
  1. 为解决此问题,应做到双师型教师内涵界定明确化、培养途径多元化、评价标准科学化、专业管理制度化。

    We should make the connotation of the double-type teachers clear , train the multiple paths , have the evaluation standard be scientific and have the speciality management form the system in order to solve the last problems .

  2. 关于工程咨询专业人士管理制度的经济学思考

    Thinking about the system of engineering consulting professionals with reference to economic considerations

  3. 律师事务所专业管理人制度的探讨

    Research on Specialized Administrator System in Law Firms

  4. 我国台湾地区药学专业人员管理制度分析

    Regulation Mechanism Analysis of Professional Pharmacist in Taiwan

  5. 工程认证制度是当前国际先进的专业执业资格管理制度。

    The purpose of the discussion is to explore some useful theories for establishing an engineering accreditation system with Chinese characteristics .

  6. 监理部实行总监理工程师负责制,分工管理,专业合作的管理制度。

    The supervision department will adopt the responsibility system presiding over by the chief supervisory engineer , with management system of labor division and professional cooperation .

  7. 学院应准确定位、选择适当的办学模式、加强师资队伍建设、调整学科专业设置和管理制度、构建毕业生就业体系。

    The college should orientate accurately , select a appropriate pattern of running a school , strengthen the organization of educating staff , adjust the setting-up of courses and the management regulation , and construct the employment system of graduates .

  8. 新时期家族制私营企业谋求发展壮大的关键是突破人力资源管理定势,实行对人力资源的人本管理、知识化管理、专业化管理以及制度化管理,优化人才配置,留住智力资源。

    At new era , the key to development of family-style enterprises is to break through human resources management custom and to implement human-based management , knowledge-based management , specialization management and systematic management in order to optimize talents resources and to own intellectual resources .

  9. 结论:工作报酬是影响医务人员满意度的最主要原因,其次是工作环境、安全感、专业发展、管理制度和社会地位。

    Medical staff is most dissatisfied with the wages ; satisfaction in descending order of social status , management systems , professional development , security , working conditions and remuneration for their work ; Conclusion : Salary is the most main factor to influence job satisfaction .

  10. 信托作为一种为他人利益管理财产的高度专业化的财产管理制度,非常适合于国有资产的经营管理。

    As an extremely specialized system of property management for others ' benefits , trust is very suitable to run state-owned assets .

  11. 搞好高职院校内涵建设必须抓好专业建设、内部管理制度体系建设、办学特色建设和校园文化建设。

    The construction of specialties , of internal systematic management , of running a school with characteristics and of campus culture is the necessity of the connotation construction in technical institutes .

  12. 完善专业技术人员聘任管理制度,形成较为完善的聘任、管理、考核、激励机制,促进技术人员队伍素质的整体提升。

    Improve the professional and technical personnel appointment management system , to form a more perfect appointment , management , assessment , incentives , promotion of technical personnel to enhance the overall quality .

  13. 探讨我国高校学校本科专业建设方略,可从专业设置机制、专业发展方式、专业培养目标和专业教学管理制度等四个维度进行。

    To solve these problems , an effective and reasonable system of teaching management must be set up and the construction of teaching management system must be enhanced and scientific and advanced m.

  14. 我国商业健康保险的专业化经营主要包括专业化经营理念、专业化组织架构、专业化人才队伍、专业化管理制度、专业化信息系统、专业化产品设计和专业化客户服务。

    Specialized commercial health insurance operation is composed of specialized operational concepts , specialized organizational structure , specialized team , specialized management system , specialized information system , specialized product design and specialized customer service .