首页 / 词典 / good

  • give as a present;present as a gift
  • 把东西无代价地送给别人:~与。~礼。~言。~序(送别的文章)。~别。~送。回~。

  • 古代皇帝为已死的官员及其亲属加封:追~。

  • 驱除:以~恶梦。


(赠送) give as a present; present as a gift:

  • 馈赠

    make a present of sth.;

  • 捐赠

    donate; make financial or other contribution;

  • 遗赠

    leave as a gift

  1. 只需要“赠”尊重老师和网上朋友就能学到很多很多!明白吗?

    Only needs " to present as a gift " respects teacher and on-line friend can learn many ! Understands ?

  2. 感谢赠我这份礼物,这正是我想要的。

    Thanks for the present ─ it 's just what I wanted .

  3. 我收到一本赠刊,表示对我投稿的谢意。

    I was sent a free copy in acknowledgement of my contribution .

  4. 他在退休时获赠这块手表。

    He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement .

  5. 付4.8英镑冲印更大尺寸的照片就会获赠一本相册。

    Pay £ 4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a free photo album

  6. 瞎子不谢赠镜人。

    A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass .

  7. 承蒙厚爱,赠我画册,十分感谢。

    Thank you for your kindness in giving me this lovely collection of paintings .

  8. 吾爱孟夫子,风流天下闻。(李白《赠孟浩然》)

    I love the master , meng haoran , | a free spirit known the whole world through .

  9. 此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻?(杜甫《赠花卿》)

    But this song should only belong to heaven , | among mortals how seldom can it be heard !

  10. 另外,购买两样商品可以获赠克莱奥咖啡免费饮品卡一张!

    What is more , if you buy two , you can get a card for a free drink at Cleo 's Caf é !

  11. 如今,为了保持传统节礼日的传统精神,企业、机构和家庭会通过礼赠穷人或帮助困难家庭来贡献时间、提供服务或捐赠款项,为食品银行献出帮助。

    Today , many businesses , organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating their time , services and money to aid Food Banks , providing gifts for the poor , or helping families in need .

  12. 会获赠一副MarshallBrodien的魔术牌

    get a free deck of Marshall Brodien 's TV Magic Cards .

  13. 该团队在美国国税局(InternalRevenueService)考察了很长一段时间,获赠了两卷一套的美国税法和五卷一套的国税局规章。

    The team paid a long visit to the Internal Revenue Service and was given a two-volume bound copy of the United States tax code and a five-volume copy of I.R.S. regulations .

  14. 后来公司宣布每位购买KindleFire平板电脑的用户都能免费获赠一个月的会员服务。

    Then , the company announced that each of its kindle fire tablets would come with a free month of membership in the box .

  15. 应用体外受精与胚胎移植(IVF-ET)技术为卵巢早衰患者及遗传病夫妇提供赠卵、赠胚胎治疗的方法;

    By IVF ET technique oocyte / embryo donation therapy for the patients who are suffering from premature ovarian failure and genetic diseases .

  16. 目的:探讨赠卵在体外受精&胚胎移植(IVF-ET)的临床疗效。

    Objective : To explore the clinical effect of oocyte donation in vitro fertilization-embryo transplant ( IVF-ET ) .

  17. 最著名的一次是在1972年,理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)对中国进行了历史性访问之后,获赠了一对大熊猫玲玲和兴兴。

    Most famously , he gave a pair to Richard Nixon , Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing , after his historic visit to China in 1972 .

  18. 约瑟最得父亲宠爱,他获赠一件耀眼的“彩衣”(coatofmanycolors,原字面意义为“长袖外衣”〔coatwithflowingsleeves〕),令兄长们十分嫉妒。

    He was favored by his father , and his brothers became bitterly jealous when he was given a resplendent " coat of many colors "( literally , coat with flowing sleeves ) .

  19. 署名PatrickMahoney,后面自赠了四五个博士头衔。

    Signed , Patrick Mahoney . Underneath his name he conferred upon himself four or five doctoral titles .

  20. C17.2祖细胞系由澳大利亚新南威尔士大学解剖教研室DavidWalsh博士惠赠。

    David Walsh from the Department of Anatomy , The University of New South Wales , Australia , provided the C17.2 cell line .

  21. 他说iPad与其它饰件都是信徒所赠,但都要用到无法再用才更换。

    He says the iPad and other gadgets are all gifts from devotees but that he tries to use such things until they are broken and unusable before replacing them .

  22. 结论:赠卵IVF-ET是一种妊娠率较高的助孕技术,适用于卵巢早衰,常规IVF-ET失败者。

    Conclusion : Ooocyte donation IVF-ET is an effective treatment option for the infertile couples with ovarian failure or repeated unsuccessful trial of assisted reproductive technology .

  23. 弗吉尼亚州哈里斯堡的一个酒吧给一个特定阵营的精灵宝可梦Go玩家打九折,旧金山日本城的一家茶馆推出了面向精灵宝可梦Go玩家的“买一赠一”活动。

    A bar in Harrisburg , Virginia , was offering a 10 percent discount to " Pok é mon Go " players on a specific team , while a tea shop in Japantown in San Francisco offered a " buy one tea , get one free " deal to Pok é mon Go players .

  24. 目前西医治疗采用激素替代疗法(HRT)、诱导排卵、辅助赠卵技术、自体或异体卵巢移植技术、免疫抑制治疗、补充钙剂或降钙素治疗等方法。

    TCM treatment is currently used hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ), ovulation induction , assisted technology donated eggs , autologous or allogeneic ovarian transplantation techniques , immunosuppressive therapy , added calcium or calcitonin treatment methods .

  25. 此外,如果他们收购了康卡斯特(Comcast,市值1060亿美元),就能得到买一赠一的优惠。其一是内容生产,其二是管道。如今康卡斯特已经完全收购了美国国家广播环球公司(NBCUniversal)。

    Plus if they bought Comcast ( $ 106B mkt cap ) it 's essentially a twofer of \# 1 ( content production ) and \# 2 ( pipes ) now that Comcast ( CMCSA ) has fully acquired NBC Universal .

  26. 和其他或许难以获得长期、低息以及充裕融资的公司一样,bahamar成为了中资银行贷款的又一位获赠者。

    BAHA Mar , like other companies which may have had trouble sourcing long-term , cheap and plentiful finance , has become one more recipient of capital from Chinese banks .

  27. 毫无疑问,他正在打造的是英国最有前途、且增长最快的初创企业之一,其品牌知名度也非常高:韩国冬奥会英国代表团的59名运动员全部获赠RevolutVisa预付卡。

    There is no doubt that he is building one of the UK 's most promising and fast-growing young businesses , with brand recognition to match : all 59 Team GB athletes at the Winter Olympics in South Korea have been given pre-paid Revolut Visa cards .

  28. “获赠的药品大多来自阿拉伯国家,”MounirAl-Boursh医生告诉IPS,他是卫生部药物局的主管。

    " Much of the donated medicines came from Arab states ," Dr Mounir Al-Boursh , director of the pharmaceutical department at the health ministry tells IPS .

  29. 细胞培养人胃癌细胞株BGC823由南京中医药大学伤寒教研室惠赠;

    Methods : ( 1 ) Cell and cell culture Human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC823 was gifted from the Department of Typhoid of Nanjing University of Traditional ChineseMedicine .

  30. 如果CQARA解散或结束,本会之剩馀物资将会送赠到其他香港之非弁利或慈善机构而当该机构之目标与本会相同。

    If CQARA is dissolved or wound up , any remaining assets will be distributed to non-profit or charitable organizations in Hong Kong , with preference given to organizations with goals similar to CQARA .