
  • 网络credit market;Capital market;creditmarket
  1. 世界银行(worldbank)的一份研究表明,发展中经济体已证明了自己对信贷市场危机的承受力,但不断高涨的食品和能源价格将给它们带来重大威胁。

    Developing economies have proved resilient to credit market turmoil , but soaring food and energy prices pose a significant threat , says a World Bank study .

  2. 这些工具通常投资于信贷市场工具,如美国次级抵押贷款债券和债务抵押证券(collateraliseddebtobligations)。

    These programmes typically invest in credit market instruments , such as US subprime mortgage-backed bonds and collateralised debt obligations .

  3. 当年阿根廷GDP下降10.9%,并被信贷市场拒之门外。

    GDP dropped by 10.9 % that year , and the country was locked out of the credit markets .

  4. 这个预测基于财政刺激方案的规模,以及美联储(fed)通过各种形式的干涉缓解信贷市场的决心。

    This forecast is based on the sheer scale of the fiscal stimulus package and the determination of the fed to ease the credit markets through various forms of intervention .

  5. 信贷市场对债务违约的担忧昨日加剧,甚至超过了投资银行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)破产引起动荡之时。

    Fears in credit markets over debt defaults intensified yesterday , surpassing those seen in the turmoil surrounding the collapse of investment bank Bear Stearns .

  6. 两年后,信贷市场冻结,通用和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)于是遭遇了资金困境,无法实现借贷。

    When credit markets froze two years later , GM and Chrysler were caught short of cash and unable to borrow .

  7. 美国私人股本集团黑石(blackstone)警告称,由于信贷市场发生剧变,大型私人股权收购交易将会减缓。

    Blackstone has warned of a slowdown in large private equity takeovers due to the upheaval in credit markets .

  8. 由于IMF贷款相对于其它未偿贷款有优先地位,这两个国家可能会失去进入私人部门信贷市场的入场券。

    As IMF loans have senior status vis - à - vis any outstanding loans , the two countries may lose access to the private credit market .

  9. 英国政府宣布,将保证陷入困境的北岩(NorthernRock)账户持有人全部存款的安全,目前英国大臣们正寻求平息储户对于全球信贷市场动荡影响的担忧。

    The UK government announced it would guarantee all deposits of account holders of the troubled bank Northern Rock , as ministers sought to calm savers ' fears about the impact of global credit market turmoil .

  10. 但是,传统理论忽略了金融体系内广泛存在的信息不对称问题,特别是信贷市场上的信息不对称同样可能会对一级市场的IPO产生影响。

    However , they ignores the widespread problem of asymmetric information in the financial system , especially asymmetric information on the credit markets which also impact IPO underpricing .

  11. 美联储(Fed)为疏通信贷市场而采取的最新举措推动了市场繁荣,但尽管如此,那些只要随意投资商品市场就能轻松获益的日子已一去不复返了。

    In spite of the boom prompted by the Federal Reserve 's latest measures to unblock credit markets , the days of easy profits from almost indiscriminate investing in commodity markets are over .

  12. 汇丰(HSBC)和渣打(StandardChartered)是亚洲本土信贷市场中表现最为强劲的两家国际银行,分别拥有12.4%和11.1%的市场份额。

    HSBC and Standard Chartered were the international banks with the strongest positions in domestic Asian credit , with market shares of 12.4 per cent and 11.1 per cent respectively .

  13. 这份报告称,由于信贷市场动荡,imf将其对明年全球经济增长的预期从之前的5.2%调降了0.4个百分点。

    The reports said the IMF had cut the forecast by 0.4 percentage points from its previous estimate of 5.2 per cent in response to the credit market turmoil .

  14. 我们已经与联邦储蓄和FDIC团结一致努力工作,信贷市场开始好转。

    We 're working with the Federal Reserve and FDIC , and credit is beginning to move .

  15. 斯蒂文斯皮尔伯格(stevenspielberg)或许是银幕之王,但看起来,即使是他也无法让信贷市场解冻。

    He may be the king of the silver screen but it seems not even Steven Spielberg can thaw the freeze in credit markets .

