
  • 网络credit cost
  1. 出口企业商业信用成本分析和管理。

    Part 4 Export corporation trade credit cost analysis and management .

  2. 赊购企业商业信用成本的优化选择:机会成本分析的一个实际应用

    Security of Smart Card The Optimized Choice for Enterprise Business Credit Cost

  3. 三大银行之一的中国银行(bankofchina)报告称,第三季度贷款的信用成本为0.4%(译注:不良贷款造成的损失),略高于一年前的水平。

    Bank of China , one of the big three lenders , reported credit costs of 0.4 per cent of loans in the third quarter , slightly up on the year-ago level .

  4. 关于确定最佳应收账款持有量的信用成本模型分析

    A Study on the Cost Model Analysis of Optimal Accounts Receivable Holding

  5. 由于信用成本和监管成本的存在,建筑市场信用水平的提高受到限制;

    Because of credit cost and supervision cost , construction market credit level was restricted ;

  6. 企业必须重视信用成本

    Credit cost is important to enterprises

  7. 第六章,本章分析了已有信用成本模型,提出了该模型的两个主要缺点。

    The sixth chapter , this chapter analyzed the existed credit cost model , proposed two major objects .

  8. 第五章,基于最佳应收账款量的信用成本分析模型。

    The fifth chapter deals with a credit cost analysis model based on the optimal amount of receivable account .

  9. 鉴于信用成本不断上涨,美国经济前景日益暗淡,几家候选竞购公司最近打消了收购的念头。

    Several shortlisted bidders recently abandoned their interest in light of increasing credit costs and declining prospects for the US economy .

  10. 第五章,为了确定最佳的赊销总额,本章分析了信用成本的计算。主要是短缺成本的计算方法,模型分析在第五章中介绍。

    The fifth chapter , this chapter analyzed how to compute the credit cost , mainly the computational method of short cost .

  11. 在此基础上提出了信用成本分析模型,通过该模型,企业可以较准确的确定一段时期内企业的最佳赊销额。

    And proposed new credit cost analysis model , through this model , the enterprise could get the best credit amount in accurate .

  12. 最终,大多数的信用成本将会上升&从商业和消费者贷款房屋贷款、汽车融资,信用卡。

    Eventually , the cost of most credit would rise-from business and consumer loans to home mortgages , auto financing and credit cards .

  13. 利用连续复利原理计算商业信用成本率,并结合实际数据对现金折扣方案给出了定量化的技术经济评价。

    This paper deduces a rate of the mercantile credit cost , and gives an quantitative evaluation of engineering economy by taking a practical example .

  14. 连锁零售企业结合自身情况,在全方位考虑的基础上,从中可选择一种更适合自身发展的配送模式,同时解决配送中存在的服务标准化、个性化和沟通信用成本这三个难题。

    The chain-like retail sales enterprises utility their own molds , on the basis of omni-directional consideration , may choose one pattern that matches its development , and solve the problems of service standardization , the individuality and the communication trust cost that exist in the process of delivery .

  15. 信用:成本、风险与收益分析

    Credit : analyze the cost , risk and benefit

  16. 第一,直接做空信用衍生品成本高昂,因为摩根大通并非仅有的一家对未来感到担忧的机构。

    First , simply shorting credit was an expensive affair : JPMorgan was not the only institution with concerns about the future .

  17. 由于股票下跌和其信用保险成本上升,瓦乔维亚改变目标,转而寻求买家。

    Wachovia has shifted its focus to finding a buyer as its shares have fallen and the cost of its credit insurance has soared .

  18. 交易者违约可能受到的惩罚损失、可能的信用重构成本、以及获取增量效用的概率等因素,则是强化交易者选择信用的动力。

    Factors , such as the possibly punitive loss which is the result of infracting promise , the possible cost of reconstruction credit and probability to getting increment utility are the impetus to spur the choice of keeping faith .

  19. 但是赊销活动也会给企业带来一定的信用风险成本,企业除了承担赊销账款带来的收账费用外,还有应收账款的机会成本以及坏账损失。

    However , the account sale would at the same time bring about certain credibility risk costs to tally enterprises , which means that the principal together with the opportunity cost of the account receivable and loss of bad debts are all to be shouldered by tally enterprises .

  20. 农村信用合作社改革成本及制度创新

    Reform Costs and Institutional Innovation of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  21. 农村信用社改革成本分析

    Analysis on the Cost of Rural Credit Cooperatives Reform

  22. 健全信用、核实成本;

    Perfecting credit and verifying cost ;

  23. 然而,此举可能增加所有借款者使用信用卡的成本。

    However , the result may be that credit cards could become more expensive for all borrowers .

  24. 5月20日,美国主权信用的保险成本跃升22个基点,达到50个基点。

    On May 20 , the cost of protection for US sovereign credit jumped 22 basis points to 50bp .

  25. 分析了建筑市场信用制度的成本和收益,提出了建筑市场信用制度效率的研究思路与方法。

    Analyses the cost proceeds of CM 's credit system , brings forward the study method technique of CM 's credit system efficiency ;

  26. 本文以中国A股上市公司为研究对象,分析了企业盈余质量与总借款债务成本,长期借款债务成本和信用借款债务成本之间的关系,以检验我国银行是否能够识别借款企业的盈余质量。

    We examine the relation of earnings quality and cost of debt in Chinese A-share stock markets in order to test whether banks in China can see through firms'earnings quality .

  27. 各机制之间相互制约和联动,逐步协调和完善。本文还分析了建筑市场信用制度的成本与收益,提出了建筑市场信用制度的成本一收益方法及效率综合评价原则;

    Further more , this dissertation analyses the cost & proceeds of CM credit system , put forward CM credit mechanism 's cost-proceeds measure and the composite evaluation principle of efficiency ;

  28. 因此如何采取有效的风险管理措施降低银行信用卡运营成本,增加银行收益成为国内外商业银行信用卡经营管理者面临的重要课题。

    Hence , how to take effective risk management measures to lower the run cost and to increment the profit of the bank has become the very important task facing commercial banking credit card managers both at home and abroad .

  29. 然而,低信用等级导致借贷成本高昂。

    However , downgrades have increased its borrowing costs .

  30. 构建信用体系降低信用成本

    Establish Credit System and Lower Credit Costs