销的准则

    ICC Guidelines on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet

  16. 须有2&3年在广告和推销方面的相关业务经验。

    2 & 3 years ' relevant marketing experience in advertising or promotion .

  17. 广告作为推销产品的武器也就显得尤为重要。

    Advertising , as a weapon of promoting sales , plays an increasingly important role .

  18. 吉利将不会利用传统经销商网络或广告来推销该车。

    Geely will not use a traditional dealer network or advertising to promote the new car .

  19. 我注意到一些大公司试图用信息式的广告来推销他们的产品。

    I have noticed that some of the major companies have tried using informercials to marketing their products .

  20. 除了您从本著作所创造出来的著作外,您不得使用本著作来广告或推销其他东西。

    You may not use this work to advertise for or promote anything but the work you create from it .

  21. 修辞手段的利用,有助于广告语言推销产品或服务,推广某一思想观念。

    The utility of figures of speech is helpful for promoting products or service , even certain idea by Ad language .

  22. 可以将各种基材上以底漆,所述基材包括各种用于交通控制标识的片材以及在广告及推销展示用的商业图象胶片。

    A variety of substrates may be primed including various sheeting for traffic control signage and commercial graphic films for advertising and promotional displays .

  23. 然而,作为市场手段,广告所推销的美丽概念,实际上是商业营销精心打造的消费诱饵。

    However , for market promoting , the concept " beauty " in the advertisements is actually the bait to consumers constructed by commercial marketing .

  24. 很多经理人没有意识到广告和推销的价值,把宣传预算看成是花费而不是投资。

    Many managers , failing to realize the value of advertising and promotion , treat the communications budget as an expense rather than an investment .

  25. 研究显示,小孩观看电视越多,吃零食的机会越多,消耗广告中推销的食物越多,越能够左右家长购买食物的决定。

    Research shows that the more television children watch , the more likely they are to snack between meals , consume foods advertised on TV , and attempt to influence their parents'food purchases .

  26. 我们雇用了一家广告公司来推销我们的产品。

    We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product .

  27. 营业推广与广告、人员推销和公共关系是促销组合策略的四大元素。

    Business extention together with advertisement , personal selling and public relations constitute promotion mix .

  28. 广告、当面推销、促销、公关及宣传活动的特色组合,就称为推销组合。

    Advertising , face to face marketing , promotions , public relations and promotional activities of the feature set , is called the marketing mix .

  29. 广告中表明推销商品、提供服务附带赠送礼品的,应当标明赠送的品种和数量。

    Whereas a gift is attached to a commodity or services supplied , the advertisement concerned should clearly define the kind and quality of the attached gift .

  30. 在诸如竞选演说、广告、商品推销等实际的语言交际活动中,这种动态语篇的交际模式对语言学习者和使用者如何使用多种语言符号进行成功交际有一定的实践意义。

    In actual language communication activities ( campaign speech , advertising , sales promotion , etc. ), this communicative model of dynamic discourse may give some practical implications to language learners on how to use multiple semiotic resources to achieve successful communication .