
  1. 论专利权的保护范围

    Discuss the Witness ' Self-protection On the Protective Extent of Patent Rights

  2. 以权利要求书作为依据来确定发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围,是当今世界各国专利法普遍采用的作法。

    According to the provision in effect in our country , the protection scope of our present patent rights is explained in detail .

  3. 知识产权的权利保护范围是权利存在的基础。专利权的保护范围以权利要求的内容为准,包括相同特征和等同特征。

    The basis for the intellectual property right is the protection scope , which is determined by the content of rights , including same features and identical features .

  4. 外观设计专利权的保护范围以表示在图片或者照片中的该外观设计专利产品为准。

    The extent of protection of the patent right for design shall be determined by the product incorporating the patented design as shown in the drawings or photographs .

  5. 但如果涉嫌侵权产品的外观设计没有落入权利人外观设计专利权的保护范围,则不构成侵权。

    However , if the accused infringing product design right owner does not fall into the scope of protection of patent right for design , does not constitute infringement .

  6. 同时,为了使公众准确获知专利权的保护范围,避免不必要的纠纷,权利要求的保护范围必须十分清晰、明确,各程序对保护范围的认定应趋向一致。

    Meanwhile , in order for the public to determine the protection scope of patents with certainty and avoid unnecessary disputes , it is of great significance to have patents with clear and explicit protection scopes .

  7. 我们知道,专利权的保护范围在法律上是以权利要求的范围为准的。专利直接侵权中专利权人的利益和社会公众的利益就是以此为界,达到了一种平衡。

    As we know , the protection scope of the patent is defined by the claims which is also the boundary for balancing the profits between the patentee and the social publics in the direct infringement of patent .

  8. 作为一种无形财产,专利权的保护范围难以像有形财产那样清楚地予以界定;而作为一种垄断权,专利权的保护范围理应具有确定性,故需要从法律上对其保护范围进行合理界定。

    As a kind of intangible property , the scope of patent rights is difficult to be defined clearly , but as a monopoly , patent protection scope should be deterministic . Therefore , its scope is need to be defined by the law .

  9. 在我国现行专利法体系中,外观设计专利权的保护范围以表示在图片或照片中的该外观设计专利产品为准。

    In our legal system , the extent of protection for design patent is determined by the product incorporating such design shown in the drawings or photographs .

  10. 本文从专利侵权的概念入手,对专利权的保护范围的确定、专利侵权的判定、专利侵权的抗辩进行了研究和分析,是对专利侵权判定理论系统化的一种尝试。

    This paper has an analysis and research on the scope of claim , the determination of infringement , the defense of infringement , starting from the concept of patent infringement .

  11. 专利间接侵权制度源于美国,其将专利权的保护范围有限度地拓展到非专利产品,旨在提高专利保护水平,更好地维护专利权人的利益。

    The patent system of indirect infringement , which expands the range of patent protection to non-patent products , aims to improve patent protection level , and better safeguard the interests of the patentee .

  12. 我国外观设计专利的初步审查制度需要进一步完善,成套产品的外观设计专利权的保护范围应当明确。

    The initial examination system for design patent in China needs perfecting , while the protecting range for design patent rights should be specified .

  13. 适用等同原则有利于专利权人合法权益全面和切实的保护,但是适用不当也可能扩大专利权的保护范围,阻碍技术的进步并且损害公众利益。

    The application of the doctrine of equivalents can benefit the patentee completely and firmly . However , the misuse of the doctrine of equivalents can also lead to the extended scope of the protection of the patent , which counteracts the technical improvement and the public interest .

  14. 专利权的权能就是专利权要保护的内容,在具体的专利侵权案件中它通过专利权保护范围来确定,因此适用等同原则还要清楚专利权的保护范围。

    The competency of patent is the contents of patent protection , which determined in specific patent infringement cases through the scope of patent protection .

  15. 专利间接侵权制度是美国专利法上一套独特的权利保护制度,源起于1871年的司法判例,立法价值取向在于为专利权的保护寻求最大化,将专利权的保护范围扩及非专利产品。

    The system of indirect infringement is unique in U.SA 's patent law , deriving from the judicial legal precedent in 1871 , with a legislative value in seeking to make the protection of the patent right maximized .