
zhuān lì quán wú xiào xuān ɡào
  • announcement of patent invalidation
  1. (五)专利权的无效宣告;

    Any invalidation of the patent right ;

  2. 或无法有效利用资源。(七)专利权的无效宣告;

    Or of the effective use of resources . ( 7 ) any invalidation of the patent right ;

  3. 专利侵权纠纷中的专利权无效宣告请求及其相关问题研究

    Study on Invalidity During Patent Infringement Dispute

  4. 第四章专利申请的复审与专利权的无效宣告

    Chapter IV Reexamination of Patent Application and Invalidation of Patent Right

  5. 修改后的《专利法》规定,法院对所有类型的专利权的无效宣告均享有司法审查权,改变了以往仅可对专利复审委员会就发明专利权所作无效宣告进行司法审查的状况。

    In the past , the " Patent Law " only provided the invention patent the opportunity of judicial reviewing , and the " Trademark Law " none .