
zèng pǐn
  • gift;giveaway;complimentary;comp;largesses
赠品 [zèng pǐn]
  • [largesses; complimentary; gift] 免费赠予物

  • 为表彰他而设计的赠品

赠品[zèng pǐn]
  1. 为赠品大放送之国大声说话。

    Speak up for the land of the free gift with purchase .

  2. 骗子利用的就是赠品放松大家警惕的心理。

    The swindler use is the complimentary gift relaxes everybody vigilant psychology .

  3. 赠品会分开发送,所以请预留28天的送货期。

    Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery .

  4. 收取任何回扣、赠品、招待等是被禁止的吗

    Is receiving or giving gratuities , favors , or kickbacks prohibited ?

  5. 最后是第八条,就当是额外的赠品:别用“regards”(顺致问候)作为备忘录的结束语。

    And just as a bonus , here is rule number eight . Don 't end a memo with " regards . "

  6. 麦当劳甚至还跟TY公司合作,将迷你豆豆娃作为欢乐套餐的赠品。

    Even McDonalds and TY partnered up in order to provide mini beanie babies as the prize in Happy Meals .

  7. 过去的很多研究都集中于定性地分析销售促进手段,而本文运用Matlab的仿真手段,在基于主体的微观模型之上,对于扩散干预中比较常用的两种手段&赠品和广告策略进行了研究。

    A lot of researches in the past focused on qualitative analysis of the sale promotion strategies . This thesis used Matlab simulation to study the sale promotion strategies based on this agent based model , focusing on the two commonly used strategies : free sampling and advertisement .

  8. “孩之宝非常高兴能够联手与惊奇漫画无限数字为这个独家赠品,说:”比利拉戈尔,高级孩之宝公司的全球品牌战略与营销,Marvel公司董事。

    " Hasbro is very excited to be teaming up with Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited for this exclusive giveaway ," said Billy Lagor , Senior Director of Hasbro 's Global Brand Strategy & Marketing , Marvel .

  9. Peelo先生说,埃亨先生知道一般赠与税的情况,来自国外的赠品通常不用纳税。

    Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern was aware of the general gift tax position that gifts from outside the State were not normally taxable .

  10. A.J.:我知道,我们在上学期捐赠品慈善拍卖上已经捐了很多东西,还有两个月前的无声拍卖也捐赠过礼券。

    A.J. : I know , we already donated a lot of things to the rummage sale last semester and gift certificates for the silent auction two months ago .

  11. 我们离开时,他发给我们晚会的赠品。

    He handed out the party favors as we were leaving .

  12. 市场细分背景下的商业赠品开发设计策略

    Design Strategies for Promotion-gifts Development in the Context of Market Segmentation

  13. 古奇:为什么还剩下这么多的赠品呢?

    Gucci : Why are so many extra gifts left here ?

  14. 古奇:把赠品送给那位老人怎么样?

    Gucci : How about giving them to that old man ?

  15. 最后,无赖经济学家会抛出一些赠品。

    Finally , a rogue economist would throw in something free .

  16. 他们收到一家工会的大量赠品。

    They received a large donation from one of the unions .

  17. 赠品越多说明我们的服务越好。

    The more frills we include the better our services look .

  18. 因此,这些是给顾客的赠品,非卖品。

    So , these are gifts for customers , not for sale .

  19. 这些补贴将被视为给他们的福利,而非免费赠品。

    And they will recognise these subsidies as benefits rather than freebies .

  20. 新开张的商店在送赠品。

    They are giving away prizes at the new store .

  21. 人们普遍认为衣物是最不受欢迎的企业赠品。

    Clothes are widely viewed as the least loved of corporate freebies .

  22. 禁止收取客户或供应商赠送的礼品或遗赠品。

    Gifts or legacies must not be accepted from customers or suppliers .

  23. 医生能获得大量的免费赠品和实验样本。

    Doctors will be inundated with freebies and trial samples .

  24. 你喜欢接收到仅有会员才能知道的独家新闻和赠品及音乐吗?

    Do you like the sound of receiving member-exclusive news and giveaways ?

  25. 那我再给你一个免费赠品。

    So I 'm gonna give you one more freebie .

  26. 每位亲临本中心展示室参观之顾客,可免费获得精美赠品一份。

    Free gifts would be offered to customer who visit our showroom .

  27. 甚麽类型的免费赠品会提升你的购买意欲?

    What kind of free-gift will raise your purchasing desire ?

  28. 这家新的百货公司正在送一堆赠品。

    That new store is giving away tons of freebies .

  29. 请见下周周刊有关更多免费赠品的详情。

    See next week 's issue for details of more free offers .

  30. 很多机构将赠品看作是支持广告活动的一种方式。

    Many organisations view merchandise as a way of supporting advertising campaigns .