
jù bèi
  • have;be provided with;possess;fulfilled;fulfil;all ready;all complete
具备 [jù bèi]
  • (1) [have]∶具有,拥有,有

  • 具备条件

  • (2) [all complete; all ready]∶一切完备;齐备

  • 条件尚不具备

具备[jù bèi]
  1. 写作需要有批判性思维,而这正是他所不具备的。

    Writing calls for a critical attitude of mind that he did not possess .

  2. 大多数mba学生都具备在顶级公司工作的资质。

    Most MBA students possess the qualifications to work at top firms .

  3. 这门课程似乎是以具备某些基础知识为前提的。

    The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject .

  4. 她具备了那种使演员成为明星的说不出的特质。

    She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star .

  5. 将来我们具备了条件时就会决定成立这个队。

    We 'll decide on the team as and when we qualify .

  6. 所有的学生毕业时都应具备计算和读写的能力。

    All students should be numerate and literate when they leave school .

  7. 她似乎具备夺冠的条件。

    She seems set fair to win the championship .

  8. 这种型号同时具备电话机和传真机的功能。

    This model combines a telephone and fax machine .

  9. 医生不一定都具备良好的交际能力。

    Doctors do not always have good communication skills .

  10. 这是同类型汽车中首部具备这种设计特点的。

    It is the first car of its type to have this design feature .

  11. 他未能达到所要求的标准,因而不具备参赛资格。

    He failed to reach the required standard , and did not qualify for the race .

  12. 一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。

    Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others .

  13. 四分之一以上的成年人不具备完全的读写能力。

    Over one-quarter of the adult population are not fully literate .

  14. 费里斯具备把自己的观察结果记录下来的超强能力。

    Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper

  15. 他缺乏一个正常两岁儿童应具备的弹跳力与活力。

    His body lacks the bounce and vigour of a normal two-year-old

  16. 大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。

    Most vacancies are at senior level , requiring appropriate qualifications .

  17. 他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。

    He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor

  18. 银行也许会认为你具备贷款的条件。

    The bank might think you 're worthy of a loan

  19. 他具备了所需的敏锐的洞察力和坚定的行事态度。

    He has the keen eye and robust approach needed .

  20. 他具有我要找的伴侣应该具备的所有品质。

    He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner

  21. 法庭宣布他不具备管理自己财务的能力。

    The court declared him incompetent to manage his financial affairs

  22. 助理护士只提供基本护理,不具备护士资格。

    Nursing auxiliaries provide basic care , but are not qualified nurses .

  23. 这次会议具备了作为高度戏剧性的政治事件的一切要素。

    The meeting had all the ingredients of high political drama

  24. 两组都具有通常脊椎动物才具备的两个特征。

    Both groups share two attributes normally associated with vertebrates .

  25. 批评她的人说事实证明她并不具备完成这项工作的能力。

    Her critics say she has proved unequal to the task

  26. 她具备担当领导职责的聪明才智。

    She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership .

  27. 没有几个大臣具备理解这些后果所需要的理性或直觉。

    Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications

  28. 企业只有具备了稳固的经济基础才能立足和发展。

    A business can only be built and expanded on a sound financial base

  29. 我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。

    We look for applicants who are numerate , computer-literate and energetic self-starters .

  30. 非会员不具备通常会员才有的免税资格。

    Non-members do not qualify for the tax waiver normally applied to members .