
  • 网络Project Director;Program Director
  1. 没有法律框架来保护他们,南亚国际危机集团项目总监,萨米·娜艾哈迈德说指出。

    They have no legal framework to protect them , said Samina Ahmed , South Asia project director at the International Crisis Group .

  2. 为决策准备所需的材料,向项目管理层团队与项目总监汇报进程。

    Prepares material required for decision making and reports back on progress to the project management team and the project director .

  3. 帕特里克·哈奈特�Orsted公司项目总监

    Patrick Harnett , Programme Director , Orsted

  4. 在传统的数据库中,设计就是一切,IBMInformationManagement项目总监TomDeutsch说。

    In a traditional database , design is everything , says Tom Deutsch , IBM Information Management program director .

  5. 项目总监凯瑟琳·E·克里斯滕森(KathleenE.Christensen)说,设立这个项目的原因是,正在老龄化的人口更加健康,也能继续工作更长时间。

    Kathleen E. Christensen , the program director , says it was spurred by a graying population that will be healthier and stay in the work force longer .

  6. RichardFilley是亚利桑那州立大学社区服务课程的工程项目总监,FlashFood团队是课程的37个项目之一。

    Richard Filley is director of the Engineering Projects in Community Service program at Arizona State . The FlashFood team is one of the program 's thirty-seven projects . Mr. Filley says winning the Imagine Cup 's Software design category is a major honor .

  7. 塔维斯托克研究所(TavistockInstitute)群体关系项目总监、企业和组织顾问曼尼∠尔(MannieSher)认为,谣言通常是一种以个人为目标、范围更大的系统性现象。

    Mannie Sher , director of the group relations programme at the Tavistock Institute and adviser to companies and organisations , believes rumour is often a larger systemic phenomenon that often targets an individual .

  8. 瑞安·菲勒是谷歌街景视图的项目总监。

    Ryan Falor , project manager of Google 's Street View .

  9. 论怎样做一名合格的项目总监

    On How to Be A Qualified Project Chief Consultant

  10. 项目总监的管理协调驾驭能力有待于提高;

    The director 's capability of the management and coordination remains to be improved ;

  11. 她作为工程项目总监在华文教育组织在北京举行。

    She works as Program Director at the Chinese Language Education organization in Beijing .

  12. 浅论项目总监工作的创新

    Innovation of Works of Chief Project Supervisor

  13. 项目总监的素质直接影响着建设目标的实现。

    The quality of project inspector general directly influences the reality of the construction goal .

  14. 论项目总监的选拔与管理

    Selection and Management of Majordomo for Project

  15. 也谈工程项目总监的领导艺术

    On Project Administrators ' Leadership Skills

  16. 负责主持今晚活动的并不是一位真正的牧师,而是TechHub的全球项目总监。

    Overseeing the evening 's proceedings is not a real vicar but TechHub 's director of global projects .

  17. 埃立克。波特是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校经济地质局的项目总监。

    Eric Potter is a program director in the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin .

  18. 作为履行监理合同的第一责任人,项目总监的业务素质水平在很大程度上决定着监理工作的最终成败。

    As the first person to perform supervision contract , the working effect is depends on vocational level of the chief-supervisor closely .

  19. 马里斯拜访的这些人之中,有一位正是谷歌的联合创始人兼特别项目总监谢尔盖•布林,他对马里斯的提议明确表示有意投资。

    One of those Maris called on was Google co-founder and director of special projects Sergey Brin , who expressed interest in investing .

  20. 面对众多的风险因素和法律责任,许多监理企业经理和项目总监如临深渊,如履薄冰。

    Facing so many risky factors and legal responsibilities a lot of supervision enterprise managers and project majordomos are with caution and care .

  21. “自然资源保护委员会”项目总监格里格·韦茨通说:“有了这些东西,人们会感到更有希望。”

    Says Greg Wetstone , program director for the Natural Resources Defense Council : " When these kinds of options become available , people will feel less hopeless . "

  22. 分析集团总体和个别部门对公司的发展需求,并基于此发展出相应策略,向项目总监提出可行性计划。

    Analyse developmental needs of the company in general and individual departments , and develop strategies which address needs , presenting a feasible plan for the project of engineering .

  23. 在她生命中的最后一年,或许是由于相似的感触,开发商似乎也很理解这种固执,她竟然与负责此工程的高级项目总监巴利·马丁彼此搭成了一份让人难以相信的友谊。

    In the last year of her life , she forged an unlikely friendship with a kindred soul , Barry Martin , the senior superintendent on the construction project engulfing her home .

  24. 北京气候组织项目总监喻捷表示:在非政府组织中工作,你不仅仅会获得重视和尊重,还能更近距离地接触社会问题。

    Working in NGOs will not only get you recognition and respect , but also bring you closer to social problems , said Yu Jie , a project manager at Climate Group in Beijing .

  25. “休息区”项目总监麦迪·阿布拉姆斯称,一次有关健康的调查显示,“学生们最常抱怨的一个问题就是缺觉。”

    According to Maddy Abroms , the director of the REST Zones project , in a survey on wellness , " one of the biggest complaints among students is a lack of sleep . "

  26. 摘要文中按照建设工程有关条例、规范之规定,结合笔者亲身工作经历,扼要地介绍了作为工程项目总监在监理资料管理工作上的一些体会,供同仁交流借鉴。

    As a engineering project general inspector , according the relative rule and regulations , some understanding are introduced briefly in inspecting data management , combining with self-working experience , hoping that colleagues will use for reference .

  27. 从项目总监的选择,监理项目班子的组建,建立健全监理项目的管理制度和激励、约束机制等方面论述了如何加强项目班子的建设和管理。

    How to intensify establishment and management of supervision groups is expounded from many aspects such as the choice of project general supervisor , organization of project supervision groups , establishment of wholesome supervision management system , establishment of stimulation and restrict mechanism .

  28. 疾控中心的“常识:何时使用抗生素”(GetSmart:KnowWhenAntibioticsWork)项目医学总监希克斯(LauriHicks)说,支气管炎是另一种常常滥用抗生素的疾病。

    Bronchitis is another illness for which antibiotics are often overused , says Lauri Hicks , medical director for the CDC 's ' Get Smart : Know When Antibiotics Work ' program .

  29. 他专门研究希腊艺术考古,并担任位于西西里的默干提纳(Morgantina)发掘项目联席总监。

    He specializes in Greek art archaeology and serves as co-director of the Morgantina excavations in Sicily .

  30. 安迪·艾奇是该公司体育项目部总监。

    Andy Etches is the Sports Director of Mi Hiepa Sports .