  16. 布兰迪斯大学(BrandeisUniversity)史蒂芬•切凯蒂(StephenCecchetti)提出的另一个有趣想法是,将部分信贷市场转移到合适的交易所中。

    Another intriguing idea , from Stephen Cecchetti of Brandeis University , is to move parts of the credit market on to proper exchanges .

  17. 当前的信贷市场危机已对全球各地的金融机构造成冲击,包括汇丰(hsbc)、瑞银(ubs)和高盛(goldmansachs)等一些知名银行机构。

    The current turmoil in the credit market has wounded financial institutions around the globe , including some of the best-known names in banking such as HSBC , UBS and Goldman Sachs .

  18. 测试结果有助于为欧洲的银行体系,以及信贷市场带来稳定,2009年美国首次开展测试时,在美国财政部担任助理部长的迈克尔·S·巴尔(MICHAELS.Barr)说。

    They can be helpful in bringing stability to the European system and also therefore to lending , said Michael S. Barr , who was an assistant secretary at the United States Treasury Department during the first American tests in 2009 .

  19. 亿万富翁基金经理雷伊o戴利奥(RayDalio)表示,降息不是解决目前信贷市场动荡问题的方法。戴利奥是最近数月为美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)提供建议的专家之一。

    Ray Dalio , the billionaire fund manager who was among the experts to advise the US Federal Reserve in recent months , has said interest rate cuts are not the solution to the turmoil in the credit markets .

  20. 政府官员及公司高管均表示,aig出售资产的计划因信贷市场冻结、经济动荡及缺乏竞标者而落空后,这是维持其生存的最佳途径。

    Government officials and company executives say it is the best way to keep AIG alive after its plans to raise capital through assets sales were scuppered by frozen credit markets , economic turmoil and a lack of bidders .

  21. 亚洲开发银行(adb)预计,尽管全球信贷市场出现动荡、美国经济增长放缓,但中国和印度迅速发展的国内消费,将推动今明两年亚洲经济的强劲增长。

    Booming domestic consumption in China and India will lead to robust economic growth in Asia this year and the next in spite of turmoil on global credit markets and a US slowdown , the Asian Development Bank has forecast .

  22. 将借贷模型与Hotelling模型相结合,可以分析信贷市场的两个重要特征对商业银行竞争行为的影响。

    Based on a combination of the lending model and the Hotelling model , this paper makes an analysis of the two essential features of a credit market that have effects on competitions between commercial banks .

  23. 知情人士表示,优先选择是出售AIA少数股权,换得约200亿美元,但他们补充道,考虑到AIG的困境及信贷市场冻结的现状,不能排除全部出售甚或上市的可能性。

    They said that the preferred option would be to sell a minority stake in AIA for around $ 20bn but added that , given AIG 's troubled situation and the frozen credit markets , a full sale or even a listing could not be ruled out .

  24. 本文比较了关于竞争性信贷市场的两个主要流派及其经典模型,即由McKinnon及Shaw开创的金融深化理论和Stiglitz及Weiss开创的信贷配给模型。

    This paper compares the two main strands of literature on the competitive credit market , the financial deepening theory that began with McKinnon ( 1973 ) and Shaw ( 1973 ), and the credit rationing models that started with Stiglitz and Weiss ( 1981 ) .

  25. 香槟塔效应与中小企业信贷市场

    On the Credit Market for Small - and - medium Enterprises

  26. 信贷市场中的信贷配给与赖帐行为分析

    An Analysis of Credit Rationing and Bilking Behavior in Credit Market

  27. 垄断型信贷市场融资担保问题分析&以民营中小企业融资为例

    Collaterals in Monopolistic Credit Market : an Example From Private SMEs

  28. 因此,本文在第四章对农村消费信贷市场进行了调查分析。

    Therefore , the fourth chapter investigates rural consumer credit market .

  29. 缺乏和包含不对称信息假设的信贷市场模型&兼论对中国金融改革的运用

    Credit Market Model with the Assumption of the Asymmetric Information Model

  30. 信贷市场信用信息的产生机制研究

    Research on the Engendering Mechanism of Credit Information in Credit Markets