
  • 网络gift contract;contract of gift
  1. 最后,对赠与合同形式进行了探讨。

    Finally , the author discusses the form of gift contract .

  2. 借贷合同与赠与合同之间的司法抉择

    Judicial Choice Between Loan Contract and Gift Contract

  3. 论赠与合同的任意撤销权

    Study on the Right of Withdrawing the Dotation Contract at Will

  4. 关于赠与合同任意撤销权的探讨

    Talk about the cancel right wantonly of the grant contract

  5. 赠与合同中赠与人的缔约过失责任

    On Culpa in Contraction Liability of the Donor in the Bestowal Contract

  6. 浅谈赠与合同中的穷困抗辩权

    A Brief Talk on the Poverty State Counterplead Right Stipulated in Donation Contract

  7. 赠与合同撤销权问题研究

    A Study of the Issue of Rescind Right to a Contract of Gift

  8. 论我国赠与合同体系之不协调性及其解决

    On Its Non-Coordination And Solving Solutions For System Of China Contract Of Gift

  9. 对赠与合同撤销的法律思考

    Legal Probe into Rescinding the Contract of Gift

  10. 首先,对赠与合同任意撤销权做出界定。

    Firstly , the author defines the arbitrary right of revocation of the gift contract .

  11. 论赠与合同的成立

    On Establishment of Contract of Gift

  12. 赠与合同三题

    Three Problems About Contracts For Donation

  13. 再次,探讨了赠与合同中的任意撤销权的性质。

    Third , to explore the gift of the contract the right to remove any nature .

  14. 论赠与合同中的信赖利益保护

    Reliance Interest Protection in Donation Contract

  15. 我国1999年的《合同法》一共列出了15种有名合同,赠与合同位列其中。

    Contract Law which took effect in 1999 has enumerated fifteen typical contracts , including the bestowal contract .

  16. 论赠与合同

    Discussion on Donation Contract

  17. 首先,分析了赠与合同的标的物、合同形式与撤销权的关系。

    Firstly , the author analyzes the relationship of the subject , the form and right of revocation .

  18. 赠与合同作为单务无偿合同的典型,在《中华人民共和国合同法》中有其特殊的地位。

    Other nude contracts which do not have the stipulation , may suitablly grant the rule of dotation contract .

  19. 同时国内学术界对赠与合同也缺乏全面的研究,大都囿于赠与合同诺成性与实践性之争。

    The studies on the bestowal contract are only concerned on the dispute about whether it is acceptance contract or practice contract .

  20. 本部分首先建议对赠与合同中的任意撤销权规定除斥期间。

    First of all , this part of the proposed grant contracts in addition to the provisions of the right to remove any exclusion period .

  21. 通过比较中外相关的立法规定及学术观点,指出应将赠与合同定性为一种附撤销权的诺成合同。

    After comparing with the legislation and standpoint in foreign countries , I concluded that the bestowal contract is an acceptance contract with right of revocation .

  22. 其次,对赠与合同标的物的范围进行了讨论,明确脱体器官可以作为赠与合同标的物。

    Secondly , the author discusses the scope of gift contract , and clearly defines that body organs can be used as the subject of gift contract .

  23. 文章就赠与合同的成立、赠与合同中的撤销权及赠与人不履行赠与义务的抗辩权等问题,结合我国《合同法》立法实践展开了进一步的研究与探讨。

    The article makes a study of its formation , the right of revocation , donee 's right of defence , considering the legislation practice of contract law .

  24. 赠与合同的法律性质及与之相关联的撤销赠与的条件和法律后果、受赠人范围等问题,必须依合同法的立法宗旨得到准确解释。

    The legal nature of contracts of donation , and those which are related to it : the conditions and legal consequence of rescinding donation , the scope of donee etc.

  25. 其次,赠与合同中的任意撤销权有可能被滥用,主要是因为任意撤销权是一种无规制的权利。

    Second , the grant contract have the right to remove any possibility of abuse , mainly due to the arbitrary revocation of the right to be a random system .

  26. 公益慈善捐赠合同分为前后两个赠与合同,实质上包括捐赠人、受赠人(慈善组织)、受益人三方主体。

    The public welfare charity conative contracts are divided into two contracts , essentially including three subjects , the donors , the recipients ( charity organizationes ) and the beneficiary .

  27. 与其他合同法上的撤销权不同,赠与合同撤销权被规定于合同法分则部分。

    And other contract law on the revocation of the right is different from the right to revoke the gift by the provisions of the contract in part , sub-contract law .

  28. 虽然赠与合同仅是民法浩瀚体系之一粟,但以其所特有的社会和法律价值,成为国内外民事法律制度中一项不可或缺的内容。

    Although the grant contracts only a small part of civil vast system , but because of unique social and legal value grant contract become an indispensable part of civil law .

  29. 后公益慈善捐赠合同则与普通赠与合同原理相同,当慈善组织与受益人的赠与意思表示一致时合同成立。

    The latter public welfare charity conative contract has same principles with a common donative contract , the contract is formed when the charity and the beneficiary reach an agreement about donation .

  30. 因此有必要详尽探讨附负担赠与合同的含义和效力,分析助学合同案的法律适用问题。

    This article have a detailed discussion on the implication and legal effect of the favor contract attached obligation , and gave some advices to this litigation about how to apply the law .