
  • 网络Information security law
  1. 同时简单概述了信息安全法的概念、法律地位及法律关系。

    The author also describes the concept , position , and law relationship of information security law system .

  2. 如法国制定《信息安全法》、欧盟制定《信息社会行动计划》、美国制定《美国个人隐私与国际信息基础设施白皮书》。

    As France formulated " information security law ", the European Union makes " information society ", the United States developed action plans " the United States of America personal privacy and information infrastructure " .

  3. 信息安全法的立法本意来自于对社会利益的关怀,其目的是通过立法控制甚至消除来自信息化对社会利益的威胁;

    In order to control and even eliminate the menace to social interests from information society , information security law pay more attention to social interests than individual interests .

  4. 信息安全服务法若干问题研究

    On Several Issues of Information Safety Service Law

  5. 面对当前的信息安全形势,需要通过制定《信息安全法》来建立我国的信息安全保护基本法律制度。

    Facing the urgent situation of protecting the information security , it is of ultimate need to make an information security law and thus to establish the essential information law system .