
  • 网络professional ethic;ethics
  1. 完善的专业伦理是教师专业化的重要内涵。

    Well-developed professional ethics is an important part of teacher 's professionalism .

  2. 略论台湾地区的教师专业伦理建设

    Research on the Building of Teachers Professional Ethics in Taiwan

  3. 第二章幼儿园教师专业伦理特征解析。

    The second chapter : The ethics characteristics analysis of the kindergarten teachers .

  4. 论我国教师专业伦理的建构

    On the Construction of Chinese Teachers ' Professional Ethics

  5. 美国教师专业伦理建设及启示

    Development of American Teacher Professional Ethics and its Enlightenment

  6. 论教师教育伦理之于专业伦理的依托和超越

    On the dependence and transcendence of Teachers ' Educational Ethics to Professional Ethics

  7. 我们又该如何加强小学教师专业伦理的建设呢?

    How do we strengthen the construction of primary schoolteachers ' professional ethics ?

  8. 优化我国医学生专业伦理教育的对策探寻

    An Inquiry About Measures for Improving the Professional Ethics Education of Chinese Medical Students

  9. 教师职后培养中专业伦理教育的缺失及对策

    The Neglecting of Professional Ethic Education and Strategy in the On-Service Training for Teachers

  10. 计算机网络信息专业伦理守则制定问题初论

    Studies on the Enactment Issues of the Computer and Internet Ethic Code for the Information Professional

  11. 教师专业伦理建设是推进教师专业化进程的重要步骤之一。

    The building of teachers ' professional ethics is one of the key steps of improving teachers'professionalization .

  12. 在我国,高校专业伦理教育起步较晚,有待进一步加强和完善。

    In China , professional ethics education in universities suffers a late start and requests an improvement .

  13. 当下,必须通过开展会计专业伦理教育培育会计良心。

    At present it is necessary to foster accounting conscience through ethic education in the field of accounting .

  14. 唯有此,才能使教师实现教师专业伦理道德与利益的统一。

    Only by doing this can we achieve the unity of the professional ethics and interests of teachers .

  15. 所以,教师专业伦理对小学教师提出了更加严格的要求。

    Teachers ' professional ethics , therefore , put forward more strict requirements to teachers in primary schools .

  16. 然而,在现实的情境中,小学教师是否会如我们所期待的那样严格遵守教师专业伦理?

    In a real situation , however , do primary school teachers abide by the teachers ' professional ethics ?

  17. 从总体上来说,社工在专业伦理方面做得非常好,但在知情同意方面尚有待加强。

    Social workers receive good evaluation in professional ethics in general , but have something to do in informed consent .

  18. 对于中小学教师而言,在其日常的教育教学活动中处处都体现着专业伦理。

    For primary and secondary school teachers , professional ethical practice is embodied everywhere in the daily education teaching activities .

  19. 这些问题的出现,导致教师专业伦理的水平始终难以得到真正的提高。

    Because of these problems , the level of teachers ' professional ethics has always been difficult to get a real improvement .

  20. 社会信息化程度的加快,使得原本属于专业伦理的信息伦理议题成为一般应用性的伦理议题。

    The acceleration of the degree of social information has altered its professional ethical issue aspect to the ethical issues of general application .

  21. 时下,有关教师专业伦理的探讨却较少,教师职后培养中专业伦理教育也没有得到足够重视。

    However , there is just little research on it , and no enough attention is given to professional ethic education in the teachers'on-service training .

  22. 成立由医院伦理委员会、专业伦理工作小组、科室伦理工作联络员组成的多层级医院伦理工作组织网络。

    Established by the hospital ethics committee , professional ethics working group composed of department liaison work ethic multi-level organization of work of Hospital Ethics Network .

  23. 要想实现中小学教师专业伦理的发展,就应该摆正师德与利益的关系。

    To realize the development of professional ethics of primary and secondary school teachers , it is necessary to straighten the relationship between morality and interests .

  24. 作为一门新兴学科,社会工作的基本内涵、价值观、专业伦理与专业方法等则提供了一种理解艾滋病问题的新视角。

    As a new discipline social work , its basic connotation , values , specialized ethics and methods have exactly provided one new perspective for understanding AIDS issue .

  25. 教师专业伦理是教师专业发展的核心组成部分,教师专业伦理的发展能够推动教师的专业发展。

    Professional ethics of teachers is the core component of the professional development of teachers , the development of teachers ' professional ethics could promote the professional development of teachers .

  26. 这一路径解决的是教师专业伦理规范的归属问题。

    The path is to solve the attribution of teachers ' professional code of ethics . The third theoretical path is " Clarify matters and get to the bottom of things " .

  27. 我们的教育本身是在促进教师不断优秀,还是通过一些拙劣的制度和无良的做法使得教师专业伦理的发展难以逾越一些障碍?

    Is the education itself boosting the teacher more and more excellence , or making the progress of specialty ethics can 't overstep some impediment by some crude systems and unmoral methods ?

  28. 作为一种专业伦理,大学教学伦理的根本特征表现为对大学学术自由的保障和对大学生自主性和理性的促进。

    As a professional ethic , the assurance of academic freedom in universities and the promotion of the autonomy and reason of undergraduates express the essential characteristic of the ethics of university teaching .

  29. 由于自利性和计算性同样体现于道德行为中,因此成本-收益分析的内在精神和基本方法对于教师专业伦理道德的分析是适用的。

    Since the self-interest and calculation features also exist in ethical behavior , the inner spirit and basic methods of " cost-benefit analysis " are applicable for the analysis of teachers ' professional ethics .

  30. 当前在社会急剧转型、科技快速发展以及社会主义市场经济的发展的背景下,我国的教师专业伦理建设面临严峻的挑战。

    With the current context of rapid social transformation , rapid technological development as well as the development of the socialist market economy , the construction of teachers ' professional ethics has faced severe challenges in China .