
  • 网络Special power relations;besonderes Gewaltverhaltnis
  1. 我国特别权力关系基本理论问题探讨

    Basic Theoretical Problem Study on the Special Power Relation in China

  2. 我国引进特别权力关系理论之反思

    Reflection on Bringing The Theory of Relationship of Special Power to China

  3. 高校法治并不完全排斥特别权力关系理论,而需要吸收其合理内核,并做出一定的改良。

    College legality does not exclude the theory of special power relation .

  4. 论特别权力关系法治的基本原则

    The Fundamental Principles of Rule of Law in The Extra Power Relation

  5. 特别权力关系是社会生活中客观存在的一个领域,它与一般法律相比有自己的特殊性,突出表现在它与司法审查的关系上。

    The special power relation is a impersonality phenomenon that exists in our community .

  6. 其中,特别权力关系主体包括特别权力主体和特别权力相对人;

    The subject includes subject of special power and relative person of special power ;

  7. 高校法治与特别权力关系

    The Relationship between College Legality and Special Powers

  8. 特别权力关系与司法审查

    The Special Power Relation and Judicial Review

  9. 法治是控制特别权力关系的最有力的武器。

    Rule of law is the most powerful weapon to control the Extra Power Relation .

  10. 特别权力关系是受公法调整的特别法律关系之一种。

    Special power relationship is one kind of special legal relationships adjusted by the public law .

  11. 试析特别权力关系

    On Relation of Special Power

  12. 特别权力关系需要控制,但不能完全消除。

    The Extra Power Relation needs to be controlled , but it can not be eliminated completely .

  13. 起源于19世纪德国的特别权力关系理论在我国的行政法学界还非常陌生。

    In the 19th century , the concept of " Special Power Relationship " first appeared in Germany .

  14. 特别权力关系理论,产生于19世纪的德国。

    The theory of the special power relation can be traced back to the 19th century in Germany .

  15. 浅析特别权力关系的构成

    Special Power Relation Constituting

  16. 公务员服从义务的理论基础可以从官僚制和特别权力关系理论加以解释。

    The theoretical basis can be found on the theory of bureaucratic system and the theory of special power relationship .

  17. 特别权力关系是指具有某种职务的人(如公务员)与国家统治权之间的法律关系。

    Special power relation refers to the legal relationship between people in certain posts ( e.g. civil servants ) and state sovereignty .

  18. 究其原因乃是特别权力关系理论与官制传统的复合作用。

    The reason to this is the combined action of " the special authority relations " theory and the traditional government system .

  19. 由于学校教育的特殊性质,学校与学生间特别权力关系依然有其合理性和正当性。

    Because of the particularity of school education , the special power relation between schools and their students is still rational and proper .

  20. 有关高校与学生的法律关系的理论有两种,即特别权力关系论和民事、行政二重关系论。

    There have two theories about the legal relation between universities and students , they are special power relation and civil plus administrative relation .

  21. 特别权力关系由特别权力关系主体、客体、内容等要素构成。

    The relation of special power is composed of subject , object and content in the relation of special power of the legal relation .

  22. 特别权力关系理论源起德国,后传入日本,再由日本传入我国台湾地区。

    The theory of special power relation originated in Germany , introduced into Japan , and introduced into the Taiwan region of china from Japan .

  23. 笔者认为特别权力关系理论是建立在内外部行政行为或内外部行政法律关系的划分的基础上的。

    The author thinks the theory of special jurisdiction relationship is based on the differentiation of the internal and external administrative actions or administrative legal relations .

  24. 随着社会进步以及法治建设的推进,传统特别权力关系理论与法治国原则的冲突日益明显。

    With the social progress and the law construction , the traditional theory of special power relation come into conflict with rule of law more obviously .

  25. 而作为未来社会公民的大学生是属于特别权力关系下的相对义务人,不被允许提起行政救济。

    As the future citizen , the university students belong to relative obligations under the special power relations who are not allowed to bring an administrative relief .

  26. 特别权力关系理论的存在,使得我们有些暂时无法用法律调节的内部行政关系得到了理论的支撑。

    We can explain the internal administrative relation , which can not be adjusted by law temporarily , because of " the theory of special power relation " .

  27. 国外的特别权力关系理论的生成有其历史原因,随着社会的变迁,该理论在国外已得到发展和修正。

    The theory of special power relationship created in a specific phase in foreign countries and with the social development , the theory has been developed and modified .

  28. 有关学校与学生的法律关系主要有两种理论学说:特别权力关系说和教育契约关系说。

    There are two major theories concerning the legal relations between schools and students . One is that of relation of special power , the other of contracts .

  29. 因作为校生共同体的利益和秩序的代言人成为集体法人,与大学生之间缔结成特别权力关系。

    As the spokesman of the common benefits and order of school and students , higher institution becomes collective legal person , and makes a special power relationship .

  30. 对特别权力关系的司法审查体现特殊性。

    Among the factors , amino acids , especially Glu , catalyzed by protease from No. It should leave very to reflect to examine special power relationship by justice .