
  1. 专利授权合同限制竞争的法律规制

    Laws and Regulations Governing Non-competition Provisions Defined in Patent License Agreement

  2. 专利许可合同民事责任的立法研究

    Research on the Legislation of Patent License Contract Civil Liability

  3. 法律规定专利质权合同必须采取书面形式。

    Under the law , the right of pledge of patent contract must be taken in writing .

  4. 登记是物权成立的要件,但不影响专利质权合同的成立及生效。

    Registration is the one element of the establishment of property , but does not affect the effect of the contract .

  5. 许可方保证本合同中涉及的专利在合同执行期间是有效的和合法的。

    Licensor guarantees that the patent covered in the contract shall be lawful and valid in the course of implementation of the contract .

  6. 专利权合同被撤销后,专利权相对人基于可撤销合同的有关规定,要求专利权人返还基于合同取得的财产。

    After the contract has been revoked , the relevant provisions of the patent right of the other party require the patentee return the property based on revocable contract .

  7. 专利质权合同是当事人自由意志的真实表达,是专利质权成立的根本原因。

    The right of pledge of patent contract is the true expression of free will of the parties , what are the root causes of the establishment of the right of pledge of patent .

  8. 各国在处理涉外的专利权合同关系和侵权关系时,应突破地域性理论的窠臼,建立适宜的法律适用规则以解决存在的法律冲突。

    While dealing with foreign-related patent rights relations of contract and tort , it is necessary to make breakthrough in the regional theory and constitute appropriate regulations for application of law so as to solve the conflicts of law .

  9. (十)专利实施许可合同的备案;

    ( 10 ) any patent license contract for exploitation submitted for the record ;

  10. 专利法与合同法对合作发明创造的权利归属规则应协调一致;

    The attribution of the rights to cooperative invention-creations provided respectively in Patent Law and Contract Law are not inconsistent ;

  11. 其三,构建破产法上的专利实施许可合同转让制度。

    Third , construct patent licensing contract transfer system in the Bankruptcy Law . ( 3 ) Restrictions are put on the transfer and license implementation of the pledged patent .

  12. 从职务发明专利归属的合同优先原则的基本含义入手,分析了加强对职务发明者个人利益保护的意义,以及在适用这项原则时应注意的问题。

    This paper states the definition of the principle of contract priority , studies the significance of protecting the personal benefits of those post inventors , and points out the ways to apply the principle .

  13. 本文分别从法律制度层面和司法实践方面论证完善专利实施许可合同的违约责任,还分析了专利实施许可合同应完备的必要条款。

    From the aspects of the legal system , judicial practice and policy measures , this paper demonstrates improvement patent licensing liability for the breach of contract , but also analyzes the patent implementation permission contract should complete essential provision .

  14. 第三百四十六条专利实施许可合同的受让人应当按照约定实施专利,不得许可约定以外的第三人实施该专利;并按照约定支付使用费。

    The transferee under a patent licensing contract shall exploit the patent in accordance with the contract and may not license the patent to any third person except as provided in the contract ; and shall pay the licensing fee in accordance with the contract .

  15. 专利实施许可合同是一种非常重要的技术合同,在现有民法合同体系中占有重要的地位,它对于加快技术成果的转化和变现步伐并促进生产力的发展发挥着积极的作用。

    Patent licensing contract is a very important technology contract , the contract system in the existing civil law occupies an important position , which results in accelerating the transformation of technology and the pace of realization and to promote the development of productive forces and plays an active role .

  16. 专利技术许可证合同

    License contract for patent and technology

  17. 系统按模块设计和实现,主要分为人员管理模块、专利管理模块、合同管理模块、项目管理模块、标准管理模块、管理制度模块、用户登录及账号管理等模块。

    The system is designed into 7 parts as follows : member management module , patent management module , compact management module , project management module , criterion management module , management system module , user logging in and account management module .

  18. 专利联营的限制竞争行为仅靠民法的禁止权利滥用原则、专利法、合同法等我国相关立法来规制是远远不够的,反垄断法应被用来规制专利联营的限制竞争行为。

    Regulating the patent pool only by the principle of civil law-the prohibition of abusing rights , patent law , contract law and other relevant legislation in China is hardly enough .

  19. 专利权人获得的专利许可费或者转让费,在专利无效后专利许可合同或者转让合同显失公平的,可作为可撤销合同处理。

    After the patent is invalid , the patentee obtained the patent licensing fees or transfer fee are unfair , and patent license contract or transfer contract can be used as revocable contract processing .

  20. 专利纠纷仲裁,是指仲裁机构根据双方当事人达成的书面仲裁协议或者专利合同中的仲裁条款,依法对专利纠纷进行裁决的行为。

    Patent dispute arbitration , it is to point to the arbitration institutions according to the parties reached a written arbitration agreement or the patent the arbitration clause in the contract , in accordance with law , of patent disputes the behavior of the ruling .