
  1. 两相流流速的差动自相关测量法

    Differential auto - correlation measurement in velocity of two phase flow

  2. 复相流流量数字互相关测量法原理

    Principle of a digital INTER-COHERENT detection method of volume of multiphase flow

  3. 数字散斑的边缘相关测量法

    Digital Speckle Marginal Correlation Measuring Method

  4. 基于数模混合相关测量法的电磁流量计信号调理电路的研究

    The Study of Based on the Relevant Measurement of Electromagnetic Flow Meter Signal Conditioning Circuit Design

  5. 总结了超短激光脉冲的测量技术,重点研究了干涉自相关测量法;

    The types of the measurement for ultrashort laser pulse is generalized and the interferometric autocorrelation is expatiated ;

  6. 与采用超声波、电容作为传感器的相关测量法相比,利用压力传感器测量压力脉动随机信号的相关测量法成本较低。

    Compared with correlation measure by adopting ultrasonic and capacity as sensor , it has lower cost that adopting random signal of fluctuating pressure by pressductor measured .

  7. 对管内流体流量的温度相关测量法进行了理论分析,并对柴油机排气温度脉动信号进行相关处理,得出相关流量。

    The theoretical analysis is performed for in tube flow measurement by correlation methods , and the correlation flow is obtained from analyzing stochastic temperature signals of diesel gas .

  8. 本文提出的基于数模混合相关测量法的电磁流量计信号调理方案,从理论上解决了在消除微分噪声影响的同时兼顾了降低其它各类噪声影响的目标。

    The paper puts the Mixed-related based on the measurement of electromagnetic flow meter signal conditioning method , in theory to solve the differential interference in the elimination of noise at the same time take into account the impact of lower other types of noise impact on the target .

  9. 分别采用了相关速度测量法、自由落体实验平台法、气固两相流综合实验平台法,对气固两相流的静电法测量特性作了系统的实验性研究。

    It introduces the cross correlation speed measurement , gravity-fed flow experiment device and the gas-solid flow laboratory equipment , to do systemic experimental research on the characters of the gas-solid flow measurement .

  10. 通过理论分析和数学仿真研究了两种相关法测量&相差法相关测量和时差法相关测量的理论基础和适用条件。

    Through theoretical analysis and mathematical simulations the theoretical foundation and applicability of two kinds of correlation measurement , named phase difference measurement and time difference measurement , are investigated .

  11. 针对传统零拍测量法在提高相位噪声谱测量灵敏度方面所面临的困难,实现了一种利用相关技术原理结合零拍法的测量新方法&相关零拍测量法。

    Due to the difficulty that the traditional zero-beat method will be faced with in the aspect of improvement of measure sensitivity of the phase-noise spectrum , a new type measure method named correlation - zero-beat method ( CZB ) is put forward .