
zèng yú
  • gift;grant;give;favour;give property to others gratuitously
赠与 [zèng yǔ]
  • [give property to others gratuitously] 赠送;法律上指把自己的财产无条件地转移给他人;作为经济上的援助所给与的货币或财产。也作赠予

赠与[zèng yú]
  1. 77岁的张志福女士收到了博物馆赠与的门票。

    Zhang Zhifu , a 77-year-old woman , received a ticket from the museum as a gift .

  2. 病人与贫民将成为你对社区基金赠与的受益者。n.恶意

    The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund . malice

  3. 赠与人的行为能力是\“赠与\”的一个重要前提

    Capacity of donor is one of the essential requisites of \\ " gift \\ " .

  4. 在与中国公司的会议或者对中国公司的访问中您可能会被赠与诸如USB装置或摄像头这样的礼品。

    During conferences or visits to Chinese companies you may be given gifts such as USB devices or cameras .

  5. 科林斯说,拥有大房产的父母也可以将住房交给或出售给一家不完全产权赠与信托(defectivegrantortrust)。

    Parents with large estates also can give or sell their home to a ' defective grantor trust , ' says Mr. Collins .

  6. 它反映出这样的事实:当MG罗孚在2000年面临倒闭威胁后,得益于政府支持的罗孚特别小组(RoverTaskforce)所提供的慷慨赠与,许多供应商已进行了多元化调整。

    This reflected the fact that many suppliers diversified after the company was threatened with closure in 2000 , assisted by generous grant support from the government-backed Rover Taskforce .

  7. Facebook联合创始人达斯廷•莫斯科维茨(DustinMoskovitz)是赠与誓言(GivingPledge)的成员。通过该组织,全世界最富有的个人和家族将自己的大部分财富捐献给了慈善事业。

    Dustin Moskovitz , a Facebook co-founder , is part of the Giving Pledge , through which the world 's wealthiest individuals and families have dedicated a majority of their wealth to philanthropy .

  8. 但欧亚基金会和世界自然基金会都表示,即便是那些未被列入名单的NGO也不会因这项改革蒙受最严重打击,因为和赠与不同,慈善捐款可以免税。

    But both the Eurasia Foundation and WWF said even NGOs left off the list could escape the worst impact of the change since charitable donations , as opposed to grants , were exempt from tax .

  9. Peelo先生说,埃亨先生知道一般赠与税的情况,来自国外的赠品通常不用纳税。

    Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern was aware of the general gift tax position that gifts from outside the State were not normally taxable .

  10. 新经济形势下的遗产税和赠与税

    The Tax for Inheritance and Gift in the New Economical Situation

  11. 本委员会也有自由决定赠与额外专款的权力。

    The Commission also has discretionary power to award extra funds .

  12. 摘要理论上对赠与人撤销权制度的认识存在着极大的分歧。

    There are disputations about donator 's right of revocation theoretically .

  13. 感谢你对生命的赠与,我是。

    Thank you for the gift of life that I am .

  14. 最好的祝福赠与唐鹤德先生和他的挚爱张国荣先生。

    Best Regards To Daffy Tong and his Beloved Leslie Cheung .

  15. 论赠与合同的任意撤销权

    Study on the Right of Withdrawing the Dotation Contract at Will

  16. 最后,对赠与合同形式进行了探讨。

    Finally , the author discusses the form of gift contract .

  17. 我愿意赠与那些不幸的人任何东西。

    I will give everything to one who is less fortunate .

  18. 根据赠与税规定,只有完全赠与才应纳税。

    Only a complete gift is taxable under the gift tax .

  19. 关于赠与合同任意撤销权的探讨

    Talk about the cancel right wantonly of the grant contract

  20. 赠与合同中赠与人的缔约过失责任

    On Culpa in Contraction Liability of the Donor in the Bestowal Contract

  21. 附义务赠与在履行体系中也有特殊规则。

    Donation subject to collateral also has some special rules during fulfillment .

  22. 并且(或者)被赠与鲜花和其他礼物以示敬意。

    And / or to give flowers or other gifts of appreciation .

  23. 弥补继承与赠与有价证券税收方面的空白;

    Make up for inheritance and donative securities tax blank ;

  24. 对于婚前赠与财产的属性到底如何界定是处理此类案例的关键。

    How to define pre-marital gift of property is crucial .

  25. 畜禽遗传资源买卖合同或者赠与协议;

    Contract of sales or gift agreement of livestock or poultry resource ;

  26. 赠与配偶的礼物是免税的,这是一个天衣无缝的法律漏洞。

    The tax-free gift to the spouse is a perfectly legal loophole .

  27. 我国人民不需要富国的慷慨的赠与。

    Our people are in no need of richer nations ' largess .

  28. 小女孩被赠与一个神奇锅。

    A little girl is given a magic pot .

  29. 但最重要的是,它荣耀了赠与者的名字与仁慈。

    But the most important , it glories Giver 's name and benevolent .

  30. 但是我不介意一些赠与。

    But I wouldn 't mind a little treat .