
zǒnɡ ɡǔ běn
  • Total share capital;shareholding equity
  1. 我国证券市场上不可流动的国有股占上市公司总股本比重超过三分之一,这种中国特有的股权结构在经济发展的历史过程中,曾发挥过重要作用。

    In the security market of out country , state-owned shares occupy more than one third of shareholding equity and which are prohibited to circulate . The peculiar structure of share ownership of China had made very important action during the historic economic developing process .

  2. 由于中国上市公司大多是由原国有企业改制而来,而国有股又在总股本中占绝对优势,这种一股独大的股权结构状况必然导致上市公司难以建立合理的治理结构。

    Because most listed companies are reformed from the former state-owned enterprise , and state-owned stock have comparative advantage in shareholding equity , the stock right structure state must cause the listed companies to be difficult to set up reasonable administration structure .

  3. 实证结果表明,影响我国A-H股国有控股上市公司现金股利政策的因素主要有上市公司的盈利能力、以前年底的现金股利、H股市场的市价、持股前5名占总股本比例等因素。

    The demonstration results show that there are some determinants effect A-H share listed companies cash dividend policies . Such as : payoff ability , dividends distributed in last year , stock value in H share market , the control cash dividends share holders .

  4. 基本上来说,有几种不同的办法来上浆的立场取决于总股本。

    Basically , there are several different approaches to sizing a position depending on total equity .

  5. 目前我国证券市场只为企业解决了资金问题,在国家股占绝对控股地位且非流通股占总股本70%还多的情况下,不可能对企业治理结构产生根本的影响。

    Now , Chinese stock markets only provide the enterprises with funds but not change their governing organizations .

  6. 在八月九日,它的总股本超过了埃克森美孚成为世界上最大的上市公司。

    On August9th its market capitalisation surpassed that of Exxon Mobil , making it the world 's largest public company .

  7. 股票面值表明每一股股票的持有人,在股份公司总股本中所占的份额。

    Stock face value indicates the share of the whole capital of a company a holder of one stock owns .

  8. 但对他们利益造成的真正损害不是用坏帐比率或全部发行在外总股本数可以量化的。

    But the real damage to their interests can 't be quantified in terms of bad debt ratios or total shares outstanding .

  9. 控制权转移公司的每股净资产和净资产收益率对转移价格有正面影响,而总股本有负面影响,国有控制权的转移价格较高;

    Regarding transfer price , net asset per share and profit margin of transferee impose positive impact , while shareholder rights impose negative impact .

  10. 中国中铁在上海和香港发行的股份约占其扩大后总股本的40%,希望筹集近55亿美元的资金。

    CRG hopes to raise nearly $ 5.5bn by selling about 40 per cent of its enlarged share capital in Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  11. 研究发现,我国上市公司股票股利主要受总股本、股权结构及每股收益的影响。

    Many researchers discovered that our country 's Corporations ? stock dividendget the influence of total capital stock , equity structure and each share profit .

  12. 中国流通股占股市总股本的比重已从10年前的约30%增至70%。

    The portion of tradable shares in China has risen from about 30 per cent of listed companies a decade ago to 70 per cent .

  13. 证券公司在持股方面保持了偏好总股本较小公司的股票和尽量避免与其它机构交叉持股的投资特点。

    Securities companies maintain the investment characteristics of preference for holding equity shares of smaller companies , and try to avoid cross-holdings shares with other agencies .

  14. 股权结构是指股份公司总股本中不同性质的股份所占的比例及相互关系。

    The ownership structure refers to the proportion of the different nature of the shares in the total share capital of the joint-stock companies and mutual relations .

  15. 上市公司在计算相关指标时,应当从总股本中扣减已回购的股份数量。

    When the listed company calculates the relevant indicators , it shall deduct from its total share capital the quantity of shares that have been bought back .

  16. 目前我国证券市场不能参与市场流通的国有股和法人股约占总股本的60%。

    At present , in our stock market the state-own shares and legal-person shares which can not participate in the market circulation are about 60 % of the total equity .

  17. 如果这些银行的总股本和长期债被设定为总资产的20%,银行倒闭时纳税人基本上不太可能蒙受什么损失。

    If these banks ' total equity and long-term debt is set at 20 per cent of assets , it is highly unlikely that taxpayers would incur losses upon failure .

  18. 上市公司总股本在10亿元以上的,经证券交易所同意,前述比例可以适当降低。

    The above stated ratio can be reduced by the approval of stock exchanges in a proper degree on condition that the total share capitals of the listed companies exceed RMB1 billion .

  19. 也对两个公司在主要财务指标、总股本、市盈率、市净率以及经营现状与发展前景等方面的差异进行了较为详细的说明。

    Of the two companies in the main financial indicators , the total share capital , earnings , operating PB as well as the status quo and development prospects of the differences in more detail .

  20. 同时,股票期权数量在公司总股本中所占比例也在逐年上升,总体达到10%,有些计算机公司则高达16%。

    In the meantime , the proportion of the amount of stock options in the enterprise 's total stock is being increased by year , attaining 10 % in general and 16 % for some computer companies .

  21. 1995年7月5日,日本五十铃和伊藤忠商事株式会社以协议方式,一次性购买了北旅公司总股本25%的非国有法人股,成为外资并购中国上市公司的首例。

    Japanese company and corporation purchased non-state corporation stock about 25 % of capital stock of north traveling company one-off by protocol on 5th July 1995 , this is the first case that foreign capital merge china company in the market .

  22. 采用流通盘和总股本分别计算成分股的权数和组合β值,并进行比较,从而对目前上证30指数代理市场的情况进行检验。

    It respectively uses circulating stock and total stock to calculate the steelyard weight of every component stock and the compound β , and then compares them . Thus it discusses how the Shanghai Stock 30 index acts as the proxy of the market at present .

  23. 从创业板股权激励方案的各方面统计来看,行权价格不是很合理、行权有效期及等待期过于谨慎、股票授予数量占总股本比例较小。

    Statistics from various aspects of the GEM equity incentive program shows that the executive price is not very reasonable , the executive period of validity and the waiting period is too cautious , the total number of shares granted to equity ratio is too less .

  24. 注:股票发行量、总发行股本、市价总值和筹资额均不含H股。

    Note : Issued amount , total issued capital , total market capitalization and raised capital of shares don 't include H share .

  25. 去年,英国各银行总资产与股本的比率介于20至30比1之间。

    Last year the ratio of total assets to equity of UK banks was between 20 and 30 to one .

  26. 在中国由于限售股的存在和绝大部分国有股虽然解禁但实际上并没有真正全流通特殊性以及总市值的不确定性,这一指标只能以总股本替代。

    In China , this indicator can only be replaced with total shares because the restricted shares still exist , most of the lifted shares of state-owned are actually not tradable and the total market value is uncertainty .