
  1. 我国武器装备项目管理制度的历史演进及未来走向

    The historical change and development trend of weaponry item management system

  2. 浅议建立具有中国特色的项目管理制度

    Simple discuss on establishing the project management system with Chinese characteristics

  3. 本文也提出了相应的建议:进一步的规范健全项目管理制度。

    This article also puts forward recommendations : further standardize and improve project management system .

  4. 编审中项目管理制度

    Pipeline project management system

  5. 为了将经验转化为成果,研究制定了发电企业技改项目管理制度,实现了技改项目管理的标准化。

    To turn the experiences into achievement , a set of system was built up and standardized the management of technical renovation project .

  6. 本主要通过分析业主在工程建设中遇到的问题,要求业主在工程建设中进行全过程控制,建立项目管理制度及程序化管理的方法。

    The article is through analyzing problems by owners in construction process , demands the owners must have whole process controlling and establishs programmer regulation and procedural management .

  7. 文章首先将政府视为黑箱,引入比较制度理论,从博弈论的角度分析资本项目管理制度演进的历程与机制,动态地理解项目管理制度。

    With governments being regarded as " dark box ", the dissertation introduced Game Theory into analysis framework to unveil the process and mechanism of capital account liberalization .

  8. 因为,一、石化工程是国内最早实行项目管理制度的行业,形成了自己的管理规范和特色。

    Because , first , the petrified project is the home practices the project control system most early the profession , has formed own management standard and the characteristic .

  9. 同时也存在着项目管理制度不够明确、项目组之间配合不够默契、外包服务很难做到项目管理等一些问题。

    There is also the project management system is not clear enough , with not enough understanding among the project team , outsourcing services is very difficult to project management problems .

  10. 希望通过逐步建立和完善科学规范的信息化建设项目管理制度,改变信息化建设项目实施过程监理、绩效评估相当薄弱的现状。

    With hope to change the relatively weak status quo of supervising and performance evaluating during the process of performing the informationization construction project by working up and perfecting the scientific and normative informationization construction project management system .

  11. 在现行的工程项目管理制度体系下,作为工程项目的直接所有者的施工企业,对工程项目采取的一般是生产经营责任制和经济承包责任制两种管理方法。

    According to the nowadays ' engineering project management institution system , the constructing enterprise will mainly take two methods of engineering project management , one is production and operation liability institution , the other is economic input & output take-all institution .

  12. 我国地方政府投资项目管理的制度约束及管理模式创新研究

    On Institutional Restriction of China 's Local Government Investment Project and Innovation of Management Model

  13. 论文主要研究内容如下:高技术计划项目管理的制度安排。

    The main contents of the dissertation are as following : The institution of managing planned hi-tech projects .

  14. 指出重大项目稽察管理制度不健全等是造成重大项目稽察管理存在问题的主要原因。

    It point out that the main reason resulted in the problem on key project inspectorate is the key projects Inspection management system inadequacy .

  15. 提出建立、完善与国际化接轨的项目工程管理制度的具体方法;提升工程总承包水平的关键及途径。

    Analyzed advantages of engineering construction enterprises , put forward special approaches to establish and perfect management system of connecting international projects and keys to improve whole project contract .

  16. 第4章主要是探讨港口建设项目档案管理制度建设的必要性和可行性,分析其制度建设的基础、环境和有利条件。

    The fourth chapter primarily discusses the feasibility and necessity of constructing the port construction project archives management system , and analyses the basis , environment and advantages of constructing the system .

  17. 该理论坚持以人为本,弥补或纠正项目管理规范制度本身的不足,从而达到项目管理者与各利益相关者的共赢,提高管理绩效。

    The theory taking person as the essence and remedying or correcting the defects of project management standards and regulars themselves , can benefit both project manager and other interested parties and improve management performance .

  18. 近年来,大型寿险公司对经济责任审计工作的重视程度日益提高,相关的审计项目管理和制度正逐步健全完善。

    In recent years , some large life insurance companies put more and more emphasis on the economic responsibility audit and the related management and system of audit project is gradually improving and becoming perfect .

  19. 通过研究发现影响中超联赛竞赛管理体制形成的重要因素包括:运动项目管理中心制度、国家法律法规的授权、中超联赛的主流价值取向和赛区竞赛组织的客观情况。

    The primary factors influencing the formation of CSL competition management system consists of the provisions of football management center , the authorization of state laws , CSL value orientation and the objective situation of competition organization in regional level . 4 .

  20. 面对我省不断加大的政府投资力度,如何结合省情,在稽察管理中探索行之有效的管理方式、方法,进而建立适合我省实际的重大项目稽察管理制度,是一个亟待解决的重要问题。

    In the face of increasing government investment in our province , It is a pressing and important issues to combine the provincial conditions in the inspection management explore effective management approach , methods , and establish the key project for the province 's actual inspection management system .

  21. 针对农业综合开发投资不足的制度原因,指出了农业综合开发投资制度创新基本路径、主要内容、制度环境优化、投资政策调整和项目资金管理制度。

    In view of institutional reasons of its insufficient investment , it pointes out basic way of the agricultural comprehensive exploitation investment system innovation , the main content , the system environment optimization , the investment policy adjustment and the perfect agricultural comprehensive exploitation project and the fund control system .

  22. 建设工程项目管理体制的制度变迁研究

    Research on Institutional Change of Construction Project Management System

  23. 建设项目全程环境管理制度体系构建

    Overall Process Environmental Management System Structure of Construction Project

  24. 浅议公路项目管理内部控制制度存在的问题及对策

    On the Problems and Countermeasures of the Inner Control System in Highway Projects Management

  25. 国际金融机构贷款项目后期营运管理制度创新

    Institutional Creating of Regulation for Projects Operating of Loans of International Finance Organizations in Late Period

  26. 对项目经理资质管理制度过渡期中有关问题的思考

    To Consider on the Questions for Qualification Management System in the Transition Period of Project Manager

  27. 从新制度经济学视角,分析了足协对俱乐部的影响,并针对性地提出完善足球运动项目管理体制的制度设计方略。

    This paper analyzes influences of the Chinese Football Association on the clubs and proposed strategies for perfecting the football management system .

  28. 其次,要加强生产人员的新技术、新方法的培训。(2)提高项目质量管理的制度和程序。

    Second , to strengthen the production staff of new technologies and new methods of training . ( 2 ) to improve project quality management systems and procedures .

  29. 施工项目管理与现代企业制度

    The Management of Construction Project and the System of Modern Industry

  30. 广州大学城项目管理创新机制与制度的研究

    Study on the New Mechanism in Projects Management of Guangzhou University City