
jù tǐ quán lì
  • specific right
  1. 界定商品房消费者内涵、分析商品房消费者具体权利,为下文的研究奠定了基础。

    Define commodity house consumers connotation , analysis of commodity house consumers specific right , for below study lays a foundation .

  2. 人格权作为人之所为人的最基础性权利,既是由宪法保障的基本权利,也是民事法律关系中的一项具体权利。

    As the most basic right on what makes humans human , personality rights are both the basic right protected by the constitution and a specific right in civil jural relationship .

  3. 各WTO成员对服务贸易有直接影响的具体权利和义务都是通过具体承诺产生的。

    The specific rights and obligations which effect service trade directly are all regulated by specific commitments .

  4. 至于抽象的平等权利的特征,德沃金认为它是任何具体权利的基础。

    Abstract equality right is the foundation of any specific rights .

  5. 在股东的各种具体权利中,各权利的位阶关系是不同的,股东的各具体权利形成了一定的体系。

    The specific rights of shareholders have different rank relations to form a certain system .

  6. 作为法律具体权利的社会保障权无疑也具有可诉性。

    As a concrete right of law , right to social security can also be sued .

  7. 这其中包括个人所拥有的各种具体权利,特别是指洛克所说的生命权、自由权和财产权。

    Those rights include kinds of specific individual rights , especially the right to life , liberty and property .

  8. 随着宪政国家的建立,平等由最初的观念、原则发展成为具体权利。

    Equality evolves from the original notion and principle into an idiographic right along with the establishment of constitutional nations .

  9. 我国农村土地制度主要包括以家庭承包经营责任制为主要内容的农村土地的经营体制以及以土地之上的具体权利制度为主要内容的土地产权体制两个方面。

    Estate system on countryside land in China includes mainly domestic contract liability system and the concrete estate right system .

  10. 股东的出资状况在一程度上会影响股东具体权利的行使,但股东的有些权利不会受出资状况的影响。

    Shareholders status in an extent affects shareholders specific rights ,, but some rights will not be affected by that .

  11. 本文还分析了生存权是一项具体权利,以及它与生命权的异同。

    Then the paper analyzes the right to subsistence is a concrete right and the similarities and differences between theses two rights .

  12. 辩护权程序保障的目的是为了实现辩护权,因此本文第一章探讨的便是辩护权所涵盖的具体权利。

    Therefore , the first chapter of the thesis is to discuss the specific rights which belong to the right to defense .

  13. 文章在梳理各种学说的基础上,基本同意主观说中具体权利说,并采用发展和动态的方式来理解。

    By analyzing , this article agrees with the theory of material right in the subjective on ultimately but with a development vision .

  14. 这部分在明确胎儿具体权利的基础上,详细阐述了各项权利在不同情形之下应当如何加以保护。

    After defining the specific rights of fetuses , this part elaborates on how to protect different kinds of right under different situations .

  15. 本文在界定商品房消费者内涵、分析商品房消费者具体权利以及剖析商品房消费者权利保护现状的基础上,在商品房消费者权利保护问题上进行了系统的论述。

    Based on the definition of commodity house consumers connotation , analysis consumer rights and commodity house consumers rights present situation of protection .

  16. 公正审判权所包含的具体权利可以被划分为三个部分:基础性规定、最低限度的程序保障和其他规定。

    The concrete rights contained in fair trial rights can be divided into three parts : basic rules , minimum guarantees and other rules .

  17. 变通立法一般适用于自治地方的少数民族,但在一些特殊情况下却难以保障和平衡各民族的具体权利。

    Usually flexible legislation adapts to minorities in autonomous areas , but in some particular situations it cannot ensure or balance specific rights of each nationality .

  18. 首先以劳动者的权益保护为视角,阐述了冲突的起源、基础、焦点、具体权利表现及利益平衡的模式选择。

    It expatiates the origin , basic , focus , right representation of conflict and mode selection of interest balance , from the protection of labor rights .

