
zǒng jīng lǐ
  • general manager;managing director;president;executive;boss;Big Chief
总经理 [zǒng jīng lǐ]
  • [president;general manager;managing director] 公司或类似单位的最高业务领导人,一般赋有决定有关行政和管理政策的权力

总经理[zǒng jīng lǐ]
  1. 理事会决定将该公司的总经理明升暗降。

    The board of trustees decided to kick the president of the company upstairs .

  2. 每周递交工作报告,每月递交工作计划给总经理

    Submit weekly status reports and monthly itineraries to Region Vice President .

  3. 总经理的在场使他们不便畅谈他们的问题。

    The managing director 's presence inhibited them from airing their problems .

  4. 她从普通员工逐步晋升为总经理。

    She rose through the ranks to become managing director .

  5. 总经理办公室在哪儿?

    Where 's the MD 's office ?

  6. 她是总经理的私人助理。

    She 's the Managing Director 's PA.

  7. 我升到了总经理秘书这一显赫高位。

    I escalated to the dizzy heights of director 's secretary .

  8. 查尔斯被提升为市场营销总经理。

    Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager .

  9. 他将继续留在公司总经理这个不好坐的位子上。

    He is to remain in the hot seat as chief executive .

  10. 总经理可能是平白无故就生气了。

    The general manager may have got steamed up about nothing

  11. 他加入了桑德斯·罗公司,后来一路晋升至总经理。

    He joined Sanders Roe , moving on later to become General Manager .

  12. 长话短说,我最终当上了总经理。

    To cut a long story short , I ended up as managing director .

  13. 下一批经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。

    The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors .

  14. 总经理应有企业管理经验。

    The Chief Executive should be experienced in business administration .

  15. 工程师同总经理一起在承包合同上签字画押。

    The engineers and the manager-in-chief signed or made their marks together on the contract .

  16. 他当总经理不称职。

    As a general manager he isn 't filling the bill .

  17. 总经理领衔签署合同。

    The general manager was the first to sign the contract .

  18. 总经理病了,工作由他代理。

    He acted for the general manager who was ill .

  19. 他在十年间由办公室勤杂员升至总经理。

    He rose from office boy to managing director in ten years .

  20. 他说的话总经理愿意倾听,于是他就直抒己见了。

    He gained the ear of the managing director and voiced his opinion .

  21. 总经理一职仍然虚悬未定。

    The post of general manager is still vacant .

  22. 他当总经理,事务繁多,诸如主持会议,制定计划、预算,洽谈贷款,等等。

    His many duties as general manager include chairing meetings , making plans and budgets , and negotiating loans .

  23. 当晚总经理设座国际饭店宴请外宾。

    In the evening the general manager gave a banquet at the international hotel in honour of the foreign guests .

  24. “它们大多追求浮华和器件本身,”埃森哲咨询公司研究部总经理约翰・卡兰说道。

    It is about the flashiness and the gadgets , said John Curran , managing director of research at Accenture .

  25. BookCrossing的总经理布鲁斯·佩德森(BrucePederson)说:“遇到某些人和读书都能使你的生活发生改变。BookCrossing则集合了两者。”

    Bruce Pederson , the managing director of BookCrossing , says , " The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read . BookCrossing combines both . "

  26. 在此,我仅代表我们总经理,表达我们诚挚的祝福。

    Here , I , on behalf of our manager , express our sincere benison .

  27. 首都电影院副总经理表示:大城市的多数影院都提高了票价,因为观众多、座位少。

    Most cinemas in big cities have raised ticket prices since there are more moviegoers but fewer seats .

  28. 董事长兼总经理孙国金先生热忱欢迎国内外客商真诚合作,共创辉煌

    Mr. Sunguojin , board chairman and general manager , welcome with us fervidly , and abroad businessman .

  29. 例句他是一个非常有进取心的人,我觉得到年底他将成为总经理。

    He 's a real go-getter – he 'll be managing director by the end of the year .

  30. 总经理知道这件事会很生气的,这些谈判工作很难处理。

    A : The general manager is going to be blue in the face , when she hears about this.There negotiations1 are hard to handle .