
  • 网络Relative Valuation
  1. 传统的股票定价方法包括相对估值法和绝对估值法两种。

    Traditional stock valuation methods mainly include relative valuation and absolute valuation methods .

  2. 从其相对估值情况来看,甚至很难说渣打是一家银行。

    Judging by its relative valuation , it is hard to tell that StanChart is even a bank .

  3. 相对估值本身显示,美国资产的表现将继续胜出。

    Relative valuations alone suggest US assets will continue to outperform .

  4. 虽然绝对数值的意义不如相对估值大,但它的心理效应不容小觑。

    Absolute numbers matter less than relative valuations , but the psychology counts .

  5. 股票相对估值方法创新及应用研究

    The Research of the Innovation and Application of Relative Valuing Methods to Equities

  6. 并且对比分析了经济增加值估值法和相对估值法对中信证券的价值评估,最后对评估结果进行了具体的分析。

    At the end , valuation results are presented as well as being analyzed briefly compared the EVA valuation method with the relative valuation method .

  7. 目前,国内外对于并购估值的理论研究已经比较成熟,主要有绝对估值法与相对估值法。

    Currently , there have been many theoretical studies in merger and acquisition valuation , mainly consisting of absolute valuation method and relative valuation method .

  8. 基本面稳定加上资金大规模外流,使得新兴市场固定收益证券和股票的绝对与相对估值都具有吸引力。

    The combination of stable fundamentals and extensive outflows has left absolute and relative valuations in both EM fixed income and equities at attractive levels .

  9. 该投资者认知调研是一项深入评估华尔街对生物技术产业目前的挑战、相对估值以及09年前景的认知情况的调查研究。

    The perception study is an in-depth assessment of Wall Street 's views of the biotech industry , its current challenges , its relative valuation , and the outlook for2009 .

  10. 相对估值法是通过参考对比公司的市盈率、市净率、市售率等价格指标来得出企业的价值。

    The relative valuation methods are the Price to Earnings Ratio , Price to Book value Ratio and Price to Sales Ratio , price index is the value of the enterprise .

  11. 同样有关联的是这样一个事实:资本控制阻碍了对海外资产的大举投资:如果你只能将资金放在一个地方,那么相对估值的有效性就会低得多。

    Equally pertinent is the fact that capital controls preclude much investment in overseas assets : relative valuations are a lot less valid if you only have one home for your money .

  12. 根据这一观点,希腊“有序”退出不再让全球股市感到恐慌,较低的相对估值意味着股市表现将好于债市。

    On this view , an " orderly " Greek exit no longer holds any horrors for global equities , and the inexpensive relative valuation then implies they do better than bonds .

  13. 很多投资者将黄金价格的趋势预测作为判断黄金股票价格走势的重要依据,将相对估值分析作为筛选最佳投资对象的参考依据是不全面的。

    Many investors consider the gold price trend forecasting as an important basis for judging the gold stock price movements . The relative valuation analysis is not a comprehensive reference for screening the best investments .

  14. 通过对现有的一些价值评估方法进行比较,如:绝对估值法、相对估值法以及综合评价法,以及对现有价值评估方法进行适用性分析,选择综合评价法进行航运企业内在价值评估。

    There are some existing valuation methods , such as the absolute valuation , relative valuation techniques and comprehensive evaluation . Compared these methods and analyzed their applicability for shipping company . The most appropriate method is comprehensive evaluation .

  15. 传统的资本资产定价模型、绝对估值法、相对估值法,尽管在理论上较为完美,但却往往在实践运用中难以对股票估值的大幅波动给出有信服力的解释。

    The traditional capital asset pricing model , the absolute value method , the relative valuation method , in spite of the more perfect in theory , but in practice were often difficult to explain the large swings of the stocks .

  16. 第三,出现上述两种担心的同时,美元和美国股市的相对估值表明,在更为正常的情况下,你可能会考虑购买美国资产,而非出售。

    Third , both of these concerns take place when valuations for both the dollar , and US equities on a relative basis , would suggest that , in more normal circumstances , you might be looking to buy the US rather than sell .

  17. 之后,详细从基本原理、会计调整、使用方法、计算公式等不同方面介绍了四种类型的企业价值评估模型:相对估值模型、现金流贴现模型、期权估值模型和经济增加值模型。

    Then , this paper expounds details from the basic principles , accounting adjustments , use method and other perspectives of these four kinds of corporation valuation models : Relative Valuation Model , Discounted Cash Flow Model , Option Valuation Model and Economic Value Added Model .

  18. 在公司治理结构的外部治理机制中,收购兼并发挥着提高公司绩效的重要功能,通过对美国历次兼并浪潮的研究,我们发现股票市场中的股价相对估值的差异是驱动收购兼并的重要原因。

    In external management system of corporate governance structure , MA play an important role in improving corporate performance . We have found , through the researches of American acquisition cases , that the estimated variance of stock pricing in stock market is the key reason of MA .

  19. 减低资产的账面价值,因为相对市场价值估值过高。

    Write-down reducing the book value of an asset because it is overvalued compared to market values .

  20. 但在主权债券利率为负时,投资者应如何看待股票相对债券的估值、或公司信贷相对国债的收益率呢?

    But how should an investor think about stock versus bond valuations or corporate credit versus government bond yields with sovereign bonds trading with negative interest rates ?

  21. 由于目前有大量新股上市,金沙中国负债累累的资产负债表和相对较高的估值,令香港投资者对其股票给予冷遇。

    Hong Kong investors have been faced with a glut of new shares coming to the market , and spurned Sands ' debt-laden balance sheet and its relatively high valuation .

  22. 分析师们表示,考虑到经济环境的不确定性,淡马锡可能乐于利用渣打相对强劲的市场估值,缩小其对金融服务业的风险敞口。

    Analysts said Temasek might be keen to take advantage of the relative strength and reduce its exposure to financial services , given the economic uncertainty .