  19. 商标权的限制为控制性规则,以商标制度及具体权利的存在为前提,其目的是调整已经存在的商标权与其他正当利益之间的关系。

    They are regulative rules , taking the trademark system and the specific rights as premises . Its purpose is to regulate the relations between trademark rights and other legitimate interests .

  20. 体系合理的犯罪构成应该既具有封闭性又具有开放性,既能限制司法权又能限制立法权,既能保护抽象权利又能保护具体权利,否则就是有缺陷的。

    Reasonable criminal constitution should has the closeness and the openness , can restrict judicial power and lawmaking power , can protect abstract rights and specific rights , otherwise it has defect .

  21. 进而对马克思有关经济现象的法律逻辑的思想进行专题研究,从横断面上分析马克思如何论述财产关系的属性以及对财产关系具体权利结构解读,阐明财产关系是一种法权关系;

    From a cross-sectional standpoint , the author strives to analyze the nature of Marxian thought on property relations and the specific structure of power in property relations as Marx understands it .

  22. 第五章从制度层面对具体权利冲突进行了实证研究,通过三个角度来阐述权利冲突的实践问题和制度协调建议。

    Chapter 5 carries on the positive research into the concrete conflict of rights from the institutional aspect and expounds practical issues regarding the conflict of rights and institutional coordination from three perspectives .

  23. 参加体育运动是人们健康体质、修养身心的最佳方式,同时,也是宪法和法律赋予人们的一项具体权利。

    Participating in the sports activity is the best way to keep people healthy both physically and mentally . Meanwhile , it is a concrete right that constitution and law entrust to people too .

  24. 法律理论界学者对高校管理权或学生隐私权的理论进行研究,但多偏重于某一具体权利与隐私保护之间冲突的研究。

    Nowadays , the researches by the legal theorists on the right of management and students ' privacy in colleges and universities are more concerned about the conflicts between specific rights and privacy protections .

  25. 法律规范所调整的社会关系和所构建的法律秩序,离不开具体权利义务规范的创设,更需要构建健全的责任制度以保障法律的实施。

    The adjustment of social relations and the construction of law order are inseparable from the establishment of specific norms of rights and obligations , but also depend on the building of a sound liability system to protect law enforcement .

  26. 从遭受精神损害的具体权利类型看,精神损害赔偿通常产生于人身权受侵害的情况,但财产权和知识产权受侵害在特定的情况下也可产生精神损害赔偿责任。

    With regard to types of psychological interests impaired , psychological damages is usually claimed where personality right is impaired , but in some cases that property right or intellectual property right is impaired , psychological damages can also be sustained .

  27. 我国目前尚无专门法律对新闻工作者的具体权利义务进行规定,新闻媒体对足协主办赛事活动的采访权的行使常常受到足协不应有的阻碍。

    As there aren 't special laws stipulate the specific rights and obligations of journalist in our country , the exercise of the right of gathering news from football games and activities is often imposed unsuitable restrictions by the football association .

  28. 再次,现行法对遗赠扶养切议的权利义务内容的规定过于笼统,生养死葬的高度概括不利于具体权利义务的落实。

    Third , obligations and rights of the legacy-support agreement are described so generally on law in force . " To support the alive and to bury the death " is highly abstract and goes against the realization of rights and obligations .

  29. 第五章是从股东具体权利如表决权、股利分配请求权的行使基础进一步论证一般股东权利行使的基础在于股东资格的取得,而不是对公司的出资。

    Chapter Five discusses the basis for shareholders to exercise their specific rights such as voting right and right of dividends and concludes in the following that the foundation of shareholders ' rights is the acquisition of shareholders ' qualification but not the capital contribution to the company .

  30. 美国律师制度完善,律师在侦查阶段享有广泛而具体的权利。

    The system of American attorney is perfect , they have widely rights in the detection .