
xiānɡ ɡuān chénɡ běn
  • relevant cost;related cost
  1. 编制成本报表及相关成本及运营分析;

    Formulate department cost report , relevant cost and operation analysis ;

  2. 诉讼成本是指诉讼法的制定和诉讼机制运行等进程中所发生的直接成本和相关成本的总和。

    Litigation cost refers to the sum of both the direct and the relevant cost that is produced along the process of making procedure law and conducting litigation mechanism .

  3. 设置一个事务目标,追踪提交的每一个HTTP或SOAP请求及基于云的应用程序的相关成本。

    Set a goal of transaction tracking for each HTTP or SOAP request submitted and its associated cost for your cloud-based application .

  4. 幸运的是,现在很清楚了:CBO使用各执行计划的相关成本来选择执行计划。

    Hopefully it is fairly clear by now that the CBO uses relative ' costs ' of execution plans to determine an execution plan .

  5. 建立了基于VMI的有初始库存、允许库存短缺、缺货需补充、补充具有延时的供应链利润模型,并对该模型进行了供应链总的库存相关成本及供应商的库存相关成本分析。

    The profit model of supply chain based on VMI is established with initial inventory , allowable short supply , supplement for short and time-delay for supplement , and the total inventory-related cost for the supply chain and for suppliers is analyzed respectively for such model .

  6. 列出了高炉应用铜冷却壁后发生变化的相关成本因素。

    The cost factors relevant to copper cooling wall is listed .

  7. 虚拟化的不同方面有不同的相关成本。

    Different aspects of virtualization can have different costs associated with them .

  8. 项目相关成本的预算控制及确认。

    Project related cost verification and budget controlling .

  9. 估计生产时间、相关成本等信息提供给管理层参考决断。

    Estimates production times , and related costs to provide information for management decisions .

  10. 因此,它对降级相关成本的估计被认为是保守的。

    As such , the estimate of costs associated with a downgrade is considered conservative .

  11. 探讨了与设计相关成本控制的重要性和必要性。

    The paper mainly discusses the importance and necessity of cost control associated with design .

  12. 本文重点关注基于电信业技术与经济特点的电信业务成本特性,并对相关成本测算模型进行比较。

    This paper focuses on the characteristic of telecommunication cost and compares cost proxy models .

  13. 不考虑灰岩坑,包括相关成本和进度影响。

    No allowance has been made for sinkholes , including any associated costs and schedule impacts .

  14. 因此相关成本高昂,但导致首席名目如此繁多的力量也是强大的。

    The costs are therefore significant but the forces leading to such a proliferation are powerful .

  15. 您经常需要检查关于一个或多个项目和它们的相关成本的信息。

    You regularly need to review information about one or more projects and their associated costs .

  16. 就所使用的计算资源量而言,每个可能的执行计划都具有相关成本。

    Each possible execution plan has an associated cost in terms of the amount of computing resources used .

  17. 要满足这一需求,必须使用合适的自动化工具来管理桌面,将用户交互和相关成本降到最低。

    This requirement necessitates the right automated tools to manage the desktop with minimal user interaction and associated costs .

  18. 有一点我们可以肯定,那就是随着时间的发展计算机系统的复杂性和相关成本只会增加不会减少。

    It is certain that the complexity and high costs associated with computer systems will only increase with time .

  19. 我们祈以计量方法推导出使期望总相关成本最低之最适订购量、请购点、欠拨折扣及前置时间。

    The objective is to simultaneously optimize the order quantity , reorder point , back-order discount and lead time .

  20. 考虑原材料供应商的提前期,建立了制造商的库存相关成本模型。

    Considering the lead time of the raw material supplier , the inventory-cost function of the manufacturer is built .

  21. 对A公司来说,如何降低相关成本关系到企业的生存和发展。

    For A business that is how to reduce the cost of relations in the survival and development of enterprises .

  22. 曹国伟表示,他预期今年会有1.6亿美元的微博相关成本,高于2011年的1.2亿美元。

    Mr Chao said he expected $ 160m of Weibo-related costs this year , compared with about $ 120m in 2011 .

  23. 签订两年合约的用户无需支付卫星接收器费用等相关成本。

    Customers who sign up for a two-year deal won 't have to pay for satellite dish installation and related costs .

  24. 一名客户控制和管理其数据存储方式及其相关成本的能力很重要。

    A customer 's ability to control and manage how his or her data is stored and the costs associated with it is important .

  25. 报告将这些损失与20世纪上半叶重大战争和经济危机的相关成本进行了比较。

    The report compares such costs with those associated with the great wars and the economic depression of the first half of the twentieth century .

  26. 债券的购入成本包括支付给卖方的金额以及其他的相关成本,如经纪人佣金等。

    The cost of bonds purchased includes the amount paid to the seller plus other costs related to the purchase , such as broker 's commission .

  27. 化肥运输成本、仓储成本等化肥供应过程中的相关成本过大,是导致化肥价格居高不下的原因之一。

    Fertilizer transportation costs , storage costs in the process of fertilizer supply costs associated with too much fertilizer is one of the reasons for high prices .

  28. 该公司表示,经济回报将很快超过解决该问题的相关成本,比如重新安排公交车时间表,或延长课外兴趣小组的时间。

    The financial rewards , it says , would quickly outweigh any associated costs of fixing it , such as rescheduling bus routes or extending after-school clubs .

  29. 本条所称到期应支付的款项,是指支付人按照权责发生制原则应当计入相关成本、费用的应付款项。

    Payables due mentioned in this article refer to the payables that should be calculated into relative costs and expenditures of the payer according to accrual basis principle .

  30. 在此基础上,分析了高校教育成本计量的原则和范围。根据相关成本理论,确定了高校教育成本构成要素和计算方法。

    After that , we analyzed the principles and range of higher education cost measurement , determined university education cost elements and computing method according to relative theories .