
zhuān yè zī xún
  • Professional consultation;specialized consultancy;special line consultancy
  1. 马丁•兹威灵,初创企业专业咨询公司(StartupProfessionalsInc.)首席执行官、创始人。

    Martin Zwilling is CEO & founder of startup professionals Inc.

  2. 为企业SOA采用路线图及设计定制SAO解决方案发展理论提供专业咨询。

    Provides expertise in enterprise SOA adoption roadmaps and designing custom SOA solution development methodologies .

  3. 为基金经理服务的专业咨询公司sigmapartnership的乔希特(joeseet)表示,奖金延期发放以及收回条款“完全不合理”。

    Joe seet of sigma partnership , a specialist advisory firm to fund managers , said imposing deferral and clawback rules was " wholly unreasonable " .

  4. 根据退休收入专业咨询公司MGMAdvantage的研究,在英国,600万以上的人计划去国外退休,首选地点是西班牙和法国。

    In the UK , more than six million adults plan to retire abroad , withSpain and France being top destinations , according to research from MGMAdvantage , a retirement income specialist .

  5. 即时通讯(IM)的迅猛发展及基于专业咨询软件的实时咨询模式的问题凸现,促使IM咨询服务逐渐兴起,并渐成趋势。

    The rapid development of Instant Messaging ( IM ), together with the rising problems of timely reference mode based on professional reference software , pushes IM reference service to spring up and even become a trend gradually .

  6. Baron说,从精神健康人员,心理学家或医生那里获得专业咨询,这会让你获得破除相互依赖关系的力量。

    Getting professional counseling from a mental health worker , psychologist , or family physician can give you the strength to break away from a codependent relationship , Baron says .

  7. 企业要在理解ERP的思想和管理要求及做好实施前的准备工作的基础上,选择合适的软件商,在专业咨询的协助下组织实施,尽量降低实施过程中的风险。

    On the basis of comprehending ERP 's ideology and making beforehand work ready , the enterprise should choice appropriate ERP system and carry it into execution under the help of professional consultants , so that the enterprise can evade the implementing risk to the best of its abilities .

  8. 专业咨询公司普华永道(pwc)的主管合伙人范翎斯(marcelfenez)认为,明显存在一种在亚洲生产内容、并销往全球各地的趋势。

    Marcel fenez , a managing partner at PwC , the professional services firm , said there was a clear trend of content created in Asia being sold to other parts of the world .

  9. 有些大广告商表示,为了保有“.某企业品牌”顶级域名,他们要向icann缴纳一笔18.5万美元的年费,若把专业咨询费用也计算在内,他们可能不得不为每个品牌花费50万美元。

    Some big advertisers say they may have to spend $ 5 00000 per brand once the $ 185000 ICANN fee , an annual toll for maintaining the suffix , and professional costs are taken into account .

  10. 结构调整的最佳选择是以工程项目总承包和分包为分工协作的垂直一体化:分化重组中间的工程咨询单位,组建顶端的EPC工程公司,发展低端的专业咨询公司、事务所。

    The best solution of structural regulation is vertical integration of labor division and cooperation for overall project contracting and subcontracting . It is necessary to divide and reconstruct the middle part-the engineering consulting unit , constitute the top EPC engineering company , develop low-end professional consulting company or institution .

  11. 客运专线工经专业咨询工作内容探讨

    On the Working Content of Professional Consultation on PDL Engineering Economy

  12. 科技人员匮乏,缺少专业咨询服务。

    Consulting Service ( 4 ) lack the technology services .

  13. 世界一流的专业咨询和培训解决方案提供商。

    The world-class professional consulting and training solutions provider .

  14. 萨诺特有的专业咨询服务,也是开启成功之门的一把钥匙。

    The unique Sano consultation concept has been the key to success here .

  15. 如果这属于法律问题,你就需要进行专业咨询了。

    If it 's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice .

  16. 楷华咨询是一家提供企业业务解决方案的专业咨询的公共平台。

    Shanghai khwa consulting platform is a professional consulting organization providing enterprise business solution .

  17. 国际科学和专业咨询委员会

    International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council

  18. 在省会城市合肥,地方政府邀请了专业咨询师在登记处旁边工作。

    A local government in the provincial capital Hefei has invited professional counselors to work alongside registrars .

  19. 我司是一家专业咨询商务公司,从事英语培训及出国留学业务。

    Our company is a consultant and business company dealing with Chinese students learning English and studying abroad .

  20. 这些专业咨询机构提供的信用报告内容涉及十多个行业有关业务历史及操作规范等方面。

    A credit report from a specialized consulting firm usually covers dozens of sectors , ranging from history to operation .

  21. 合作虚拟参考服务是图书馆通过网络为用户提供不受地区、时间限制的专业咨询服务。

    Collaborative virtual reference service could provide the professional reference service to users anywhere anytime through an international network of libraries .

  22. 你还可以从当地和国家创业组织得到专业咨询,了解如何开发和实施商业创意。

    You also can seek expert advice from local and national entrepreneurship organizations on how to develop and implement business ideas .

  23. 另一家专业咨询公司的营销材料,道出了许多富人对媒体的恐惧。

    The fear with which many wealthy people regard the media is summed up by marketing materials from another boutique consultancy .

  24. 为行业用户提供整体解决方案、专业咨询、并提供各种专业技术服务。

    We provide the professional user with the whole solution , the specialized consultation and all kinds of specialized technical service .

  25. 猎头已经发展成为各大公司提供人才信息、人才搜索和推荐的专业咨询公司。

    Search has become the major companies to provide information of talent , talent search and recommendation of the professional consulting firm .

  26. 化验所亦应贸易署的要求,在处理战略物品进出口许可证的申请事项上提供专业咨询服务。

    It also entertains requests from the Trade Department for technical advice regarding applications for import / export licence of strategic commodities .

  27. 而我们国内的专业咨询公司在技术、服务、管理科学化和人才培养等方面与外国公司相比还有较大的差距。

    There is a large gap in technology , service , scientific management and personnel education between our Chinese companies and foreign companies .

  28. 德瑞姆专业咨询机构的心理咨询师单力(音译)说,男人肩负的“社会责任”更重。

    Shan Li , a psychologist with the DRM Professional Counseling , said men are more heavily burdened with " social responsibilities " .

  29. 从事决策咨询中的投融资战略研究、专业咨询中的金融实务研究、管理咨询中的企业财务战略、资本经营研究。

    Specialize in strategy of investment and financing in decision-making consultation , financial services in professional consultation , and business financial strategy and capital operation in management consultation .

  30. 国内专业咨询公司要想适应形势、开拓市场、维持自身的生存和发展,就应该向工程项目管理公司转变。

    In order to fit situation , contest markets with foreign companies and keep subsistence and development , Chinese professional consulting companies should be changed into project management companies .